Gossamer | Story: "Generations 33: Amnesia (2/2)" by MacspookyThe Gossamer Project Author - Title - Date - Spoilers - Crossovers - X-Files - Adventures - Stories - Vignettes Other stories by Macspooky From: macspooky@erols.com "Amnesia" Chapter 9 by Macspooky Dewayne Bothrington sat in the living room of the apartment where he had grown up. It consisted of four railroad rooms in a beat up old six family house in Harlem. As a child, the roof had leaked nearly as much as the plumbing and the paint had been peeling off the walls. When they were lucky they had gotten heat. His father had died when he was but two. He had been an outside child and his parents hadn't married, but his mother had always assured him that his father had been a good man and had cared for him. His real wife couldn't have any children, and she had been very sick. Both knew he bore his father's last name despite the lack of a wedding ceremony. As a decent man, he had not been able to abandon his sic wife, and yet he had loved his outside family very much. After his death, his mother had eventually married a man who had given her three daughters in quick succession and plenty of black and blue marks. She had accepted her beatings stoically until the day his stepfather had laid a hand on her only son. Ronetta had thrown him out of the house , but being a poor black woman who could barely read and write, she had been reduced to welfare until the children were all in school and then, determined to be independent, she had gone to work as a maid cleaning hotel rooms. There had never been another man in her life. She had, she once told Both, learned her lesson well. A woman didn't get two in her life as good as his daddy had been. She forgot the companionship that a relationship should bring and focused her dreams on her children. The apartment looked better now. Since he had gone to work for the Bureau he had made certain that it was kept painted and the plumbing stayed fixed. He had even paid to have the toilet moved from the hall into the kitchen although he hadn't been able to do much to enclose the bathtub. He didn't want his sisters to have to go outside at night when they had to use the facilities. When they wanted to bath everyone still had to stay out of the kitchen though and a shower was out of the question. It wasn't always easy financially, but he had learned to live frugally and Mulder had helped him find a reasonable apartment, not an easy thing in Washington DC. "I really am feeling much better Dew...." she said to her only son. Dew was a silly pet name. When he had been a little boy she had lifted him in the air and told him he was as sweet as morning dew on grass. He hadn't entirely understood back then. At that time, he had not seen much grass and never dew, but he had liked the name anyway because it had been mama's special name for him. "It was just a bad cold." "I'm glad to hear that, mama," he said with a smile. "Still, there is something I have to do in New York and I told my boss that you were sick." "Well I was so it isn't a lie exactly. You know I don't hold with no lyin..." Both reached into his pocket for his checkbook. Before he forgot, he wanted to write the check for his sister's tuition. "Won't need that no more, Dew," she smiled. "Mama...you didn't put the girls in public school did you?" He demanded. The New York City Public Schools were war zones. The street was a war zone too but he liked knowing that his sisters were safe at least during school hours. The influence in the Catholic High School they attended was much better. The parents who sent their kids there were not the sort as a rule who let their kids run the streets. The tuition was high but there was a break for his two younger sisters. "Course not, Dew...." she said. "Your sisters will go to college like you. A lawyer man came to the school and set up scholarships and your sister's won them...all three of my girls." She smiled widely. "Can you imagine...all my babies smart and winning scholarships? It pay for everything....even the uniforms and Sister Elizabeth tell me that there be enough to see the girls go to college too...After all those years of struggle....." Both had never heard of a scholarship like that before. It sounded almost too good to be true. When something sounded that way, it usually was, especially here, especially in the ghetto across the street from the projects. He vowed to check it out but he kept that to himself. No need to alarm mama just yet. "Then with that prize I won....." "What prize, mama?" "A prize....I got a letter....a contest. Don't remember enterin no contest...no time with work and all....but....it said I won a magazine contest and now I even have a savings account for when times get rough...not a lot...but somethin for when I can't work no more. I did read a magazine......" Scholarships....a contest....yes...he would definitely check it out. "I have to ask you something Mama," he said. His mother may not have had much education. Perhaps she could barely read the New York Daily News, but she had always been wise in a peasant's way and had always had dreams for her children and she absorbed everything they told her from school. Slowly and carefully he told her about his supervisor at work and the conversation he had had on the street. He hesitated a bit, but his mother knew how to be circumspect and keep her mouth shut which was part of the reason she heard things. "That be Killer Dog," she said thoughtfully. "Saw you talking. Didn't like it much. That Killer Dog...always were a bad boy. He dead the next day. Shot...." She considered her son's story carefully. "They be experimentin on brother's again Dew," she said softly. "I knows it. I hears things on the street too and Tamika tell me one of the boys in her class...he foolish and steal a car. He get bad influenced. He have an accident and after...he can't remember. Nothin be wrong...but he can't remember..." She studied her son. She would worry about him now. He was the FBI and he would investigate this, but she didn't trust the FBI much...not here...not in Harlem....maybe not anywhere just one part of the FBI...just her son. "So what do you think I should do about my boss, mama?" he asked after admonishing her not to mention to his sister Tamika or Anandi or Star either that he had been asking. "Why you want to help this white man Dew?" "Because this white man is different, mama....this white man and his wife....they went after the Teliko in Philadelphia when no one else cared." Ronetta nodded thoughtfully. "You help this white man maybe you help your own kind too. You say you have his blood?" "Yes, mama...." "You takes it to Sister Nia....you takes it now...." Both walked into the small dark shop that sold statues of saints and candles and herbs. The elderly Sister Nia stood behind the counter. She had a smile for him. It was a secret smile. Ronetta had been born in Jamaica although she had come to the US at a young age. She had been raised Catholic...had always been Catholic in spite of her relationship with Both's dad and had raised her children the same, but she had a secret with her son, a secret that he had discovered accidentally, and that was that his mama, in order to cover all her bases, had always made her offerings to Shango too....just in case. Sister Nia was definitely not a nun, a good woman, but it was not to the Church of Rome that she belonged despite the lovely statues of saints and votives that she sold in her shop. He gave her the blood. "I need to know what is in this blood, Sister," he said. "Mama told me to come to you." She held the vial in her hands and closed her eyes. "This is the white man's blood," she said. He didn't question how she knew. This strange old woman had always known things. "This is the blood of the man who defeated Teliko. He is very sick. He cannot remember." She nodded thoughtfully. "He was in a car accident." "Yes....." "Too many...too many. Shango is very angry. You leave it with me. I will find out." "I told my mother and I will tell you. It could be dangerous. Say nothing to anyone." "Shango will watch out for me." Both left the small shop with a bad full of candles some herb tea for his mama and some chocolate for his sisters feeling as though he had set something in motion although he wasn't certain what. He thought the stuff about Shango was a lot of nonsense himself although he respected Sister as a herbalist. Actually, he thought being a Catholic was too, but kids needed to believe in something and they ran a good school system so he kept his mouth shut. He walked along the street looking at the depressing buildings that were the projects. He had been considered lucky. he hadn't lived in them. Even though there had never been enough to eat when he was a child, he had been spared the projects. He wondered what Fox Mulder and Walter Skinner would think if they knew that one of their prize agents had often stolen food from the vegetable stands...had roasted potatoes they had lifted in fires started in trash cans. He wasn't proud of it, but he had done what he needed to do to survive. As long as mama never found out......he chuckled. Bothrington got the name of the foundation that had provided the scholarships for his sisters. The principal of St. Theresa's School assured him that she had checked it out thoroughly and that it was legitimate. She had been reluctant to reveal more since it was supposed to be anonymous, but Dewayne Bothrington was an FBI Agent. Maybe something was wrong after all. They had been paid through a Foundation that was headed by a woman named Sophia Muldovsky and awarded by a small but registered publishing company. Six children had gotten the scholarships...three girls and three boys, but it had been requested that the scholarships be granted to his sisters and she had been glad to do it. "I didn't do wrong did I Mr. Bothrington?" she asked. "Your mother is such a good woman and the girls are so smart...." "No," he smiled quietly. "You didn't do wrong. Feel free to accept any additional scholarships that might come your way through this foundation." Mulder, he decided, worked in strange ways. He'd done some checking on Mulder's background on the QT. The man was amazing. He never advertised his wealth, but he certainly did have money. He would remain silent of course. If Mulder wanted anonymity that was okay with him. If the students did well, perhaps more aid would be given. The neighborhood needed all the help it could get. Any children that were saved were a blessing. That Sophia...she was something else again. He left the school. It had taken him longer to get out than he wanted but Sister Elizabeth had insisted that he come and talk to some of the classes and what could he say. It was almost time to go home. Time to change and prowl the projects asking questions....quietly...discreetly.....but there was something else he had to do first. Bothrington knew he wasn't going home in two days. He knew he wasn't going home until he solved this. He wouldn't call. That was too dangerous. He hopped on a bus and went downtown to a bar...an upscale bar where you could send e-mail. He wouldn't send a message to Scully or Skinner. He began to type. "Walter," said Margaret looking up from her computer, "I've got the oddest e-mail message on my screen." Walter Skinner looked at his wife. She wore an expression of consternation. Little alarm bells went off in his head. Although he had learned to keep his feelings to himself, he had never felt comfortable about his wife netsurfing. He got up and went over to look. Hello from Aunt B in the Big Apple I've shopped till I'm ready to drop and found some wonderful and interesting bargains. ROFL....yeah....I found more than I bargained for. Having such a good time I've decided to stay a little longer. Cyberhugs Aunt B Margaret was very surprised to hear her husband laugh out loud. She had expected him to be alarmed or annoyed. She knew he didn't approve of the time she spent on aol chit chatting with other late life mom's over the modem and reading UFO Chaser fanfic which she found hysterical. Sometimes Walter was terribly alarmist. "I'm glad Aunt B is having a good time," he said giving her a kiss on the cheek. "If you get any more messages from her, you make sure that you show them to me. Now you go ahead and delete that." Walter took himself into the kitchen and chuckled. "God bless Agent Bothrington," he thought. It would seem that the man was as resourceful as that nutcase son-in-law of his had been before his amnesia. Also, he seemed to have found something, something that might help Mulder regain his memory. End Chapter 9 "Amnesia" Chapter 10 by Macspooky Fox watched Dana come out of the bathroom and sighed internally. She looked so beautiful in the soft yellow nightgown she wore with her hair hanging below her shoulders. It had gotten longer again and during the day she wore it up. He wished his head would stop hurting, wished that she really felt like his wife, wished he could remember, but he couldn't. He hoped that she wouldn't try to kiss him or anything. As much as he would have liked...had fantasized about making love to her in the past, he knew he couldn't do it. It just wouldn't work. He knew his body wouldn't allow it, or that his mind wouldn't. Even though he had seen the videos and the photos and the babies......nothing rang true in his head anymore, nothing...nothing except the fact that his sister was still missing and he wanted to look for her and Skinner wouldn't let him return to work...nothing except that his head hurt almost all the time now and he was reaching the point where he couldn't bear the pain anymore. Dana had been talking with the doctor about cutting back his medication thinking that perhaps he was having rebound headaches from it, but as much as he hated taking it, he didn't think he would be able to get out of bed without it. She got into bed next to him, and as he feared, she moved close to him. He had rejected her enough times that he hoped she would take the hint and leave him alone, but she never seemed to give up. He thought that maybe he wasn't being fair. He supposed he should have been grateful that she was still interested after the way he had treated her when she had tried to shave him, but it just didn't feel right and she didn't seem to want to understand. For a few days she had kept her distance, but now she was sending him distinct signals, signals he told himself he couldn't act on. Dana switched off the light and reached over giving his lips a gentle kiss. He turned his face away and she sighed audibly. She wanted him so badly. Although it was not all that she wanted, Dana would have settled for an arm wrapped around her, or some little sign of affection, but not even that was forthcoming. He eased his arm behind his head to escape her touch and she saw her chance. Fox realized immediately he had made a mistake in moving his arm as he had. All his adult life there had been an area just below his arm pit that had just about driven him mad when a