Gossamer | Story: "Generations 29: Melissa (2/3)" by Evenstar, Eowyn & MacspookyThe Gossamer Project Author - Title - Date - Spoilers - Crossovers - X-Files - Adventures - Stories - Vignettes Other stories by: Evenstar, Eowyn - Macspooky All disclaimers still apply "Melissa" by Eowyn and Macspooky Chapter 5 Fox woke up slowly the next morning. His head felt muzzy as though the seven dwarves were mining it for jewels, and his mouth felt dry, like an army had marched through it and his nose was stuffed up. Dana was already awake. He could hear her in the kitchen with the children. He couldn't seem to remember a damn thing after talking to Both and a couple of others about the Knicks. Then he recalled that something bad had happened at the barbecue yesterday and Skinner had driven him home. He couldn't have been drunk. He had been avoiding alcohol all day... but he felt hung over... Again there was an instant where he sensed or remembered danger, but what danger could there be at a July 4th barbecue? He dragged himself out of bed and into the shower, and then dressed in a pair of jeans and a tee shirt, he went down to the kitchen. Brenda was sitting quietly in her swing while Wally Wolf was busy bouncing in his Johnny Jump up. How he loved that stupid thing! He kept himself amused for long periods of time in the spring like contraption suspended from door frame just bouncing... up and down... up and down... "Hey, Wally Wolf... keep that up and you'll turn into an Xfile." He tried to smile easing past the baby who promptly started to bounce again. The thought of the motion made him turn rather green. Dana didn't turn to look at him and when he came up behind her and kissed her, she didn't respond with her usual smile. "I could use some coffee, babe...." he said sitting at the kitchen table. "I'll bet you could," she replied. She brought him orange juice and two aspirin and some coffee and placed two pieces of toast in front of him as though she knew he wasn't going to feel much like eating. She blew her nose and sat across from him. "What... what did I do?" he asked swallowing the aspirin. "Nothing," she sighed, "Walter and I walked in and you didn't have time to do anything." "What are you talking about?" Suddenly he remembered Melissa handing him a drink. He had tasted the Vodka in it, but it hadn't seemed like much. He couldn't tell. His tastebuds had been pretty numb. He remembered vaguely Melissa helping him to lie down. He grew wary. "Dana?" "Walter and I found you yesterday in the downstairs apartment. You were drunk. Melissa was on top of you taking off your clothes and..." her voice faltered. "Don't you remember any of it? Don't you, Fox?" "I remember Missy giving me a drink... I... started to feel funny...oh, God...he remembered Melissa kissing him...only he had thought it was Dana....Melissa...." Before he could say anything, he was out of the chair and past Patrick still bouncing and in the downstairs bathroom. He dropped to the floor and lost the little contents of his stomach into the toilet. He felt his world shattering aroundhim. When he returned he moved shakily to the chair and looked at his wife. She had said that they had arrived in time...that nothing more had happened....."Dana... you don't think I..." "If I did, Fox, you wouldn't be sitting here this morning, or I wouldn't. I... you were calling my name... I... it hurt... I almost ran out right then thinking that you were encouraging her." "Why didn't you?" Mulder asked terrified at how close he had come to hurting Dana so badly that she might never forgive him. "Walter made me stop and look and listen. He convinced me that you were totally out of it and pointed out that it was my name you were calling not Missy's." Fox Mulder thanked God that Walter had been there for him once again. Dana continued on, pain evident in her voice, "Oh, Fox, how could she do that to me? How? My own sister? I've always loved her no matter what... I'm never, ever going to forgive her... ever... and I don't... I don't want you ever to go near her again." Her control snapping finally, she ran upstairs just as the door bell rang. Mulder cursed and went to answer it. It was Walter looking tired and defeated. They both went to the kitchen. Walter helped himself to coffee, black and drank it in a few quick gulps before he spoke. "You know what happened?" asked Walter. Brenda started to fuss and Fox picked her up and held her. "Yeah, more or less..." he sighed. "Dana told me. She's upstairs now, really pissed at Melissa... me too probably, but I think she knows it wasn't my fault so she's trying to control heranger at me... Seems I have you to thank for that." He paused a moment before concluding, "Thanks for believing in me, Walter. Even when no one else would have." "You're welcome." Walter couldn't bring himself to say more. "I'm glad to hear that you realize how bad it looked, Fox," sighed Walter, "because it's going to be tough convincing Meg. Spent the night on the couch. She... well... she doesn't want to believe that Missy would try to seduce her sister's husband drunk or sober and thinks you must have done something..." "I didn't... I