woman kissed him there. He never told women about it, but when they discovered it by accident.....jeez.....it could bring him to ecstasy almost by itself and Dana knew. She knew and she was kissing him there her lips teasing him seductively. It would be easy, so easy just to role over and get on top of her..... His body was responding to her kisses. So much for the theory that he couldn't. He could, he realized, but he wouldn't. With one quick motion he pushed her away from him. Not even he fully understood this need he had to "respect" her, or why he couldn't just do with her what he would have with any other woman who made advances like that. Dana didn't want to be respected. Hell, she wanted to get laid, badly, but he just couldn't bring himself to do it. Dana caught herself before she slipped off the bed entirely. He felt badly. He hadn't meant to shove her that hard, but somehow it didn't seem right to him to use her body that way. It was what you did with women you picked up in bars......He felt suddenly confused. There was nothing wrong with having sex with your wife, but she didn't feel like his wife, or his lover.....Dana Scully felt like his partner. No matter what, she still just felt like his partner, worse yet, the partner who was in cahoots with Skinner in not letting him go back to his beloved X-Files, a fact that was starting to bother him more and more. He felt his anger at Skinner growing. "Damn it, Scully.....no.....Leave me alone." "Why not, Fox?" she asked. "I'm your wife." "Well, you don't feel like my wife and I don't want to be married.....I don't want it, Scully. I just don't......" He knew he was being cruel. A pain shot through his head. "Sure, fine, whatever," she snapped turning her back to him. She had tried to be endlessly patient with him even after the shaving incident just as Roberta had advised, but her body was screaming for release, and her soul craved his love. The day before, a concerned Walter Skinner had told her that it was time to give him a good kick in the ass. This advice was starting to sound better and better. God only knew when he had gotten into his snits in the past, kindness had never really paid. She was silent for a few moments before speaking again, knowing damned well he was wide awake. "It hurts, you know, Fox.....I mean it hurts to know that if I were a strange woman lying in your bed you'd make love to me...but because I'm me you won't." She couldn't keep the anger and pain from her voice although she did try. A part of her felt selfish for wanting sex so badly. He was sick, but she was only human. She admonished herself once again to be patient. "If you were a stranger in my bed I wouldn't make love to you. I'd f**k your brains out....okay...." he snapped. "At this point I'd settle for what I could get," she replied coldly. "Well, Scully, I don't do redheads," he informed her bluntly. "They don't appeal to me. Got it?" He turned his back to her thinking that that ought to make her leave him alone. He knew it was cruel and felt a terrible knot of pain in his stomach, a knot of pure guilt, at what he had said. It was like listening to his father talking to his mother only the words were coming out of his mouth. He lay there silently for a few minutes. "I....I didn't mean it about the redheads....okay?" he managed to say finally. "I'm sorry....." "Sure, fine," she said softly. The pain was so intense she had to work to keep tears from her voice. "I always knew you preferred to screw brunettes. I've know that since Bambi Berenbaum. No problem, Mulder," Dana moved a little bit further away from him determined not to cry, not to let his words sting. He got into these moods, she told herself. They had always come through them before. He was sorry. He was always sorry afterwards and this time he was sick. It took her a long time to fall asleep. Her heart was heavy and her body ached with unfulfilled need. Then, it seemed that no sooner had she dozed off into a fitful sleep, Patrick woke up screaming. Normally Fox would have gotten him, but things were not normal anymore and her husband pretended to be asleep and not hear the child. Fox heard the baby cry but ignored it. He wondered who the hell Bambi Berenbaum was and if he had screwed her before or after they were married...well, supposedly married. Judging by the pain in Dana's voice, it had probably been afterwards. Well, he wasn't husband material. He could have told anyone that. He was way too messed up to be married and have kids and he had always known it which was why he couldn't picture himself doing it. The next morning dawned cold and rainy with snow forecast for later on in the day. The phone rang early....twice....the first time being Aunt Sophia. She had a stomach virus and really couldn't watch the kids. For her to say that, Dana knew she was really very ill. Sophia was normally the picture of health and energy. The second call came from the office. They needed her for an autopsy ASAP....heavy duty political case. They needed the best. The call came from Angela, which meant that Skinner was up against it and probably couldn't even find the time to phone, unless of course he was avoiding Fox which wouldn't have surprised her either. She knew she couldn't call in sick. She sighed and turned to Fox. Skinner had finally confided to her after making her promise to tell no one, not even Mulder, that Both had his suspicions about what had happened to Fox and he had been traveling to and from New York to investigate. She had had to pick up the slack in the XF office and had done some profiling, and then her skills as a pathologist had suddenly been in more demand than ever. It was all becoming too much. "You'll have to watch the kids today," she sighed. She spoke the words reluctantly. She wasn't sure she trusted him with the job. Still, they were his children and it couldn't be helped. Aislinn had gone home to Ireland to visit briefly. Her father had had surgery. Her mother had her hands full watching Wills and JF while Missy ran the shop in Aislinn's absence. What could she do? She couldn't keep asking other people to watch their children, or at least she didn't think she could. "What the hell do I know about watching kids?" he asked her. "Besides I have work too...." "You have the files you wanted to look at at home, Fox and you can communicate via e-mail. I need to get to work and Aunt Sophia is just too sick." "Great," he sighed. What could he say? If his aunt was sick, she was sick. Aunt Sophia was not a complainer as a rule, so she must feel miserable. He needed to watch two little kids like a hole in the head. They were cute, if you were into cuteness, but they were so busy, and it seemed that Patrick cried all the time. There was something about the pitch of that cry that set his teeth on edge and made his head throb. Dana said he wasn't normally like that, that he was acting out because he knew something was wrong in the house, but that didn't help the headache. He couldn't help but think that if he had been like Patrick as a child it was no wonder his old man had knocked him around the way he had. Then he felt guilty for the thoughts because he knew it was wrong to dislike a little kid, especially one that was supposed to be your own. "All right, but try to be home early if you can," he finally agreed. Suddenly, he realized that she looked very very tired and had lost a great deal of weight on an already slender frame. He would try to watch the kids. He supposed it wouldn't kill him to try to help her a little. She was still his partner. Later that day Fox grabbed three aspirin and swallowed them with a gulp of water. He knew if Dana found out how much over the counter painkiller he was taking on top of the prescribed meds, she would have a fit, but the doctor had cut back on those stronger meds and he couldn't stand it, especially not today. He wished Scully would come home. Brenda had been okay more or less, taken a nice long nap, but Patrick had seemed to spend most of the day sitting in the corner crying about something or messing his diaper. Green diarrhea was a thing he could live without at best. He was definitely not at his best. Changing the boy's diaper was awful, but not changing it was worse. He had tried that too. Now the kid had a rash to boot. Dana, Miss Priss, was going to have a fit when she saw it, and his headache was going to be worse than ever. The child had refused to nap at all, and once Fox had found himself raising his hand to smack the kid in the face as pain shot through his head. Fortunately, he had caught himself in time. There was never any excuse for striking a child in the face. It was simply too easy to dislocate the jaw....He knew. He remembered....... Jeez....wouldn't there be hell to pay if Scully came home and found hand prints on her kid's face.....he shook himself. What sort of thoughts were these he was having? He had nearly hit a child and he was thinking about the hell he would have to pay? So like his father......He shook his head and poured himself a cup of hot coffee. Hearing a crash from the family room, he snatched it up and raced to the room. Patrick....naturally....Patrick had managed to pull down his books and files and they lay scattered all over the floor. Now he sat there crying. Fox set down the coffee and counted to ten very very slowly not hearing the key turn in the lock over the din. Dana came in. It was starting to snow. She was cold and damp and her head hurt from lack of sleep not to mention no lunch . There had been no time to eat. She had tried to get out early, but another victim had been brought in at the last minute. The autopsies had been horrific....three dead teenage girls, all of which had been listed in their home states as runaways, one from a prominent political family in Rhode Island. It was starting to look like a serial killer and worse yet Colton was on the case, and that meant he would be bugging her constantly and worse trying to get Fox involved to do the profile so he could get credit, even though her husband was sick. Colton was like that. He really didn't give a shit about anyone except maybe himself and Melissa. Dana heard Patrick crying the minute she walked in the door. Dana found Fox surveying a mess near the sofa as the baby sat in the corner in a drippy messy diaper and cried. Brenda was no where to be seen, and then suddenly, with the speed of light, as Mulder wasn't paying any attention, her daughter shot out of no where and grabbed the hot cup of coffee he had left sitting on the end table letting out a screech as the hot liquid went flying. Fortunately, as Dana discovered when she rushed her little girl to the kitchen to get her under tepid water, most of the coffee had landed on the files and not the baby. She had only a small burn on her leg. "What the hell is the matter with you, Fox?" she demanded angrily when she realized there was no major damage. All the anger and pain and frustration she had been experiencing suddenly bubbled to the surface and she couldn't control herself any longer. "Leaving hot coffee like that....." She knew she sounded like a shrew but she didn't care anymore. Fox looked at her. No one felt worse about it than he did. He had felt sick when he had seen the spilled liquid and heard the little girl scream. He opened his mouth to say something, but she didn't give him a chance. "She could have been seriously burned....I leave you with your kids for just one day and...." "They don't feel like my kids, okay," he exploded. "They don't feel like my goddamed kids and you don't feel like my wife, and this doesn't feel like my f**king life, and I still haven't found my sister. I can't believe I'd have kids, Dana. I can't believe I'd bring them into danger and I can't believe I would do this to myself without finding Samantha..." He pointed in sort of no direction at the kitchen...at things in general. "Goddam you, Fox Mulder, you wanted the kids as much as me, and I've always helped you look for Samantha....I've never stopped helping you look for your sister." "When...when do we do it....huh....Dana?" he inquired sarcastically. "Between picking up ToysRUs everyday, or between changing green shitty diapers, or listening to that kid cry all the time? When Dana? When do I get to look for my sister? When do you get to help me? All you seem to think about is looking after them and trying to get me to f**K you at night." Brenda screamed in Dana's arms hysterical at the fighting. Patrick stood in the doorway crying and scared and miserable nasty green stuff dripping down his leg. Dana had really had enough. All vestiges of control fled. "Ever since your accident, all I've heard is me me me me me......." she screamed at him. "Go look for your damned sister right now for all I care. Go look and don't come back. Hell, I've got to do everything by myself anyway, and if I need a man, I'm sure I'll find one willing to oblige. You don't want me and you can't even change the baby when he needs it. Who the hell needs you? Maybe you should have died in that accident. Maybe we all would have been better off." She hadn't meant to say that but she didn't care. She was too furious to care. "I've been changing him all day...." he started to reply shocked at her words and the shrewish screaming. "Well, you'd never know it to look at him now. You've been such a bastard.....didn't it ever occur to you, Fox Mulder, that even if these kids don't feel like yours, they are mine and you could try to be fond of them for just that reason alone? We were partners. We were friends. We cared about each other even back then..even where you are in time now. When I lost months out of my life, I didn't stop caring about you when I got back. Now get the hell out and leave me alone." "Fine....great. I'm going and I don't, by the way, need your permission." He walked towards the door and snatched up his jacket . "I'll stay at a hotel until I can find a damned apartment and you can have as many men over as you damned well pleased! They might even f**k you until they get to know what a bitch you are." He went out slamming the door behind him ignoring the pain shooting through his head. Dana didn't know how she did it, but she finally got both the children calmed and bathed and in pajamas. Patrick got a dinner of Rice Chex and bananas and acetaminophen as she cursed incoming teeth. She managed to get half a container of yogurt into Brenda with a little bit of fruit salad, and then it was off to bed for both of them. They had adjusted to the fact that Fox didn't read to them at bedtime anymore, and quickly fell asleep. With a sigh, Dana looked around the house and began to pick everything up. It didn't really take long. She had it down to a science. It did take awhile to put the files back in order, but some of them were irreparably stained. With a sigh, she hit the shower and scrubbed herself clean and then went downstairs. When had her life become such a nightmare? Why had her life become one? She was suddenly overwhelmed with guilt for having thrown him out after saying such terrible things to him. If he had died, she would not have wanted to live. He was a sick man...a man with a head injury, amnesia....maybe brain damaged, and she had sent him out on a snowy night after telling him she wished he was dead. Still, she was human too. She had feelings and needs and wants, and she was tired....but he needed her...needed her to be patient and loving and kind. He was at a hard place in his life and she hadn't supported him. On the other hand, the bouts of moodiness and nastiness were so hard to take. It was as though all his negative traits had been exaggerated by the head injury. They had had difficult times in the past, but not like this. The last time they had been so at odds had been because he was angry that she had put their unborn child's life in jeopardy. At least then, he had had a legitimate reason even if he hadn't handled it well. All she could do, she realized, was pray he stayed out of trouble, pray he got in touch with her. If....no....when he did, she would apologize for losing her temper. Maybe it would be better if he did move out for awhile....maybe if she gave him space.....Face it, he might be more cooperative from a distance. Well, dwelling on it wasn't going to help. She would do what she had to do when the time came. She decided she needed to keep herself busy so she sat down at the desk in the office and began to pay some bills which were close to being overdue. Everything was falling apart including her and she couldn't afford to. She was a mother and her children needed her. End Chapter 10 "Amnesia" Chapter 11 by Macspooky Mulder slammed the front door behind him, slammed it loudly. It was still snowing but not has hard. He took a few deep breaths. The cold air cleared his head a little. He thought for a moment about walking to the garage and taking out his Mustang...taking it out and skidding on the ice and smashing into a tree. He could make Scully happy and end all this misery. He didn't think about it very long though. Somewhere out there, Samantha was still waiting, and if he killed himself, who would look for her? Who would take care of her? Scully would inherit all his money....and.... No that wasn't fair. Scully would take care of his sister if she ever showed up. Scully had never been mercenary about money, but he couldn't rely on her to look for Samantha. Not any more. It just didn't mean anything to her now and would mean even less if he were gone. He started to walk. Mulder knew he was in trouble, real trouble. Something was wrong with his mind, his brain. He couldn't think straight. He didn't know what to do. His hands started to shake as pain shot through his head again. Seeing a phone booth on the corner, he knew he had to do something. He dropped a quarter into the slot and dialed Roberta's number. She would be able to tell him what do to next. He would tell her that Dana had thrown him out.....No answer...She was gone out somewhere. Well, therapists had lives too. Even though it wasn't late, she may have seen her last patient for the day and gone out to dinner somewhere. He began to walk. He didn't have any particular destination in mind. He supposed sooner or later he would have to find a hotel....go back and get his things....look for an apartment. Maybe there would be one available in his old complex. Rents there weren't too bad....Hell...he didn't need to worry about that. He found himself standing in front of a seedy bar. It was a real dive. He had never been a heavy drinker, but periodically he had come to this place with the Gunmen and tied one on. Yeah....it was a great place for losers, perfect for the Gunmen....more than perfect for him. Although he found the saloon smell emanating from beyond the door faintly nauseating, he opened it and stepped in. Maybe he would just drink himself into a stupor and forget his misery for awhile even though he really didn't like to drink. Frohike looked up and saw him before the other two men he was with. "Hey, look who it is....It's Muldy Man," he said holding up his glass. "Jeez," said Byers, "You look like shit, Mulder. Come over and have a drink." "Wife let you out for the night, Byers?" he inquired staggering to the booth and setting himself down. "More like threw him out," snorted Langley. "Well, Byers, welcome to the club," said Mulder. "Well, maybe....I mean the woman who says she is my wife threw me out but who the hell knows....I mean I'm still waiting for Scotty to beam me out of this alternate universe." "My wife didn't throw me out," said Byers. "In fact, I've got to get home....like an hour ago or no nooky tonight." He got up and put a few bills on the table. "Take care of yourself, Mulder," he said, "And don't get too drunk. Alcohol isn't good for a man with a head injury." Langley got up too. "Gotta go myself," he said looking at Mulder with concern. "Sorry I can't stay and hang around with you losers, but I have a lead on a story." "Oh, you mean that black haired hooker who claims to have been abducted by aliens?" inquired Frohicke. He pulled a box out of his pocket and tossed it to Langley. "Here buddy....they glow in the dark. Use two. That one is dangerous." "Thanks pal, " smirked Langley. "I'll keep that in mind." He waved at Mulder who suddenly found himself alone with Frohicke. Well, it wasn't his therapist, but it was better than being alone he supposed. "So what's up, Troll Man?" inquired Mulder. "I'm fine, Muldy," said his friend with genuine concern, "which is more that I suspect can be said for you at the moment." "Hey, I'm fine. I'm great, Frohicke," replied Fox. "Considering you damned near got killed in a supposed car accident and can't remember the last two years?" "Yeah," replied Fox. The waiter came around and he ordered a beer. Somehow he didn't think he could take anything any stronger. The thought of getting drunk and being hung over made his head hurt even more. "You know, it's really too bad. I mean...it really sucks...." said his friend. "I mean isn't it just well life? You can't forget the miserable times..like the time Scully was gone. Instead you get to forget the happy shit." "Everyone keeps telling me I was happy. It doesn't feel like I was happy Troll Man..." The beer came and Mulder knocked back a big slug. "Well, you were. What's not to be happy about? Hell, I always did say that Scully was hot. You got to go home and do her every night while I looked at Celebrity Skin and....Never mind. Anyway what I'm trying to say Muldy Man is that judging by the way she looked, you both really enjoyed it. I don't know what the hell your problem is now, but last time I saw her, she looked just exhausted." "She just doesn't feel like my wife, Frohicke...." he blurted out. "I can't live with her...and those kids...." "Oh, Mulder, why don't you just stop the bullshit...huh....She doesn't feel like your wife....Jeez, you were so in love with her....There was just about no dealing with you when she was missing. So what the hell if she doesn't feel like your wife or you don't remember the ceremony? You love her. She loves you. And the kids are great. Stop feeling so goddamed sorry for yourself and go and have a life already. I were you, I'd take Scully any day, amnesia or no amnesia." Mulder chugged back the rest of his beer and sat staring for a long time saying nothing. Frohicke was being obnoxious, but then that was Frohicke. Had to love the guy anyway. Or was he...being obnoxious? "You know what I think the real problem is here, Mulder?" asked his friend a little more gently seeing how deeply disturbed the man looked. "Do enlighten me, please." "I suspect that Dana has been endlessly patient with you. You've probably be treating her like shit and she hasn't said a word, when what she should have done was kick you in the ass the day you got out of the hospital just to snap you back into line. The thing is...see...she's a woman. She takes her marriage vows seriously, and she loves you. She's got kids, and she wants to keep her family together. Most of all, Mulder, she loves you more than anything, and she would rather die than lose you although she won't because of the children." "What would you know about family?" he snapped. "Enough to know that if I had one, I would want to try to keep it, Mulder, to try to work things out." Mulder gazed a Frohicke for a long time. It occurred to him that his friend truly was a very lonely man. It was kind of sad really. Troll Man wasn't much to look at, but he was a fundamentally decent human being. If he could meet the right woman, he would be a good husband, a good father. In a strange sort of way, Scully might have been better off with a man like Frohicke. Everyone thought he was a loser, but he wasn't, not really. The real loser was himself, Fox Mulder, wealthy, supposedly good looking, intelligent...a man who had it all...except the brains he had been born with. Frohicke had started to wonder if he hadn't overstepped his bounds. With Mulder it was hard to know. He was a good guy....a really good guy, but there was a side to him that was...well....not so nice and the head injury seemed to have brought that side to the foreground. Finally Mulder got to his feet and Frohicke sighed. He supposed he had just lost a good friend. "Thanks, Frohicke," said Fox quietly. He reached into his wallet and placed money on the table for the drink. "I'll never forget you for this. See you soon...huh?" Mulder turned and walked out of the bar into the freezing cold night. God, it wasn't even 9:30 yet and it felt as though it should be 2 AM. End Chapter 11 "Amnesia" Chapter 12 by Macspooky Fox stood outside the front door of his home for a moment hoping that Dana would let him back in. He still wasn't really sure about anything. No that wasn't true. He was sure that he was still very confused, but he did know that he didn't want to leave things as they had been when she had told him to get out. Hell, he would have stormed out in another minute anyway but it would not have been the right thing to do. If Dana really wanted it, he would move out for awhile and give her space, but he hoped at least to make some sort of peace with her tonight and to try to leave the possibility open for trying again soon. Maybe space was what they both needed, space in which they could become friends again and eventually maybe lovers. Poor Dana. Literally everyone he had spoken with since his return had told him that they had a very physical relationship, always touching....like newlyweds. Everyone had told him how much in love they had been and how he had adored his family. She had lost all that now. This was something he had failed to consider. As he had walked up to the townhouse with the beautiful stained glass windows, it had occurred to him that perhaps in a way it was easier for him. He had lost all the memories, but she had lost her husband, the father of her children, her lover...... He put his key in the lock and turned it. Then he punched the required security codes and went inside. The house was very quiet. He peeked into the living room. Empty. The family room had been picked up. All the files were neatly stacked and the spilled coffee had been wiped up. Dana had been busy. Dana...always organized...always neat...his antithesis. It was as he passed toward the kitchen that he saw her. She was sitting at his desk in the small office, but she was slumped over, her face buried in her arms. Her shoulders shook slightly and then stilled. Apparently, she hadn't heard him come in. He tiptoed up behind her and gazed at her red hair hanging down over her shoulders. It was so beautiful. How could he have made such a hateful comment to her about finding redheads unappealing? Ever so gently he placed a hand on her shoulder. "Hey," he said softly, "It's me. It's um....Spook....you know." Arms went around his waist as she buried her face in his mid section. "Oh, Mulder....I'm sorry. Just let me hold you for minute. Just let me pretend I still have my husband and that he loves me. I miss him so much. I love you, Mulder. I did even before New Mexico, but I miss Fox. I miss the man I was married to and had children with." "Oh, Dana, I love you too...." he heard himself say suddenly realizing that everything Frohike had said really was true. He pulled her to her feet and wrapped his arms around her . "God, I got to thinking about what it was like when you were gone. I've been feeling so sorry for myself because I'm missing time, but you've missed time too. I've been selfish...." She rubbed her face against him. "If you....if you want to move out....I understand...." She looked up at him and suddenly he knew he didn't. He bent down and kissed her forehead. "No, angel....no. I.....I want us to try again....starting now....and here." He carried her upstairs and made love to her with a hunger not even she realized that he possessed. It was as though he had been waiting forever to have her, and she realized that to him it was the first time, like it was new, and that he had loved her even back then, even after New Mexico when she had gone along with Walter in cutting a deal with the consortium. When he was finished filling and fulfilling her, she stretched out next to him touching as much of him as she could. "Anam Cara," she whispered softly in his ear. "What is that, angel?" he asked her inhaling the scent of her hair. His body felt relaxed and he felt mellow and content with her curled up against him in the bed. "Soul friend....you have always been my anam cara and you always will be." He did not need to reply for she had already fallen asleep, into the first really good sleep she would be getting in weeks, he realized. He dozed off his body spooned behind her. Morning came too quickly but he awoke at the crack of dawn and eased himself away from her. He realized that for the first time since the accident, he was waking up without his head causing him agony. Dana, his anam cara, stirred but didn't awaken. He looked at her and smiled. Everything felt different this morning, better somehow, and he had had a beautiful dream, a dream in which he sat in a beautiful place with his arms around Dana as strange haunting music passed over and around him, a dream in which he could smell her sweet scent and feel her soft hair under her chin as he rocked her in time to the sound of pipes from a strange and different place. It had snowed during the night, a beautiful wet snow. The world had turned to white and it was Saturday and neither of them had to work. He went to the bathroom and showered and shaved. When he came out of the bathroom, he heard the sound of whimpering. Peeking into the babies' room he saw Patrick sitting up in his crib. Poor Patrick. He went in and thought about Dana's words, that if he couldn't love Patrick as his own son, he could at least try to be fond of the boy because he was hers. Oddly enough though, since last night, since holding Dana and loving her and filling her with himself, it felt for the first time as though the child really could be his. "What's the matter big guy?" whispered