swear it..." He felt really sick now. Margaret angry with him... for something he hadn't done. He removed the butter knife quickly from Brenda's hand. The two men looked at each other and sighed. What the hell were they supposed to do now? "I know you didn't and if I have to turn her over my knee I'll make her admit it." Skinner answered in frustration. The phone rang suddenly breaking the silent tension and Fox reached out and answered it. "Mulder..." "Fox, this is Bill. I just got a really strange phone call from Melissa. I'm on my way over there now." "What sort of strange phone call?" "She sounded hysterical... said she couldn't take it anymore and that I was her last friend in the world. You're a psychologist. I don't want to worry mom. I thought maybe you could come with me..." "Yeah... uh... Walter is here too. We'll meet you outside her house. Give me a few minutes to get dressed." He hung up the phone and looked at Walter, then he explained the phone call. "Are you sure it's a good idea for you to go, Fox?" "We'll play it by ear when we get there," he sighed. "Now I have to go and explain to Dana where I'm going. She isn't going to like it," he sighed. Walter stayed with the babies while Fox went up to finish dressing. It disturbed him to hear Scully and Mulder shouting like that. Dana was very angry. She obviously didn't want him to go. He couldn't hear it all, of course, but he did hear Dana yelling that if he went near her sister she would never forgive him and he needn't bother to come home. She sounded a great deal like Margaret had the night before. He sighed wishing he could help but knowing that this was a battle his son would have to face alone. Walter even contemplated telling Fox that he wasn't needed that he and Bill could handle it... Trouble was he didn't think they could. He needed Mulder, his compassion and insight. Melissa stood a better chance of getting through this with Fox along. Slamming his fist against the door frame in frustration Walter hoped that Fox would win this argument. Fox looked at his wife. It wasn't like her to be so out of control. They had had some fierce arguments in the short course of their marriage, one or two shouting matches that had gotten loud, but he had never seen her quite so hysterical. "Dana," he said finally grabbing her shoulders roughly. "Stop it. Stop it now. This isn't you." "I hate her. I hate her...." "Dana, I said stop it." She did and looked at him. "Why are you going Fox? Why? You know I don't want you to. Why?" "Because Bill thinks that she's in trouble and that I might be able to help. Because Walter and your mom aren't speaking over this and he's going and I owe him... I have to try to help him straighten it out.." "They can manage on their own... they don't need you." "Walter does... Please try to understand, Scully. He's been there for me so many times... please don't ask me to turn my back on him now. I can't, I just can't. And because, goddam it, Dana, I may never have practiced but I am a clinical psychologist... a doctor... and it sounds as though she may be in need of help in that area." Dana knew she wasn't being rational and hated herself for it. "There are other doctors and you can pay Walter back some other way...." she began but she already knew she wasn't going to stop him. Whatever Bill had said had alarmed Fox enough to react and no matter what anyone said, when Mulder's alarm went off, it was time to pay attention. "It's Missy... you care about Missy... and you've made up your mind and you don't care what I think or what Iwant...you're going to ditch me again and go to her." "No, Dana," he said anger welling up in him at her lack of trust. His voice rose again as he spoke. "I don't care about Missy. I don't even like Missy. I owe Missy...okay... I owe her because on the night that you were dying I was sitting in my apartment smugly waiting for the bad guys that had abducted you to come. I'd had a tip from Mr. X you see. I was waiting. I was waiting and I was going to kill them... to avenge what they had done to you... and then youknow what I was going to do Dana... I was going to eat my goddam gun... because the only person I cared about was dying and I didn't want to live anymore." Dana sat there silently and looked at him shocked. "Melissa knocked on the door. She told me you were getting weak... that you were going to die that night. She convinced me to come and say goodbye... to let you know I was there... to let you know how I felt. Well, damn it, I didn't get the bad guys, but I didn't eat my gun either... and you didn't die and we got married and... oh, what the hell..." he yelled. "Whatever happened to trust anyway?" He turned away from her. "I'm sick of your jealousy." Fox slammed out of the room and banged the door taking the stairs two at a time leaving an astonished and thoughtful wife sitting on the bed. She knew she had been driven half mad with jealousy. She had always been jealous of him. No matter how much she trusted him, and she did, with her life, there had always been a part of her that couldn't quite believe someone loved her the way Fox did. That someone so smart and handsome