Fox. "Teeth hurt? Tummy hurt?" He approached the crib. For a moment the boy backed away. Fox realized just how much he had been acting like his father toward the child. Patrick had grown afraid of him, and Dana had told him that he and the boy had been best buddies. "It's okay, Wally Wolf," he said using the stupid name Dana had told him he had called his son, pulling the child into his arms. "You are all wet, big fellah....Come on. Let's get changed and we'll go downstairs and get you something to eat that your mother wouldn't approve of. Now you'd like that wouldn't you?" No sooner did he have Patrick in dry overalls than Brenda was awake. He set the little boy on the floor and got her. She required a simple diaper change and he took them both downstairs. "Be quiet," he admonished. "Let's let your poor mother get some sleep." Dana woke up slowly and stretched languorously. The bed felt so wonderful, warm and comfortable. She reached over for her husband but he wasn't there. She sat up and blinked. Could the night before have been just a dream? No. It had been real. Her body was telling her that. It was relaxed and at ease. Fox had come home and carried her upstairs and made love to her until they were both exhausted. They had whispered beautiful things to each other. It had felt as though the weight of the world had lifted off of her shoulders after the nightmare the day had been. Her body and heart felt oh so many pounds lighter. What was wrong though? Wait....the babies. The babies hadn't awakened her. She leapt out of bed and raced to their room. The cribs were both empty. Dirty night clothes had been tossed on the floor so that meant that Fox must be with them. She tensed for an instant. She had left Fox with them yesterday....look what had happened. She made a brief pit stop and headed downstairs where her nostrils were assailed by the scent of her favorite butter rum gourmet coffee. She went to the kitchen and stopped and smiled. Fox was sitting at the kitchen table with both the babies in the high chairs. Patrick had what she always called his Mulder grin on his little face as he stuffed it with pancakes....not the homemade kind, just the Price Club frozen kind, but pancakes none the less and Brenda was sitting in her chair a pancake in her fist. "Da Da ack......Da Da ack....." she was telling it. " Ben eet....Ben eet...." She took a little bite. "Good girl," said Fox. Dana snuck up behind him and kissed the back of his neck. "Morning, Spook," she smiled. "Hi, babies......" "Da da ack....." announced Brenda. "I know he is, sweetie," she said kissing her baby girl's head. "Well, Scully, I don't know if da da is exactly ack," he grinned, "but I'm here. Think they'd settle for Uncle Mulder for awhile?" "Just so long as they can call you dada," she smiled. Although his headache wasn't gone totally, it had receded to the point where he felt pretty good. He got up and put his arms around her and felt himself react accordingly. She pulled him just a little bit closer and gave him a surreptitious pat in the appropriate spot. "Later, when the kids take a nap," she promised. She turned and they both realized that Patrick had chosen that moment to clap his hands and they started laughing. "You, sit," ordered Fox. "I'm bringing you some of my delicious nutritious frozen Price Club pancakes for breakfast. You've lost way to much weight, Scully. I like my women soft and round and.....redheaded...." She looked at him and smiled. For a moment he was transported back to that horrible day he had reluctantly awakened in the hospital in Alaska and wished he were dead until Dana Scully had looked at him and smiled just like that. He got a lot of files read that day in spite of spending time with the kids. He even did a profile for that moron Colton who was supposedly now Melissa's boyfriend. Strangely in spite of still having a bit of a tummy ache, Patrick didn't cry. He spent a lot of time curled up next to Fox sometimes playing with his feet, other times babbling and being pesky, but to a large extent just sitting close to the man who was his father. Even Dana said he was being remarkably placid for Patrick. Fox realized that the presence of the children on either side of him felt good, that even if he couldn't remember their birth, they were a part of Dana. She was right. That was enough, at least for now. He wore her out during their nap time, not that she minded, and joked with her about how he hadn't known he'd had it in him, to which she replied that that was because it wasn't...it was in her which was her favorite place for it to be. They had laughed together and she had kissed him in all his favorite erogenous zones, but he had fallen asleep at that point. When the babies woke up, they had even taken them out in the snow for a little while. Patrick didn't like it and cried, of course, but Brenda studied it carefully and then began to explore aggressively. When the babies had gone to bed that night, Aunt Sophia had stopped up. She was looking and feeling much better and told them she would be able to watch the babies on Monday with no problem. They had shared tea and some conversation, but seeing the two of them acting like newlyweds again, she had decided that everything was going to be all right and left. She was still very tired in any case. Dana convinced him that he needed to watch "UFO Chasers" with her. Instead of growing annoyed with her as he had the week before, he agreed. She made popcorn and they settled down on the sofa. Fox took one look at Agent Sally Selkirk. "Hey....uh....Shorts...." he asked feeling silly using the nickname, but making the effort none the less, "Uh....how come I never got a partner with a pair of hooters like that?" Suddenly he was filled with a sense of deja vu as though he had had this conversation before, but he couldn't imagine where. "Well, as Assistant Director Skinner once told you when you asked the same question, because your partner takes after her mother." "Walter Skinner did not tell me that." "Yes he did. We were in Ireland. You were both pretty drunk." She recognized she was on shaky ground discussing Skinner. Mulder had been more or less willing to accept certain things, but the fact that he had been close to Skinner was not one of them. Even today he had told her that he still couldn't believe that he and Skinner had been close and he had been extremely amenable today. Fox decided to let the matter drop. He couldn't warm up to Skinner and probably never would, not after he had found the man holding a gun on Scully that time. He watched silently for awhile, his arm around Dana's shoulders periodically laughing outloud. Jeez, the show was so dumb.....but there was something about Weird Winters and his partner chasing after the giant insect in the New York City sewers. He muttered something. "What was that, Spook?" "I said I'm beginning to wonder if the Lone Gunmen didn't write this." "Nothing would surprise me," she laughed. "They must make money somehow and I don't think it is selling magazines." She noticed that he was silent for a long time, didn't move even after the show was over and the popcorn gone. "What is it, Fox?" she asked gently. "What's wrong?" "Who was Bambi Berenbaum?" he asked. Funny, but whenever the name popped into his mind, he began to think about Raid. He could almost smell it. "An entomologist. You worked a case in Massachusetts. Killer roaches...well, not really killer roaches, but everyone thought they were killer roaches." "I worked a case?" "You went up there without me. It was a weekend off." "Oh.....and Bambi?" "Very pretty. Brilliant if you are into bugs. You were very attracted to her." Dana sighed. "If what I heard through the motel room wall was any indication, she breeds like a roach too....." "Meow," he laughed. Then he turned suddenly serious. "We weren't married then were we? I mean.....I wasn't cheating on you was I cause......" "No. We weren't married or anything else for that matter," she assured him, "only it hurt because I loved you even then and to hear the two of you making love.....I wanted it to be me. We had some rough times around then. You weren't happy about cutting the deal after New Mexico and I was having a hard time about Missy having gotten shot in my place....and then...well, I guess I got pretty bitchy for awhile especially after Bambi and Detective White." "Detective White?" "The case of the teenagers from hell and the unharmonic convergence. I don't know. It was weird. I don't like to think about it. God, when I walked into that motel room and saw that woman on top of you, I could have killed both of you." "Hmm....I'll have to make sure I read that file." He kissed her head. There was a sitcom coming on, "Third Planet from the Sun." It caught his interest. In a few moments, they were both laughing themselves silly and he thought that maybe Walter Skinner had been right about one thing when Mulder had confronted him about going back to work. Maybe it wasn't as important that he remembered what had been as it was that he started to appreciate what he had now. He hugged Scully....Dana...just a little closer to him. For the first time since he had awakened he felt something close to peace. End Chapter 12 "Amnesia" Chapter 13 by Macspooky Dana felt relaxed for the first time in weeks. Even though Fox still didn't have his memory back, things had been so much better over the past week. Her mom had cooked up a storm and sent her a lot of everything so that she hadn't had to do much cooking. Sophia was back to her normal exuberant good health and Bill was doing a marvelous job on the renovations to the house next door, so the older woman was getting excited about moving into her "first real home" where "her" babies would come and play everyday. They had even managed to find a few moments together to discuss some interior decorating ideas which Dana had enjoyed. As much as she loved her job, there were times when she did find herself longing for more traditional "women's things." She loved Aunt Sophia as though the woman were her own family. It was good to see her enthusiastic over owning a home, and better yet that the home would be right next door with a connecting entrance. Fox's headaches had not completely left him. If he tried to remember, he continued to get sharp pains in his head, but it was no longer constant. In fact, to her delight two days had gone by in which he hadn't needed to take any medication and then it had only been half a dose when he did. Perhaps his brain was healing. In fact, she had felt confident enough of him to leave the children with him for a few hours while she did some shopping for clothes. The twins seemed to outgrow things so quickly. To her delight, she had come home to find Mulder with a baby dangling on each hip. Well, he didn't have hips, so it was more like they were just dangling. Both of them were screaming, but when she walked in instead of looking annoyed or guilty, he had looked at her and given her his best Mulder grin. "Hey, look Scully, I managed to get both of them crying at once and I did it all by myself." She had had to laugh as she took one little one from him and they had sat down on the couch. There had been a little too much rough housing and the kids were just a little bit...well more than a little bit late for their naps, but apparently the three of them had been having the time of their lives. The next day had been Monday. She had gone to see Skinner and told him that she thought it was time he be allowed to come back to work....half days only and light duty. She and Both, when he was around, would handle the field work. If Mulder continued to progress he would be returned to full time duty in a few weeks. Skinner had agreed. Mulder hadn't looked really happy as he had stood in front of his boss, but to Walter's surprise, Mulder had kept his mouth shut and agreed to the terms of his return to the X-Files. Of course, there was a part of him that would have liked to have knocked the scowl off his son in law's face, however, the man was not insubordinate and he decided that in this case patience was a virtue. He told Mulder to get his ass down to the basement. There were some profiles waiting to be looked at. Mulder had done so. The office was empty although there was definitely evidence of another person sharing the space, a person that wasn't Scully. The other desk was immaculate. In an 8 by 10 plain brown picture frame was a photo of an older but lovely black woman, her hair close cropped and three beautiful young girls. Next to it say a lovely carved face mask. Mulder thought the woman's features were just beautiful. He suspected that the mask was West African. The way the cheeks had been marked disturbed him, but he recognized that for what it was...cultural bias. Whoever had carved the mask had found the markings a thing of beauty. The door opened and a tall dark man entered. He looked briefly surprised to see Mulder standing there. Then he walked across the office and held out his hand. "Agent Dewayne Bothrington," he said casually but politely. "I am aware that you do not remember me, Agent Mulder. I wasn't expecting you, but it is good to have you back. The X-Files are not the same without you. In fact, they are not even the real X-Files in your absence." Mulder shook the man's hand. He liked the way it felt, firm but not painfully so. He realized that he liked this man....immediately....a very rare phenomenon for him. The next day Scully went down to the basement office to check on him. He hadn't said much about his first morning back. She feared there might be some tension between Mulder and Both. Mulder had been a real lone wolf two years ago. Heck, it had taken him a long time to accept her as a partner. She stumbled upon a sight that left her dumbfounded. He and Both both had their feet up on their desks. They were sitting there shooting paper wads into the waste basket debating the merits of large breast size versus small breast size....feel, texture, weight.....They had not been talking about Frank Merdue's chickens either. Dana had stood quietly listening for a moment the two men unaware of her presence. It was one interesting way to learn about her husband's past, and indeed there had been more than just Phoebe in it. Of course, she could have done without Mulder's explaining to Both, that gee, after a woman had a baby it seemed her nipples got larger from nursing....that struck a little close to home...but.... Also, for a moment she had experienced a pang of jealousy, not only about the women who had known him intimately, but because of the easy camaraderie that Fox and Both were experiencing. She quelled it quickly. The women were in his past, and it was good to see Fox at ease with a male coworker for once. She thought perhaps that he had missed this sort of male camaraderie during the time they had been partnered. She smiled slightly and tiptoed away before they noticed she was there. Fox was doing fine. Amnesia or not, he seemed to like his new staff member he was content with her