would chose her over Melissa. She hadn't known about any of this. No one had ever told her. No one had ever wanted to discuss what had gone on while she was in that coma, and she had always let it go knowing that it had been a painful time for everyone. She heard Walter and Fox leave and quietly getting up off the bed went to attend her babies. "Oh, Margaret," said Sophia quietly putting an arm around her best friend. It had probably been a mistake to go and visit that morning, but she had wanted to see if there was anything she could do to help with the clean up and she had sensed that there was trouble between Fox and Dana at home. "I'm so sorry." "I said some awful things to Walter last night, Sophia, and now he isn't home and I don't know where he is. I don't want to call Dana and worry her even more, and no one is answering the phone at Melissa's...." "Oh, dear... I was afraid something like this might happen. I mean Melissa hasn't seemed quite... right... but then I didn't know her well before either. Tell me, Meg, what do you think happened?" "I... I... just couldn't believe it last night when Walter told me... I thought... I thought..." "You thought somehow Fox must have done something..." said Sophia softly. "That's just it, Sophie... I didn't... not really, but I just couldn't admit to myself that one of my daughter's would do such a horrible thing to the other... And you're right, Melissa hasn't been herself, not since she got pregnant. I knew she and Chuck had been having some troubles, but they were so in love, and I thought they would work it out... I don't know what to do..." Sophia thought about it for a long moment in silence, waiting for herinstinct to kick in. "Margaret," she said quietly, "For the moment I don't think you should do anything except stay here and wait. Take care of JF and cook dinner as usual. I think that youmight be needed here later." "But I'm so worried about Walter... what if he really thinks I meant what I said? I was awful to him about Fox. About how he cares more for him than my other children." "Fox needs him more than your other children." "That's what he said and I know he's right. But what if he thinks I want him to stop caring for Fox. I don't, you know. It was when I saw how much he loved the boy... well that's when I knew that he had the ability to really love with all his heart. He'd been so reserved, so controlled... I'd begun to think that he didn't really have the capacity to love, that all that he'd seen in his job had destroied that part of him, if it ever existed. After Bill I couldn't settle for someone that couldn't love like that. But both when he thought that Fox was dead and when he found out that he was alive... well he hid it but I knew then that he was capable of loving the way I need to be loved. After that it was just a matter of getting him to see it as well. What if he thinks I regret being married to him... I don't want to hurt him like that." "Walter loves you, Margaret. He's not a stupid man. He'll brood for awhile and then realize that you were just angry and upset. He'll come home and you'll makethings right." "Do you really think so?" she sighed. "I don't know. Bill and I used to fight sometimes, even disagree about the kids... but they were his kids and... it was easier. Walter has tried, really tried and I... well..." "Never mind, Margaret... it's going to be okay. Now I have to go. Call me later, okay?" "Okay...." Meg managed a smile for her friend. "And, thanks... Sophie..." Yes, thought Sophia as she left, she had been afraid something like this might happen. There were sometimes when it was frustrating to be right. She wished that she could have convinced Melissa to see a physician when they had been at the Irish Folk Festival, but the younger woman had scoffed at her with barely concealed disdain. Now it was going to hit the fan, and her poor nephew was caught in the middle of it. End Chapter 5 --=====================_838138159==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MISSY06.TXT" All disclaimers still apply "Melissa" Chapter 6 by Eowyn and Macspooky Mulder and Skinner pulled into the driveway of a large contemporary home in a very wealthy section of Montgomery County, Maryland. It was set on a big lot surrounded by several large trees. It had always left Fox cold. He didn't know, of course, that Walter was having the same thoughts until their eyes met and they exchanged a mutual shudder. Bill was already there and waiting when they arrived. The three men rang the bell and knocked on the door but no one answered. Finally, Mulder tried the knob and when the door proved to be unlocked, he exchanged glances with Skinner and quietly pulled his gun. Slowly they entered the large foyer. Everything in the house was modern, mostly black and white. It was a cold sterile atmosphere that screamed of money rather than love. It was also a mess. Dishes were piled everywhere, with food caked on. Clothes were scattered around and Wills lay in his playpen crying. Walter signaled for Bill to pick up the baby while he and Mulder continued to search. They finally found Melissa in the bedroom sitting on the