breasts even if they didn't rival Frank Merdue's famous chickens for size and weight. Between the fact that he was bonding with the children again and that he was back at work, for the first time in a long time she felt relaxed inspite of a court appearance and two really gruesome autopsies later that day. Maybe soon they would even get an X-file to investigate. Things had been slow in the paranormal department lately, but now Fox would start to get restless if one didn't come along soon. Hopefully when it did, Fox would be ready to return to work full time. As the days passed, the headaches continued to dissipate and the medication wasn't making him feel tired and cranky because he didn't need to take much of it now. He and Both had done a few profiles together, not X-files of course, but some interesting cases none the less, and he had been impressed by Both's mind. Not only was it keen, but it was open, a rarity indeed, something he had not found in a partner before, not even in Scully. No one would ever replace her, but if she couldn't be with him, he realized that Both was good backup. It was amazing how they could look at the same file and taking a completely different mental approach reach the same conclusion. Hell, they had even had some real one on one guy talk while they competed as to who could shoot the most paper balls into the trash can. Both had revealed a preference for larger women, larger in general. Fox had told him how he favored brunettes. It had gotten really down and dirty and Fox had been glad that Dana hadn't been around to hear it, but it had felt nice to have a good working relationship with a male partner for once. Jeez, he had very nearly lost it when he found out that other agents had begun calling them Spooky and the Voo Doo man. Both had caught him cursing them, and told him to chill. The next time he had had to make a call out of the office, to Tom Colton naturally, he had said with an evil grin, "Hello Tom. Voodoo Man here. Spooky is back at work and we both think your profile sucks. Here is where you went wrong......" When he had hung up the phone he had shrugged and muttered something to the effect that "If you can't beat em...join em....or at least let them think you had." In a leap of insight, the kind that Mulder was famous for, he realized that he had just found the key to Dewayne Bothrington, and that in allowing him to see it, Both had made a statement about where his loyalties lie. When he had seen Both sign a memo from the department Spook Patrol, he had just about died laughing. He wondered why he hadn't thought about doing that himself. Several nights later, Dana brushed her hair quickly and her teeth and got into bed. Fox was already asleep. He appeared to be resting quietly, and she was pleased. Sleep was the best thing for him. She was admittedly surprised and she chuckled silently as she pulled the covers up over herself. He sure hadn't beat her to sleep any other night during the week. In fact, he had very nearly worn her out. It had been as though he hadn't had sex in months and months, but of course, from where he was mentally he hadn't. He had been a newlywed. It had been kind of fun. Well, more than kind of fun, but she could use a night's sleep. She smiled hoping the babies would slumber through the night and dozed off promptly. Dana was awakened not by the cry of a baby, but by her husband thrashing around in the bed next to her. He was having a nightmare. Over the years she had known him she had become accustomed to his bad dreams, but this one, she sensed, was worse than normal. Fox Mulder had fallen asleep almost as soon as his head hit the pillow. Life that week had been almost good. After the fight he had had with Dana, and the way that they had made up, he had found himself feeling much more relaxed. Yes, making up had indeed been one of the high points in his life. Since he didn't remember marrying her, it had been like the first time. He realized that he had been a fool in the prior weeks. He had been stupid to try to fight his feelings for her. Unfortunately, he would have to be grateful to Frohike for doing what not even Roberta could do, making him realize that he loved Dana, had always loved her, and that he would be throwing away a treasure if he continued on the way he had been. If she hadn't forgiven him..... Unfortunately, the deep peaceful sleep did not last for long. Suddenly he was 12 years old again and they were taking Samantha away. Fox began to sweat and toss and turn in his sleep. Then the dream faded and he was in the shed, in the shed with his father. The angry look on the man's face...the look that said, "It's your fault your sister is gone" was terrifying. Drinking, his dad had been drinking even more heavily than before. He felt the pain as the 2 by 4 came crashing into his arm breaking it...and his head....and Ed's voice in the background....and then suddenly he was in that place...that place where they had taken him. He was big. He was supposed to be able to take care of himself, but he was 12 and the others were 16 and 17 and bigger and stronger and there were so many......pulled from the shower....he was being pulled from the shower......"I'm not a girl......I'm not a girl......" "My, God, Fox.....my God....." Dana was suddenly there. He was not longer asleep but was shaking violently. She pulled him into her arms, but he could feel that she was trembling too. "Fox, what is it? Did you dream about your sister?" Through the cobwebs of sleep still in his brain, he heard her concern. "Leave me alone. Just leave me alone." He pushed her away and jumped out of bed. For a moment he paced trying to bring his trembling under control wanting nothing more than to run away. He walked to the window. He frightened her. For a moment she feared that she was losing him again. "Come here, sweetheart," said Dana softly. She had stopped calling him that since it had made him so angry, and she could see the soft words took him by surprise. He went and sat down on the bed. She reached for some Kleenex and wiped the perspiration from his face gently. "Whatever it was, Fox, it was only a dream. It's going to be all right." She looked into his eyes. This nightmare had been worse than the usual dream about his sister. Was brain damage going to manifest itself in a different form now that she had him back? Would he, she wondered, never have peace. Would his sleep be haunted all his life? "It wasn't a dream. It wasn't. It happened. It really happened. " "Tell me." She put her arm around his shoulder gently. Over the years she had become accustomed to his nightmares, but as time had gone by they had lessened until after they were married they hardly happened. This was unlike anything she had ever witnessed before though. There had been something about the way he had cried out in his sleep.... "I can't tell you. I can't tell anyone. " Suddenly he lowered her down on the bed and put his lips to hers. He made love to her fiercely, not in a hurting way, but in a sort of desperation that she had never seen in him no matter how had things had gotten. For an instant she wondered if he even knew he was with until he had cried her name over and over again. Dana..Dana..Dana... When he finished, he seemed to realize that perhaps he had been out of line, or too rough, or something. He hadn't been. He had just been needy and she had understood. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry, love....." "Fox, there is nothing for you to be sorry about," she said gently although he hadn't been himself, had barely considered her at all. "Tell me, please. Tell me what's wrong." "I'd almost forgotten....almost repressed it.....I had repressed it." Suddenly he was crying in her arms. "In the children's center.....in the shower....the big boys....no guard.....they grabbed me. They held me down. They were = going to.......oh, God, a social worker walked in the door just in time, Dana.....just in time.......I was so scared. They would have taken turns with me. I can't remember ever being that scared.....except when Samantha was taken....and you were taken and.....my head hurts again." She held him and stroked his head, reassuring him that she loved him and that everything was going to be all right. Finally when his trembling ceased, she sat up. "Come on, Spookster. Let's go downstairs and I'll make you some hot chocolate." "With marshmallows?" he asked trying to regain some of his dignity. The shooting pains in his head had died down again, thank God. He attempted to give her that famous Mulder grin but didn't quite pull it off. The dream had been so incredibly real and so painful. And, he had never wanted to tell anyone about what had almost happened, about how he had almost been.... "If that charming son of yours hasn't eaten them all." She smiled back at him before he could continue his thought. The fact that he had told her his head hurt concerned her a little, but it was the first headache in awhile, so she told herself not to worry too much. He might continue to have them for awhile. Dana sat across from him. Silly as it seemed, she was glad she had found some marshmallows. He had always been kind of a little kid about things like that, and the longer she knew him the more she understood why. She shuddered at the thought of what had nearly happened to him. People thought in terms of females being violated, but they were not the only ones. Young boys could be treated savagely as well. She was grateful that nothing had actually happened. "It must have been awful for you, Fox," she said softly finally addressing the matter that had awakened him from his sound sleep. "It was after that that the social workers found Aunt Sophia," he said quietly. "I think he was kind of well, fond of me, you know...cause I was different. I mean, I think he made an extra effort. Dana, I never told anyone. I hid it even in my therapy. I mean I was so lucky. It didn't happen, but it was close....so close. I........I didn't mean to hurt you tonight when I....I mean.....I just needed you then...I..." He felt confused because he hadn't really had the time to be married to her that she had had to be his wife.... "Needed to know you were normal. Needed to know you were okay. Fox, in spite of everything you've been through, you are okay and you will continue to be okay. As for being normal, well, normal is boring." She smiled at him. "I fell in love with you because you are Spooky. In fact, your are certifiable, but never dull, and you are the best lover I ever had." She lay her hand across his. "Hey, G woman, you told me I was the only lover you ever had." He enjoyed the feel of her small hand over his. "If it ain't broke, don't fix it." She told him the story about Jack again briefly. He looked at her for a long time. It was difficult to picture Scully abused, but sometimes a person had to learn the hard way. Maybe that was why she didn't take any crap from anyone anymore, well, except maybe him, and why she was so careful about making herself emotionally vulnerable. He didn't understand why he had = dreamed about his father like that and why the incident had suddenly returned to his mind after all this time, but he felt better for having told Dana. A burden shared was less of a burden, and as usual, she had been there for him. Could that have been why he fell in love with her, why he had finally asked her to marry him, because she was strong enough to help him shoulder his burden? "Hey, Scully," he asked suddenly changing the subject from mutual trauma "whatever happened to all those purple panties I bought you........what are you grinning like that for?" A smile had spread across her face and had lit it up. She looked incredibly beautiful in that instant. "What?" "You did that on our honeymoon," she explained. "You dragged me to Victoria's Secret and bought me all this purple underwear, and then nearly died laughing later when you saw how awful it looked, so you ripped them off me each night when we..." "Is that where that stupid bird learned to say " "Yeah...." she grinned. "We were on the couch and I think I screamed and ...." "I did." "You are always glad to oblige in that regard." She smiled at him again. "And it's a good thing too, because as I recall I was feeling pretty desperate. What do you say we go upstairs again....no wait....what do you say we head for the couch again so we don't wake up Patrick......I think there is something you need to do for me that you didn't do before...." She grinned at him wickedly, "And I get very cranky when I don't have that particular thing done." "What do you say," he said, "that you come sit in my lap right here and I'll do my job without leaving the kitchen." "And I say that we haven't made appropriate use of this kitchen table in a long long time, Mulder.....No wait...the leg is loose again, gotta buy a new one.....the kitchen counter....yeah...that always works...the kitchen counter...." "Oh, God....I married wild thing.....how could I forget marrying a woman who likes to be loved on a kitchen counter..." he laughed aloud and lifted her. She was light in his arms and wrapped herself around him. "Counter's too far away. " Her back hit the nearest wall with a thud. This was something new. The possibilities were so enthralling she didn't notice. Suddenly past nightmares were no longer paramount and in their onslaught of passion, they both forgot that he had actually remembered something that had happened after New Mexico, the purple panties he had bought her. Aunt Sophia was downstairs working on her computers. She sighed. Jeez, judging by the pounding against the kitchen wall, if she hadn't known better she would have thought he was killing her. Oh well. Those screams were definitely not ones of pain. She could hear them even above her crazy nephew singing "Wild Thing...You make my heart sing.." rather breathlessly at the top of his lungs. If the past was any indication once they got started in the kitchen, she wasn't going to get any work done in this computer room although the singing was unusual. She thought it might be a first for the wall too. The table was the usual site although admittedly it had been awhile. She exited her program. She might as well go to bed and sing "Memories." Too many power surges up above for her to concentrate. Wait till they found out how sound carried through these heating ducts! They might never be able to face her again. End of Chapter 13 "Amnesia" Chapter 14 by Macspooky The man stood in the doorway listening puffing on his Morley's. He felt as though he were among a ship of fools as they sat around discussing the experiment. Had they all grown so old and senile that they didn't realize times had changed? The American people had changed. They didn't trust the government anymore. They didn't expect the government to do good, to do what was best for them anymore. Those days were long gone. The American people now believed anything about a cover up....looked for coverups...expected coverups....He gave a passing thought to that son of a bitch Nixon