floor, the phone nearby. Her hair was uncombed and she still wore yesterday's clothes. Her arms were wrapped around her knees and she stared up at them as Mulder and Skinner put their guns away. "Missy," said Bill softly the baby in his arms. "Why did you bring them here, Billy?" she asked, "I thought you were my friend. Why did you bring them? Why?" "I am your friend, Missy. I was worried when you called." Bill knew that something was radically wrong here. The baby started to cry again. "He's hungry," said Melissa, "my baby is hungry and he needs to be changed and I don't have the energy to do it." "Why don't you see if you can find him a bottle, Bill, and a dry diaper," said Fox quietly. "In fact, you might want to put some things together for him." He looked at Walter. Then he bent down near Melissa. "How long has this been going on, Melissa?" he asked gently. Suddenly she threw her head back and laughed. She seemed to be having trouble controlling herself. It was then that he saw the bruise on her upper arm and the red mark across her cheek. "You mean how long have I wanted to f**k you? Only since the minute I laid eyes on you." He gritted his teeth and cast a glance back at Walter. He saw Walter's jaw tense but he gave nothing else away. Skinner was a master at hiding his emotions. It had taken Mulder years to be able to read him and then only because Walter had decided to open up to him. His boss couldn't hide from him any more but their relationship had been many years coming. Even then he didn't know that Walter was wondering if Melissa's attraction to Fox had contributed to her reluctance to fight turning off the respirator. He was beginning to realize that his step daughters had some real problems concerning jealousy of each other. He reached down and squeezed Fox's shoulder to show his support. The gesture did not go unnoticed by Melissa. ** She didn't know who she was more jealous of, Fox's relationship with Dana or his relationship with Walter. How could one person inspire so much love. She'd watched both relationships develop over the last few years and had so wanted to be a part that it hurt. She'd thought she'd found that in Chuck...Even in her current mental state, she realized just how wrong she had been....Chuck didn't love her....not any more..... "No, Melissa," Fox said ignoring her comment, "How long have you been feeling as though you wished you were dead?" "Forever... who knows..." she replied dully. Fox sat down indian style on the floor in front of her. "How'd you get those marks on your arm and face. Are you hurting yourself?" The laughter that met that question crossed over to the hysterical. "No I didn't hurt myself. Chuck and I had a fight... he hit me." Mulder and Skinner exchanged cold hard looks. They might not be too fond of Melissa but neither one of them was about to let Mr. McNeely get away with that sort of behavior. Fox had a bit of understanding about temper but he'd never hit a woman... well only in self defense on the job... but Walter, he was appalled. For him that was something he wouldn't tolerate and he was very angry that McNeely had hurt his step daughter. "Where is Chuck?" Walter inquired. "Who knows? Who cares? He stormed out... doesn't like the mess things are in. Doesn't like the fact that I'm not playing the happy housefrau... while he's out... he's out..." Her voice broke and she couldn't go on. Bill returned with the baby, content now that he had a bottle. "Melissa," said Fox quietly, "you need medical attention. Why don't we have Bill take the baby to your mother's for now and Walter and I will take you to the hospital." "No... no hospital... no... Chuck says he'll take the baby. He says I'm crazy and he'll take the baby. I love my baby. He's the only thing I do love... no hospital..." Bill interrupted her tirade, "Missy you need to get help. You need to go to the hospital." Melissa started to cry... "Don't want to lose my baby... he's going to take my baby..." Mulder and Skinner exchanged glances. Mulder stood up and they stepped out of the room to talk, leaving Bill to comfort his sister. "What do you think, Fox?" "She's right about the custody... If she gets committed, which is what will happen if we take her into the ER now, she'll have a much harder time keeping custody. It'll be a long uphill battle. And you can bet that she'll lose temporary custody." "Alright, agreed. But what can we do? This looks like more than a little depression." "It is. But it's not really all her fault. Some women's systems can't reregulate themselves after a pregnancy and the hormonal imbalance makes them lose control. It'd also be my guess that what ever stress has been going on in her marriage has aggravated the situation." "So you think this isn't the cause of her marital problems?" "Come on, Walt. Would you have let mom get in this bad of shape and not called a doctor." Walter looked guilty. He was remembering Meg's illness of a few months ago and how she had been sick for two or three weeks and he hadn't done anything about it. The bond between him and Fox was now very close, he realized. Fox read his thoughts without him having to say a word. "Mom was sick for two or three weeks and don't tell me that you weren't contemplating taking her to the doctor when we got back from Boston." "Well I had decided that if she still seemed to be feeling bad I would strongly suggest that she go." He saw Fox smile at him and replied in defense. "I can't get away with ordering her like I can you. If I could I wouldn't have spent the night on the couch." Fox chuckled at that, "Don't worry, Walt, I promise never to make you sleep on the couch." His step father grinned and then they returned to the subject at hand. "Walt, the condition that Melissa is in took months to develop and had to be not only ignored by Chuck but aggravated by him as well. If he couldn't get her to go to the doctor he should have come to mom and talked to her, but to the best of my memory instead of him being around giving Mel love and support he's been conspicuously absent as much as possible. Walter nodded. Fox was right, which meant that Melissa's marriage was probably in big trouble. That was going to break Meg's heart. "That still doesn't solve the problem of getting her treatment. I don't think you're a good candidate to do it." "God no. Dana may forgive me for helping in an emergency but I'd end up like Thing if I made a habit of this and Melissa is going to need some heavy duty counseling, because while the hormonal imbalance is exaggerating her symptoms there are underlying problems that need to be dealt with. Not to mention that I'm not an MD and she is going to need drug therapy to rebalance her system." Walter nodded but before he could ask Fox what he had planned his son in law said, "Come on I have an idea. Let's see if we can talk Melissa into it." They went back into the bedroom. Bill Scully looked up in relief to see them return because Missy was getting more and more out of control and he didn't know how to deal with her. Mulder knelt down in front of Melissa on the floor and squeezed her shoulder to get her attention. "Okay, Melissa, no hospital. I know a colleague. "I'll call her and I'm sure she will see you. It will all be confidential. I'll go and do it now. You have to have some help." He got to his feet and turned to Walter. "Why don't you help Missy pack a few things? I think she needs to get away for a few days." He went to the other room where there was a phone. By the time he got back, however, Melissa was no longer being compliant. Once again, he tried his quiet gentle approach and so did Bill, but it wasn't working. Walter had been waiting patiently and listening quietly. Finally, he had had enough. "That's it Melissa. We are going..." he said. "Now...." "Why should I do anything you say?" she demanded angrily. "You don't care about me. You're just like daddy, worse than daddy. You only care about Mulder and Dana... always Dana..." "Your mother is worried sick about you, Melissa," he snapped, "and for your information your father loved you... a lot. Now he's dead and I'm your mother's husband. He sure wouldn't be pleased if I stood by and watched his oldest daughter ? self destruct and for your mother's sake I'm not going to do it. Now get your ass in gear and pack a few things. You need to see a doctor and get away from here for a few days and that is just what you are going to do... Now, Melissa... Or do you want to lose Wills." "Okay," she said suddenly in a little girl voice. Maybe he could get her out of this mess. At least he was strong like her daddy had been. She felt tears come to her eyes as she gathered a few things in a bag, and they headed out toward the car. "Bill, could you take Wills home to your mother," said Walter. "Tell her that we are taking Missy to the doctor and will be back after that." "Sure, Walter," said Bill quickly. He was glad that someone else was handling this. His sister did seem to be crazy, and when she got stubborn, she had always been a handful. "I love you, Missy." He touched her cheek gently. "Remember, you're my favorite sister." Fox thought idly that that was probably a good thing. Melissa needed to be someone's favorite right now, and it sure as hell wasn't going to be Dana's. He hoped that when he got home and explained, that his wife would show some compassion, but somehow he doubted it. Dana angered slowly, but when she did it was deadly. She had a cold streak in her that could be frightening in its intensity at times, and Melissa had really over stepped the bounds. Bill was just putting the car seat in the back of his car when a red Ferrari pulled up and squealed to a stop. Chuck got out with an older woman. Seeing the three men with his wife, he began to look livid. An older woman got out of the passenger side of the car. They had met her at the Christening of course, Chuck's mother, one of those women of indomitable spirit that had raised her three sons alone. She had seemed nice, if a trifle bossy, and that had led to some obvious conflicts between her and her equally strong willed daughter-in-law. "What the hell is going on, Melissa?" demanded Chuck. "Your wife is very ill," said Fox quietly, "We are taking her to the doctor." "She's not sick. She's just crazy," snapped Chuck, "and if she