then scratched it as being non productive. The project was a good thing. It always had been and could still be, if these old fools didn't ruin it with their nonsense. The concept of what they were trying to do was fine, but they were idiots if they didn't realize how dangerous it was today to pull people off the streets and experiment on them. "The results have been excellent. Over 100 male subjects from varying locations have been inoculated with the drug. So far, not one of them has remembered what has happened within the past two to five years. Roughly five per cent were left totally brain damaged remembering nothing, most acceptable at this early stage in the experiment..." "That is a matter of opinion," said the well mannered Englishman who liked to think of himself as being in charge. "It is a very new drug," the middle age scientist said reciting the statistics said defensively. "Now....if I may continue.....Ten have been hospitalized several times with severe headaches that disappeared for a time and returned for which no cause can be found. Four of them committed suicide apparently in an episode of severe head pain. Of course," he said in a disapproving tone, "in an uncontrolled experiment like this...and given the fact that no one is going to look too hard for a cause....it becomes difficult to follow up. We can only assume that the pain ultimately became too severe and that pain medication didn't help or that they were on illegal drugs and has some sort of a reaction." He had tried to warn the Consortium that results in controlled experiments were not reliable. "We have been over this ground before," snapped a German. "It would have been too dangerous to experiment on the sort of subject you wanted at this early stage." "A lot of these men are junkies....how do you expect...." "Just do your job," said the Englishman. "What about the FBI Agent?" "We have not been able to plant the listening devices in his home as ordered," said the youngest man in the room and the new "head" of security. He was proud of his new position and a bit nervous among these men who did not seem to tolerate failure. "And why not?" "Because, Sir, we have not been able to penetrate the security system. No one gets in and out of that house unwanted. I've never seen a system like it Sir." "They have a housekeeper do they not?" "Unapproachable, Sir. An old family friend. Can't be bought. She does all the cleaning herself and never sends a substitute. The man in question pays her very well....more than well enough for her to report any suspicious inquiries on the part of outsiders." "Everyone is vulnerable. What about her family? Have you threatened...." "I forbade it," snapped the smoking man. "It is too dangerous right now." "The baby sitter?" inquired the Frenchman. "His aunt, Sir. A millionaire in her own right." A mutter went around the table. "Indeed...." said the Englishman finally. He realized he had slipped. He should have known this. He should not have assumed that the babysitter was the crazy fortune teller he had assumed. Perhaps the flaky Sophia was not as flaky as everyone thought, not if she was related to the old man. He had been a shrewd old bastard. The project never could have been started without him. It dawned on him suddenly that if the old man's daughter were living on the premises, it could very well be dangerous to try to penetrate the house. It was necessary, however. "I want the house bugged," he ordered. "You aren't being paid to make excuses." "Yes, Sir..." "Think of it gentlemen...think of the potential here...trained agents sent to do a job....an accident...no memory...and no murder or assassination to make the police or the world suspicious. Judiciously used by a few knowledgeable individuals, and this drug could potentially save covert operations." The standing man took a drag on his Morley. "Now," asked the Englishman, "has anyone anything to report on the FBI Agent?" He glared at the smoking man. "Said Agent has returned to work...half time...light duty. All indications are that he remembers nothing. Listening devices placed in the therapists office indicate that he is not at all suspicious and genuinely believes he was in a car accident. Devices planted in the office indicate the same." "Well, at least some good news," stated a man who spoke with a French accent. "It is a pity we have not been able to bring this man around to our side. He would be a fine player in the coming new order." The smoking man said not another word. He was astounded by the arrogance. These people had no concept whatsoever about what the new order might mean. They only thought they did. There was the agenda they had been told about, but perhaps there was another agenda as well, one that they had been blind to. Perhaps in the near future, none of them would be needed and their quest for power would come to naught. He had always believed that what he was doing was right for the country ultimately, but he was starting to wonder about some of the others. Sometimes he thought he was getting too old for all of this...what would be would be....but there was no escape now, not if he wanted to live and see the new order in place whatever that might be. As he stubbed out his cigarette and said good bye, he had an odd thought. He found himself wondering what it must be like to romp and play with little ones. He pushed that thought aside too. He had better watch himself. Four Weeks Later Dewayne Bothrington tapped his fingers idly. He was close. He knew it. And the arrogance of it infuriated him. Philadelphia, Watts, Harlem.....nearly 100 young men. Many of them were junkies, a curse on God's earth, but too many of them weren't. Too many of them were just decent men and some of them were exceptional like young Jamal Jefferson. They, whoever they were, had gotten careless with Jamal. The bastards had assumed that every young black man living in the ghetto they decided to use was a good for nothing and that no one would be paying attention, but Jamal had been different. Killer Dog had been right. Killer Dog, as far gone as he had been, had instinctively known that Jamal was special, that Jamal would have made it out of the projects. As lacking in morals as Killer had been, he had seen something different in Jamal. Jamal had been a straight A student, a senior in the same high school that his sisters attended. He had just won a scholarship to Notre Dame, an academic scholarship, not the kind you won for tossing a ball. He would not have stolen the car that he had been in an accident in. He had his ticket out of the projects in his hand. Jamal really pissed Both off. Now he had to decide how to handle it. This was big, as big as Mulder had hinted from time to time, so big that he doubted he could stop it. It was like the flood of crack that had come into the city. Bothrington was a pragmatic man and doubted very much that he could stop it completely, but he sure as hell felt as though he had to try at least to slow it down. He had been spending his days out in the factory district in Long Island City Queens. A lot had been done to improve and upgrade parts of the area, but there were other parts which had been left alone. Careful checking of the records had shown him that a company by the name of PharmaKlear had purchased an old warehouse and office building and set up shop in a section marred by empty warehouses and closed factories. Then they had quietly commenced using dummy corporations buying up the land around it so that no one else could move in near by. They had refurbished the buildings nicely. Everyone had praised the young company and there were hopes that its presence would begin an economic revitalization for that area and perhaps even some new upscale residential housing. Ostensibly PharmaKlear manufactured low cost generic over the counter and some prescription drugs including some of the psychotropics. Everyday a slew of workers went in and came out. All appeared normal. True they only ran two shifts leaving the building "empty" at night, but the company was fairly new and no one would question that. He had noticed a pattern though. After the main shifts had gone, after it had grown dark, another smaller shift had come on duty and these people didn't look the same. These were not factory workers from Columbia and Nicaragua and Latvia and even some native born Americans. He wasn't 100% sure of himself of course, but 99% would just have to do him in this case. It had taken him weeks of painstaking research to discover that PharmaKlear was the only company that fit the bill for what he suspected was going on, the illegal manufacture of experimental drugs. No matter how deep he attempted to dig, he had not been able to find any connection with government funding, but that hadn't surprised him. He had been limited in what he could do. If it had become known that he suspected anything other than what he had put in his formal report...that Mulder had been in a car accident, he wouldn't have been on the street for a day in one piece. This was a dangerous game he was playing and he hadn't even been able to tell Mulder. He suspected...no he was sure that the office was bugged...and that meant some pretty heavy shit. It was the goddamed FBI Headquarters after all. He even had to be careful about he communicated with Skinner. He finally decided what he had to do. He went into the office of the New York Times and placed an ad for cash in the paper. Then he traveled to the Bronx and went into a bar, an upscale place that had just opened in a neighborhood that was in the process of revitalization. It had computers. It was time for Aunt B to send a message. He didn't stay long. There were not a lot of black people in this area. He didn't want to be traceable. Skinner needed to find a way to get himself to the New York Field Office. They needed to find a way to get into the factory. What could Dana say to Aunt Sophia? The woman never took a vacation and had only been sick once. If she had to go out of town, she had to go out of town. Aislinn was back and only had classes in the morning, so Dana arranged her work day so that she could go in late and Aislinn would watch the twins until Mulder got home. Her mom would help in a pinch, and even her mother's friend who came and cleaned for them had always said that in an emergency she would try to help out too. "Don't worry about it, Aunt Sophia," said Dana with a smile. "If your friend in New York is ill, then you have to go. We will manage just fine." She reached over in the car and gave her aunt a quick kiss as the woman popped out of the car carrying her one small bag to catch the flight to LaGuardia. On her way home, Dana wondered just what the heck Both was doing with himself. He had asked her if he could borrow some money, cash, and she had leant it to him without question. Mulder didn't know of course. She probably would not have done it, except she had the strangest feeling that Both was not wiling away his time and her money in Jamaica sitting on the beach drinking rum punches. Somehow she sensed that if it hadn't concerned Mulder, he would never have asked. He would have too much pride. As for Mulder, she was growing concerned about him. Oh, everything was still fine between them, and he was really very fond of the children now, but once he had returned to work full time, his headaches had returned again and they were getting worse. Sophia got off the Flushing line at Queens Plaza. She was on schedule. It was getting dark. She thought to herself that it had been years since she had been out this way. It was a perfect area for what was happening. The opening of a new plant would be welcome, but parts of it were isolated enough that no one would know if any funny business were going on. She ignored the hookers that stood on the corners and making certain that no one was following her, she took a circuitous route to the place where she was supposed to meet Both. It was a long walk, but the weather was decent and she was in remarkably good condition for an "old lady." When she arrived at their headquarters....a derelict factory with a rather large rat population, she listened to the black man carefully. As she did so, Sophia was already removing her loud garish gypsy clothes under which she wore a comfortable black jump suit. "Do you think...are you sure you can pull this off Sophia, because if you get caught....." "If I get caught Both, what the hell are they going to do with me? Shoot me? I've lived a long and full life. Besides, I have never gotten caught." "Sounds ominous....." "Is...." she laughed. "I just wish I could be sure that Mulder will be okay." "I'm expecting a friend back from Nigeria at any moment," he said softly. "She thinks she might have found something." Sophia nodded. Both's story had made her sick, and if what was happening was any indication, each and every subject would eventually wind up dead. The drug was somehow poisonous in a way that had not been anticipated with a slow acting toxin that poisoned the body and drove the victim mad with pain. In some it happened faster than in others. When he had told her about Jamal Jefferson, a tear had come to her eye. She wasn't a sentimental woman, but the idea of a young man with a mind like that being in such agony that he would take a gun, not hard to find in the ghetto, and blow his brains out right in front of his mother saddened her deeply. Fox's headaches were coming back and Fox had access to all kinds of weapons. If anything happened to him..... "Okay, this is how it is going to go down," he said. "You are going to break in. It is imperative that you find this drug and make certain that it is left where it can be found. In 45 minutes I am going to make an anonymous phone call to the FBI and to the hotel of Assistant Director Skinner that there is a hostage situation at PharmaKlear and that it might involve an international situation.... Sophia nodded. Both was a brilliant man. She of course, had her own backup plan. Almost everything went in the fire....everything of course except a small fireproof locker that just happened to contain two vials of the experimental drug and a computer disk with the name of the subjects and the background on the experiments. The files of course were encoded. Sophia had known what she had the moment she had bypassed security and gotten into the lab. She hadn't had much time, but she was sure she had gotten the right thing. The fire had been a little tricky, and not a part of the plans, but once she was certain that no one would be injured, she had decided that it would be best not to slow them down a little but to slow them down a lot. Both had made his call right on schedule. By that time, however, the SWAT Team and FBI including the Assistant Director had been close on the heals of the NYC Fire Department. Both had arrived on the scene himself an hour later in standard FBI dress. Sophia had disappeared into the night. "Assistant Director Skinner," he said, "I heard on my scanner that something big was going on down here. I got here as fast I could in case you needed some extra help." "That was most kind of you, Agent Bothrington. You are a very dedicated agent." "Thank you, Sir. What happened, Sir." "We got an anonymous phone call that there was a hostage situation going on out here and that it might be international in scope. What we found instead was an apparent burglary and arson. Looks like everything was destroyed." "Everything, Sir?" he inquired. "Well, Agent, nearly. We found a fireproof locker that had been tossed out the window. In fact, I have it right here. You've missed most of the action, however, this could be important. Do you think you might see that it gets to the lab in DC yourself?" "I'm on it, Sir. My mother is feeling much better again, and I'll leave on the next flight." He didn't of course. He arranged to miss that one just in case there had been ears around. Very carefully he and Sophia took a sample of the drug and made a copy of the zip disk she had rescued before torching the place and then Both headed for DC via Chicago under a different name with a ticket paid for in cash where he knew that in any case, the evidence would disappear within 24 hours of him checking it in. He was pleased with the headlines the next day. Apparently, he was not the only one who made anonymous phone calls. "Factory of Horrors in Queens Destroyed by Fire" "Could the US Government be Funding Another Tuskegee Experiment" Then there were the tabloids.... "Could Aliens Be Running Drug Factory in Queens" The phone rang in the X-Files Office. "Oh, hello mama," he said softly. "Yes, it's in the papers here too. No mama, I didn't have anything to do with it until an hour later....honest. I missed all the good stuff and just brought some files back to DC. Yes, mama, that is very good news. I was glad I caught it on the scanner. I'll be up to see you again this weekend just to make sure you really are back on your feet again for sure this time. I'm glad your boss was understanding, mama. Okay, maybe I will, but only if your promise to cook some of your best dishes." He hung up the phone. Mulder looked at him tiredly. His head was throbbing and he thought he would probably have to go home but he was fighting it. He had a feeling that there had been more to that factory fire in Queens than anyone had let on, but he knew better than to talk about it here. "That was my mama," said Both. "She worries." "She should," grinned Mulder in spite of the headache. "Both how the hell...." Mulder stopped and shook his head. Some things were best not discussed, especially when your crazy aunt decided to show up for baby-sitting duty the next morning with her eyebrows and eye lashes singed off. Although he was dying of curiosity, he knew he would be told the details when it was safe. "What mama's are for, Mulder. Speaking of mama's, I've told her so much about you and Scully that she wants the two of you to come to New York for dinner this weekend." Mulder was deeply touched. "I don't see how we can, Both, much as I'd like to. I mean...with the kids....." He rubbed his head. He didn't feel up to a trip. The door to the office opened and Scully came in. "Hi, Voo Doo...." "Hi, Irish...this hubby of yours is giving me a hard time. My mama invited you all up to New York for dinner next Sunday and he's arguing with me." "But what about the kids?" she asked. "I mean...." "You bring the kids. You bring Sophia. I have three sisters. They'll love the kids. They'll love your aunt who can entertain them in the car. It will be good for you get away." "We'll be there," said Dana looking into the man's dark eyes. Something told her that Sunday dinner in New York was going to be very very important and she didn't know why. Aunt Sophia's singed eyelashes hadn't passed her by either, and in spite of having found a burned pot in the trash, the story about nearly setting the kitchen on fire didn't quite wash. End Chapter 14 "Amnesia" Chapter 15 by Macspooky The dinner had been both huge and delicious. Dana found herself admiring Both's mother very much. The apartment was small and old, the neighborhood dangerous being so close to the crime infested projects, and yet it was spotless. She supposed that most of the furniture was second hand, gleaned from thrift stores, and that the immaculately pressed curtains that hung on the windows were from the five and dime, and yet there was something in this house that was lacking in the surrounding area. There was hope. Ronetta had succeeded in giving hope to her son and the same to her daughters. She found herself feeling comfortable with the woman and her children inspite of the fact that all the odds were against it in a society that didn't necessarily encourage the mixing of races. And the girls were lovely and simply adored the twins. They were at the age where they loved to play with little children. Fortunately in defiance of the odds in this area, they had none of their own, and Ronetta had made no hesitation at saying right at the dinner table, that her girls were going to marry good men and have nice houses before they had children...or else....Dana had smiled. The message had been clear. There was something about Ronetta that reminded her of her own mother, strong, unpretentious, and with an instinctive knowledge that nothing was more important than family. Her biggest worry at the moment was Mulder. She knew that he was trying to put a good face on it, but his head was hurting him again badly and she had vowed to make him have yet more tests done when they returned to DC. Dana listened in sympathy as Ronetta told her son that since the week before she had heard that the landlord was talking about selling the building and she was afraid they might have to find another place to live. Both didn't think that news was so bad, but kept his mouth shut. His family had been there for so many years it would be hard for his mother to change places now and move away from her many friends and nothing could be found for that rent any more. He might have to go back to helping out after all but that was okay with him. He would have liked to see them someplace else. "Time to go for a walk," said Both. "Want to show you the old neighborhood." "I don't think I can," said Mulder. He was the only one who hadn't eaten much. He had explained to Ronetta that it wasn't the cooking, that he would like to be his normal self and pig out, but that his head hurt very badly since he had been in an accident and that it upset his stomach if he hate too much. The woman had nodded politely and smiled enigmatically. "I agree with Both," said Dana. "The fresh air might do you good." "Fresh air, in New York?" he inquired with a hint of his old Mulder humor. "I think he is going to live," quipped Sophia dryly. "I'll come along." "But the children...." said Fox. "These three girls are not looking to give up those babies just yet," she smiled. "Besides, at their age baby sitting money is always nice. What would you girls charge...." "$5.00 an hour," said Tamika quickly only to be reprimanded by her mother. "Well, " laughed Sophia, "This is New York...an expensive town...You've got a deal young ladies. And please don't be angry, Ronetta. Trustworthy sitters are hard to find and worth every penny that you pay them!" Both led them to the back door of a shop and knocked softly three times and then twice loudly. The door was opened by a dark eyed child who quickly disappeared and they went up a set of narrow dark stairs quickly. "Um...what are we doing, Both?" asked Mulder quietly. "Finding a cure for you." They were shown into a clean apartment. An elderly black woman stepped out from behind a curtain and gazed at them. She stared for a long time. "You," she said to Mulder, "You had no fear of the Teliko....no that is not true. You had fear, but you ignored it." Then she turned to Dana...."Descendent of the flame haired warrior women...it is you who rid the world of its evil....You have the gift of prophecy , but you hide it even from yourself. No matter. I have the herbs.....I have the cure, but we must try it on someone first. This time it will be the white man." She produced a vial and some disposable needles. "If it works, money will be required to see that all the victims get the antidote...." Mulder's head was throbbing so badly suddenly that he had to grab ahold of the furniture to keep upright. "Now wait just a moment," said Dana, "you can't just inject my husband with...." "If I do not, he is a dead man. If I do, perhaps he will live...." "Sister Nia is an expert herbalist, Dana....." said Both quietly. "I'm sorry but without complete analysis..." began Scully taking her husband's arm..... Sophia had remained silent studying the situation. "Catherine," she said softly, suddenly. The woman turned toward her. "I am Sister Nia," she said. "But you are also Catherine....remember the little girl in Tanzania Nassifa.... after the circumcision...how she very nearly died of the infection.....such a beautiful child....." "But she did not die, did she Sophia...." Suddenly the elderly woman smiled. "You and I, we would save the world back then....a black woman and a white woman in a world the white man thought was his, still thinks is his." "I'd like to think we've slowed the bad guys down at least a little....." and then there arms were around each other. "I thought you had died in Kenya, Catherine," said Sophia finally. "This is what I preferred the world to think." Suddenly the pain in his head had grown unbearable. Fox let out an audible moan and collapsed on to the sofa. The woman known as Sister Catherine grabbed a bowl and quickly discarded the artificial flowers in it while Mulder lost whatever he had eaten. "I fear there is not much time," said the woman. "And it would be best if he did not die here. If he does, all the work I do in the neighborhood will come to nothing." "Give him the shot," said Sophia quickly. She didn't say it quickly enough, however. Her nephew let out an agonized scream and fell to the floor. As Dana was moving toward him, he pulled his gun and put it next to his head. "Fox, no......" cried Dana desperately. "The pain.....can't stand the pain...." He might have pulled the trigger in that instant but his hand was shaking and he couldn't quite squeeze it. It gave Both the time he needed to take a flying leap. The gun fired once, the bullet hitting the ceiling behind them as Mulder was tackled to the floor. "Give him the shot," snapped Sophia. "Dana...the alcohol...." "But...." Dana started to protest but she was already moving toward her husband. He was struggling, beating his head, and Both couldn't hold him much longer. "Catherine is a British educated physician. We studied together. She is quite brilliant in spite of being as insane as I am, Dana. Trust me on this." It was the best consolation she had to offer Dana just now. "Keep holding him down, Dew," said the woman. She filled the syringe and squirted out a small amount and then finding a blood vessel injected it right into his blood stream. The pain actually got worse. He heard himself screaming and couldn't stop. Someone handed him a towel and told him to bite down on it. The voice was familiar, but he wasn't sure who it was. He listened only because it was easier than trying to fight. He felt the whole thing, the entire seizure. It was horrible. His body shook uncontrollably as a knife stabbed through his head, and then suddenly his body relaxed and for the first time in a long time, he was totally free from pain. He eyes closed and he fell into a deep deep sleep. The woman she knew as Sister Nia and as Catherine took out a blood pressure cup and a stethoscope even as Dana watched. "Heart rate, normal," she announced. Then she took his blood pressure. "120 over 80....It does not get much better than that." "After that seizure he should be in the hospital..." said Dana.... "No hospital. You will speak of this to no one. I think it would be best if he was left here to sleep...." "Dana," said Sophia quietly, "Catherine is right....I'll stay with Mulder. You have Both take you and the kids to the hotel and I'll call you later. Catherine and I have a lot to catch up on...and don't forget to pay the girls...." Dana looked at her husband. With a hand that shook she brushed his hair away from his face gently. "Please be okay, Fox," she whispered softly and with a nod to her aunt, she left the apartment feeling helpless. As Both was escorting her out the door reluctantly, she heard Sophia turn around say to the friend of her youth. "Why you old bullshit artist you....I bet its you that runs that voo doo shop downstairs.....You haven't changed a bit in 40 years.....and don't try to tell me those are real plaster saints I saw in the window....." "I'm Sister Nia now.....and there is no bullshit about Shango....." "Yeah....right....just like there is no bull shit in the fortunes I tell in the tea shop my niece's sister runs in Washington. Come on girl....fix us some tea and we'll catch up on old times." 