needs a doctor I'll take her." "You've had six months to take her to the doctor. If you'd been paying more attention then she wouldn't be in this state." Fox answered back angrily. "Where do you think you are going with my kid?" "He's going to my house for a little while," said Skinner, "to visit his grandma, and then Melissa is going to stay with us for a few days while she rests." "I've come to take care of the baby," said Chuck's mother. "My son tells me she isn't capable..." "My kid isn't going anywhere...." "I told you. I told you he threatened to take Wills from me," Missy started to cry. "He said his brother got custody... You don't need him... you don't even want him. You just don't want me to have him..." "Bullshit, Missy. He's my son." Chuck stepped closer to her. Fox readied himself to intervene. "You don't care about him," she started to scream. "You don't care about me. You only care about your women. First that car saleswoman, then that secretary you've gotten pregnant..." Fox, Walter and Bill exchanged looks and then closed ranks around Melissa. They all thought at once. Melissa was surprised at Skinner's and Mulder's support, especially after all she'd done but for the first time in months she felt like she might come out of this with her baby. Everyone looked at Chuck, including his mother. "Well, I wasn't getting any from you," he snapped. "I was sick... oh, you pretended to be so understanding... and then when I got well, you weren't interested. Well she called here, Chuck. She called and she wants to marry you. Knows a meal ticket when she sees one. She can have you. You can hit her." Melissa turned then to Walter for support and understanding. A surprise to everyone including herself. "I wanted to go to a doctor at first, when I got to feeling worse... but he just said that I was crazy. He implied that if I went to get help then the courts were sure to give him custody. He offered to take me...he had such a nasty smile. By all means Melissa I'll take you. That will be perfect for a custody fight. It'll prove that you're crazy." She started crying again and Walter took her into his arms. Chuck who was about to come after Melissa took one look at the cold hard look on Walter Skinner's face and backed off quickly. No way was he going to tangle with him in that mood. Glancing at Bill and Mulder he realized that if he started a fight, he would quickly end up as mince meat. All three of the men in front of him were desirous of turning him into a punching bag. "Take the baby and go, Bill," said Walter. "That's my grandchild and I am capable of caring for him while Melissa is recovering," interjected the older Mrs. McNeely. She was appalled by this situation, and confused, but she did love her grandbaby and felt reluctant to see him pass into the hands of comparative strangers. "I want my baby with me." Melissa cried into her step father's chest. "I'm sorry Mrs. McNeely but my daughter prefers to keep him with her." "She's not capable of caring for him." "Not alone no, but she will be staying at my house and my wife and our nanny will be there to help her out. She will be receiving the love and support she needs to recover, unlike what she has obviously been getting here." "You're not taking my son." Chuck yelled at Skinner. "I insist I be allowed to care for my grandson." Chuck's mother added again. Skinner heard Melissa sob and felt her shaking. Taking Melissa's arm, he lead her to the car. Chuck was left staring after them sullenly. Jeez, he'd married a bitch and he could tell that even his mother was starting to take Melissa's side. He'd show them... yeah... right... Mulder and Skinner waited in the doctor's office as Melissa was examined by his former colleague. Dr. Shandy had been one of his teacher's at Oxford and had later opened a psychiatric practice in Washington, DC, where she was originally from. She had been very disappointed when Fox Mulder, one of her most brilliant students, had turned down an offer to practice with her. They had remained friends, however. They didn't see a lot of each other over the years. They were both busy, but occasionally they would meet for a quick lunch or dinner and catch up on each others lives. The psychiatrist was one of those incredible individuals that had entered into her field long before women had been accepted. She had aged beautifully keeping a slender figure with white hair that would be the envy of any older woman, but it was her eyes that made the initial impression on her patient's. They were a lovely shade of cornflower blue, and combined with a ready smile, they made everyone feel warm and welcome in her office....welcome and a long way towards feeling at home. Although she had never met his wife, Dr. Shandy had been delighted at the changes in her old friend and student since his marriage and fatherhood. When last they had met, he had sounded almost normal, whipping out baby pictures and bragging about what talented droolers his twins were. When he had called earlier, she had been delighted to do him a favor and see his sister-in-law and she was confident that is diagnosis was the correct one, although of course, she would rule out anything else organic. She had had quite a surprise though when she watched him interact with the older man who came with him. Fox Mulder loathed male authority figures... he had the entire time he was at Oxford and had given many of the male professors considerable grief. With his brilliant mind he often challenged any weak position, Mulder had taken great pleasure in upsetting the apple carts of many of her colleagues. Dr. Shandy smiled to herself, that was probably why she had been so taken with him. Being a woman in such a male dominated environment she derived considerable glee watching her pupil stir things up. But Walter Skinner, who Mulder informed her was his boss as well as Melissa's step father, he treated differently. He was more relaxed than she had ever seen him and Mr. Skinner obviously had his respect. she thought to herself. "What a mess," sighed Walter his head leaning back against the waiting room wall while Missy was being examined. "I took a week of in the hopes of finally spending a little time with my wife and baby in my new home and now this...." "Yeah, it's tough," sighed Fox. "I'm sorry I can't be more help. I mean, I'd bring her home with me for a few days only..." "Um... wouldn't Scully love that?" smirked Walter. "Don't even mention it. I imagine I'm in for it when we get home." "I'm sorry about that, Fox, but Bill and I couldn't have handled it without you there. We'd have had to take her to the ER and possibly had her committed. As much trouble as she is, she doesn't deserve to lose custody of her baby." "Actually, we've been lucky. If my diagnosis of severe ? post partum depression is correct, we are fortunate that she didn't harm herself or turn against the baby." Fox shuddered. "Women have been known to kill their infants..." "Yeah... lucky... I could cut that guy's nuts off, Mulder. He had to have known that she was sick. Why couldn't he have asked us for help?" "I think at first he was too self centered to notice and then when he got this other girl pregnant he probably hoped that Melissa would go crazy and he could kick her out and get custody. A philandering father wouldn't stand much of a chance of getting custody away from the mother, especially since he uses drugs, but if the mother has been committed for being suicidal... well then he gets looked at with sympathy at all he's had to put up with. Forget the fact that his running around instead of supporting his wife was probably the major stress factor that tipped the balance from her getting well on her own to needing medical intervention." " So you think it was deliberate?" "The last few months... yeah I think he wanted her to get worse. Better custody arrangement for him and probably a better property settlement." "Bastard! What I wouldn't give for five minutes..." "Assistant Director, I'm shocked. I thought you never lost your cool." Fox teased. Walter smiled at him. "You know better than that, but it takes a lot, Fox, it takes a lot. Margaret was never crazy about him, but they seemed so in love... oh, hell..." he muttered. "Now I have to go home and face her." "Me too... I mean, I've got to face Dana." The door opened and Missy came out with Dr. Shandy. The older woman squeezed her arm gently. "Don't worry, Melissa. You take this medication and soon you'll start feeling like your old self. We'll send out this blood work too. I want to see you back here on Wednesday morning. I think we'll start with once a week and then go from there. We'll talk then about whether you want to start seeing a psychologist about your depression and some of the personal problems we talked about or stick with me. You have a lot of work a head of you but you've taken the first and most important step." She smiled at Fox. "As usual, Mulder, you are a brilliant diagnostician. If he ever leaves the FBI, Mr. Skinner, please encourage him to join my practice. I could use a clinical psychologist like him." "I don't plan to lose him, Dr. Shandy. Thank you for all your help." Walter held out his hand and shook hers. Roberta thought to herself. "Thank you, Roberta," smiled Fox. "Well, here is a prescription for Melissa. I've given her some samples. She has promised me that she is going to eat a good meal tonight, and we will think more about where we are going with treatment on Wednesday. I want to give the medication time to start working before we start the counseling. She has a long road ahead of her but with the loving family that she obviously has she is going to be just fine." Walter took the prescription and they all thanked the doctor and left. He found a parking ticket on his car and cursed. It really was his day. "Don't worry, Walter," said Missy suddenly, "I'll pay the ticket. I do have money... I mean..." "Don't concern yourself with that now, Melissa," he sighed. "Let's just get you back to your mom's. Dr. Shandy is right. Some good food and a night's sleep will make you feel much better. Concentrate on getting well. I'll drop you off, Mulder." Missy was silent in the car, silent and miserable. There was a part of her that really loved her sister and she knew she had done a terrible thing. Twice