24 Hours Later The drive back to Washington with the kids took somewhat longer than they had expected mainly because they had to rent a car. Mulder's had been stolen. He started out the trip singing "I love New York." Truth was, he had hated that damned van anyway although he supposed now he'd have to buy a new one. He felt good. He still didn't remember a damned thing, but he felt good.....great in fact. "No cookies yet, Patrick," admonished Sophia. "They will be gone by the time we reach the Verrazano Bridge." "By the way, does anyone have cash for the toll?" inquired Dana. "Aw jeez...I knew I should have flown back with Both," moaned Mulder. "Well, at least I don't have a headache. Whatever is in that shit the good sister gave me......" "Sit...Sit...Sit...." repeated Brenda. Scully rolled her eyes. Finally they hit the New Jersey Turnpike and when the smell around the Elizabeth area where the oil refineries were running in full swing didn't make his head throb and his stomach turn, he figured he would be okay. He was already regretting the fact that he had missed most of Ronetta's cooking but the woman had been most understanding. He was a little disappointed that he didn't remember anything, but he could survive that....Hell...he already had. "Okay, Sophia, what's the scoop on the witch doctor?" inquired Dana finally. "Witch doctor?" she asked innocently. "Oh, you mean Sister Nia....we studied medicine together. Ran off to Africa just as soon as we got our MD's....first West Africa, then Tanzania....then Kenya although of course it wasn't called that then. We were going to save the world. We might have done it too except that we got caught up in the Mau Mau uprising. She decided to disappear with the remnants of the movement. I, of course, could not do that although those poor people needed medical care desperately. I mean I would have stuck out a wee bit don't you think, and they would not have allowed a white woman to move with them anyway." "But the Mau Mau's..." began Dana. "Things are not always what they seem, Dana," said Sophia quietly, "As you well know. The people there were oppressed. Their culture, however primitive it might appear to us, had been torn away from them and had been replaced with oppression and people looking down at them as though they were something less than human. I'm not defending them, but the number of atrocities committed against the whites at that time was actually quite small. I might add that a lot of the people in the movement were ignorant superstitious people who were used by others seeking their own gains. People are people all over the world after all. Catherine went with them because medical care was desperately needed in the back country and word came back that she had been killed in a skirmish with the British. I had already left the country one step ahead of the colonial police." "But she didn't die," said Fox softly intrigued with the story. "No...she didn't..." said Sophia. "She spent time in Africa and the Caribbean studying herbs and traditional medicine and even learning about the religions. There aren't a hell of a lot of doctors in the projects, Dana," said Sophia, but under the cover of her shop, she can dispense herbal medicines to the poor and the ignorant and the superstitious, the people no one care about. When necessary, she can see that they get traditional medicine. I for one am not going to stand in judgment of her because she doesn't have a license. Catherine would never hurt a soul. All she wanted to do was practice medicine. Only God knows how many lives she has saved. This is why it is so important that her work be allowed to continue. You think you have had it rough trying to make it in a man's world sometimes, but you have no idea what it was like back then for women....for black women especially. Sister Nia the Voo Doo Queen as you called her is a walking talking miracle even if it isn't the sort you would approve of." Dana only nodded. There wasn't much she could say. Aunt Sophia was right. She had been quick to be distrustful, not surprising under the circumstances, but she had also been quick to be judgmental and found herself contemplating on the ride home the difference between the rosary she still said on those rare occasions when she attended church and the offerings other made to the spirits hidden behind the guise of the plaster saints that Sister Nia sold in her shop. The woman had saved Mulder's life with her non traditional ways and that was more important than anything to Dana. End Chapter 15 "Amnesia" Chapter 16 Dana Scully put her hands on her hips and glared at her husband. He knew that she was about to issue an ultimatum. "My mother and Walter and Little Fox are coming over for dinner and that is all there is to it." "So who died and left you boss, Scully?" he demanded. He was still feeling good. Whatever the hell had been in Sister Catherine's shot, it had killed the headaches entirely and done a hell of a lot for his love life which hadn't been exactly to begin with. He had been back at work full time for a month now and had solved two more cases, real X-Files, not just criminal stuff. Best yet, Dana had been with him on the cases and it had been like old times. Both was cool, but there was no one like his Dana to work cases with, especially in the hotel room at night. Of course, Skinner had given him a hard time about the one, hadn't even wanted to authorize it, however, instead of admitting that he had been wrong when Mulder had proved his theory, all Skinner had done was to harass him about the paper work. God, he hated bureaucrats. It was difficult, no impossible, for him to swallow the fact that he and Skinner had been good friends. "No one died, thank God....Even you lived, Mulder....lived to have dinner with Walter and my mother and the baby tonight. We had to miss his birthday party because you are so damned stubborn and wouldn't go. Tonight you are going to be civilized or I'll....." She had been really furious when her husband had refused to go to Walter's party, but she had cut him some slack on it because they had just returned from a case and he was miffed because the AD had been on his case about the paper work. She had run out of patience with him however. He hadn't stopped to think that perhaps he had hurt her mother's feelings. "You'll what?" he inquired. Suddenly his eyes lit. "I know....you'll tell me no sex for two weeks....right Scully....." "Don't tempt me," she snapped. He eased a little closer to her and his arms snaked around her. Slowly they slipped a little lower than they needed to. She had, he thought, a beautiful butt. He heard her sigh as she leaned a little closer to him, but then suddenly Patrick and Brenda were there expecting to be in on the hugs. Cute as the kids were, that was one aspect to his sudden fatherhood that he could have done without...them = interrupting his access to his wife. "Okay, okay," he muttered giving in as the three of them hugged him, "I'll try to be good....but if he aggravates me...that's it. Say, isn't it time for these two to take a nap?" He was enjoying the hugs and the love that flowed from the three of them, but he also had other things on his mind. "Good idea..." she grinned. "But don't get your hopes up or your....you know what...for that matter. Well..too late there but... Patrick hasn't been cooperating too well lately." "I noticed...." An hour later, Dana was up feeling very mellow indeed working on the birthday cake. Mulder was upstairs with the two babies in bed. They had cooperated and stayed quiet in their cribs just long enough for a quick tumble, but that was okay. Mulder was so ready it would have been a quick tumble even if they had slept all afternoon. It hadn't taken her long to get into the spirit either. She grinned wickedly as she turned on the mixer. She had always been such a goody two shoes. There was something so delightfully evil about being on top of her handsome husband nearly fully dressed because they couldn't wait doing what came naturally. He had sworn it was her screaming that woke up the kids, but she had told him it was all his fault because he hadn't been exactly quiet himself. She realized she was on the verge of overmixing her cake batter and decided she had better concentrate on the batter in bowl. That night, the dinner went reasonably well. They mainly stuck to family gossip throughout the meal and of course with three kids running around it wasn't easy to talk about adult things anyway. Given the size of the family, there was always a lot of gossip, too much, thought Fox attempting not to look too bored because he had promised to be good and he had already been given his reward that afternoon. Quite a reward it had been too. His prim and proper partner was not quite so prim and proper in the throes of passion. Dana found herself rather dumbstruck when Walter told her that his sister was pregnant again. She remembered the three kids from her first rather odd wedding ceremony. She pushed aside a pang of grief for Gran. "A little surprise," said Walter. "She's feeling a bit frantic I think. I mean it was rough being a minister with three children and now to start all over again with a new baby...." "Happens," muttered Mulder. Everyone looked at him. "Well, hell, I've got a set of twins and I have no idea where they came from...." He managed a grin. He wasn't entirely sure he cared about Walter's sister, or Melissa and Colton, or the fact that Dani had to wear glasses now. No, he was absolutely sure he didn't care. He wanted to watch the game on TV. There were still times when he felt like he was in an alternate universe, but his love for Dana kept him sane, and now that he was no longer in pain and filled with resentment, she was more relaxed and made an effort to give him additional space when he needed it. He wondered if that would include enough space to be rude and go watch the game. Somehow he didn't think so. "Why don't you guys take this to the family room while Dana and I do the dishes," said Margaret looking at her watch. She sensed that Fox was getting restless and she knew Walter wanted to see the game. "Then we'll bring out the drop clothes and have some of my daughter's famous chocolate cherry cake." It was her hope that if the two men were left alone they might come to some sort of a truce. "I think if we wait a little while Aunt Sophia will be home," said Dana. "Meantime I'll get the coffee started." The two men took the kids to the improvised family room and Mulder switched on the big screen TV he had insisted they needed when they had returned from New York. What was the point of being rich if you couldn't have a big screen TV. He had ignored Dana's protests entirely. There was a Knicks game in progress. He had been really pissed at the idea of company during the Knicks game, but, he realized, he hadn't missed much. He offered a silent thanks to Margaret. His mother-in-law could be a real angel of mercy. Walter Skinner sat on the sofa on the far side from Fox. "We found your blood samples, the ones that were stolen from the lab," he said to Mulder quietly during a break in the play. "Oh, yeah?" he asked. "Oddly, they didn't show the same results that the blood samples Both had analyzed did." "Oddly?" "I was being facetious, Mulder. They were very clever. The samples were supposedly =D4lost' and then clean ones substituted. So much more plausible than to have them actually stolen." "Bastards," he muttered. He had expected no less. In fact, he wasn't entirely certain Skinner hadn't been in on it. The pause in the game was over and play started again. The men watched silently. Skinner was very much aware of what went through Fox's mind and it disturbed him. He didn't feel that he had ever done anything to deserve it. He recognized that Mulder was making an effort to be polite and knew that Scully must have issued an ultimatum. Be nice or else....Scully had put up with a lot from him during this latest nightmare. He had been so tempted to punch his son-in-law's lights out. Somehow though, Scully had managed to strike the proper balance with him, and Walter supposed he should be glad that at least the marriage had been saved. The kids were climbing all over him, and giving up, Mulder took himself to the floor. He stretched out his long slender body in front of the TV. Brenda and Patrick soon seemed to get tired of bouncing on him and found some toys, but suddenly Skinner's son lay down on top of him and rested his head against Fox's shoulder. It took Mulder by surprise, and he was tempted to dump the little boy on the floor or tell Skinner to come and get him, but a tiny thumb went into a small mouth and the boy started making sucking noises. He smelled sweet, of baby sweat and talcum powder, little boy sweet. Fox knew the child would soon be asleep and brought his hand around the boys back and rubbed it lightly making certain he didn't slip off his chest. As he stared at the TV, he heard music, strange exotic music, and felt his arms around Dana as they sat in the grass listening. He tasted beer and heard himself whispering in her ear..... "Marry me, Scully, and I'll show you how afraid I am of bodily fluids...." She had told him that story....but no..... He saw himself suddenly in a bathtub, a red-haired woman gently washing his chest as he inhaled the scent of lemon. "Have you ever made love to a virgin?" He hadn't, and then he had, beautifully. He was in a bed, a very old bed....He could feel the shudder as he filled the woman beneath him with himself and knew that he had made a baby with her.....The sound of girlish laughter brushed across his mind. Pictures popped into his head, beautiful pictures, ugly pictures...his wife lying on the floor in a pool of blood...the surge of agony at a baby lost....Making love on a table that collapsed...laughing as a bird shrieked "Help Mulder, Help Murder." He could feel the small child he held breathing against his chest and he inhaled sharply. He was suddenly in the hospital.....and Skinner was there....and there was a baby being born...Patrick...Brenda....No....this little boy...JF...Junior Fox....Margaret was having surgery.....and then suddenly, there he was, so tiny, all bald and wrinkled and beautiful, laying across Margaret's chest. In his mind, Fox watched the new family bond....a little miracle baby born to a mother too old, and he had been there for the whole thing. They had placed the little boy in his arms..... JF....Junior Fox.... Patrick wondered over to him....not Patrick...Wally Wolf....God, what a stupid name...Wally Wolf...but....There was Dana screaming....She was lying on the bed. A nurse had one infant in her arms, a beautiful red headed girl and his heart was filled with joy...and then there was his wife screaming....there was Walter catching him as he was about to fall...setting him in a chair as there were discussions about surgery....and then suddenly there was Patrick....bloody, wrinkled....a little blue....his bonus baby......his son.....he beautiful boy, his little Wally Wolf. Walter looked away from the game. It was too quiet. Mulder lay on the floor with JF asleep on his chest. Patrick sat beside him and Brenda had wondered over and set herself near her brother and rested her head on Fox's hip. Tears were streaming down Mulder's face. Skinner wasn't quite certain what to do. He seemed okay, but he was crying silently. Finally Walter decided he should go get Dana in the kitchen. As he got to his feet, Mulder said quietly, "I'm sorry, Walter.....I know I've been a bastard these weeks....I just didn't....I just didn't remember...until now......" Skinner bent down on the floor beside him. "It's okay, son," he said quietly. "It's not your fault." Gently he lifted the baby away from his son-in-law and placed him on the couch covering him with the afghan. Fox sat up almost in a daze. "I think....I think I'm going to be very angry later, dad. I can forgive almost anything.....but they tried to steal.....they tried to take....this from me," he softly gesturing to the house and the children. " I thought no one could ever take my memories. I'm not sure I can forgive that....ever....." "They failed....They failed again, son, and one of these days we are going to bring the bastards to justice." Skinner smiled. It was time to give Mulder a little space to pull himself together. "I'm going to go see what is keeping that chocolate cake." "Yeah....good idea..." he said wiping his eyes quickly. As Walter started to leave the room Fox interrupted. "Walter...." "Yeah...." "Um....happy birthday...." Walter never got a chance to say thanks. Sophia burst in the door with all the dogs just as Dana and Margaret appeared singing Happy Birthday. All three kids started to cry. The End The Gossamer Project Author - Title - Date - Spoilers - Crossovers - X-Files - Adventures - Stories - Vignettes Other stories by Macspooky Please let us know if the site is not working properly. Set story display preferences. Do not archive stories elsewhere without permission from the author(s). See the Gossamer policies for more information.