she opened her mouth to say something, but words wouldn't come and she finally slumped down in defeat over the matter... a good meal... a good night's sleep... Skinner dropped Mulder off, but he didn't go into the house with Fox. He wanted to badly, he could tell that Fox was fearful of what he would find but he needed to get Melissa home and neither he nor Fox thought it was a good idea to leave Mel alone in the car while they went inside. And the prospect of bringing Scully's sister into the Mulder home did not bear thinking about, Dana was a doctor after all, and very good with knives. When Walter pulled away, he began to walk not wanting to face his wife's anger and hurt. Before Fox would just defend himself with his own anger and manipulative tricks but the last year had seen a major change in the manner in which he fought. No longer could he strike out at someone he loved in violent anger as his father had done. Now he found that he had no defenses. He walked and walked aimlessly for a couple of hours. Finally, he couldn't put it off any longer. He had to go home. It was growing dark, he was tired, and he still had the damn flu. Opening the door with his key, he found the house quiet. He locked it behind him and set the alarm system. He figured Dana must have gone to bed early. She had still been looking pretty funky from the cold that morning. Instead he found her in the kitchen. "Hi, Spook," she said shyly. "I... I waited dinner. Irish stew. Are you hungry?" "Yeah, Shorts. Starving," he replied. "You know I love your Irish stew." Somehow, this wasn't quite what he had expected. He sat down and she served him. He found himself wondering when she was going to explode. "Where are the kids?" he asked. He sort of missed Patrick bouncing in his jumping thingy. "Asleep. Wally Wolf bounced himself into oblivion and I think Brenda is getting the cold," she told him sitting across from him and joining him. They ate in a silence that was somewhere between comfortable and uncertain. She put the dishes in the dishwasher. "I'm gonna go take a shower," he said looking to escape the somewhat tense, and rather confusing atmosphere. "Let me run you a bath," she smiled slightly. He nodded. Once again he was surprised. It wasn't long before she joined him in the tub. She took her bath sponge and some of her lemon scented soap and began washing him. He closed his eyes. This brought back memories, memories of their first night together. It had something of the same feel too, as though they knew what was coming but were uncertain where to start. "Fox," she said softly. "Yeah..." he thought about opening his eyes, but couldn't quite work up the energy. "I... I'm sorry, sweetheart. I was really out of line this morning. I thought about what you said... about trust I mean... and... It wasn't fair of me to ask you to leave Walter hanging. I know how much you love him, even if you won't say it, and it was selfish of me to try and interfere with that. I don't blame you for being angry with me and slamming out of here." "It's okay." His eyes opened finally and he took the bath sponge from her. "My turn...." He pulled her close and their lips met. They met and kept on meeting while he rubbed the sponge down her back and other places he hadn't quite had the nerve to touch during that first bath together. "I think we are clean enough," he whispered finally. They got up and he wrapped them both in a towel and they kissed some more. "Race you to the bed," he said finally. "Winner gets on top," she called making sure she gave him a head start. They crash landed naked and laughing on the bed. In a moment they were locked in a passionate embrace with her lying beneath him letting herself be overpowered by his maleness. When he finally stopped shuddering, he kissed her nose and threw his head back and laughed. "That was good, Dana... that was nearly as good as the first time...." Rolling off of her he began to tickle her. "Wasn't it?" "Fox, stop..." she giggled. "Wasn't it... say it, Scully. It was almost as good as the first time..." "It was better... better than the first time..." "Well, you know what they say. No pain, no gain..." "And I sure had a lot of gain for the pain..." she tickled the appropriate spot on the body. "Your problem, young lady," he informed her, his ego duly fed, "is that you haven't had enough..." Finally she lay back in his arms. She could feel him drowsing beside her. She did feel decidedly more content. And, it had been better than the first time when she had been a virgin... Virgin... virgin... now what was bothering her about this virgin concept... wait a moment... She sat up suddenly. She grabbed her pillow and started pounding him with it. "You son of a bitch..." "Hey, hey, what'd I do?" he demanded sitting bolt upright and snatching the pillow from her hand. She was on her knees stark naked and looking like one of the furies. "What the hell did you tell Skinner a thing like that for?" she demanded. "A thing like what?" "That I was a virgin, for heaven sake... jeez Mulder..." "I never did!" He protested loudly. "Then how the hell could he stand there with you passed out and tell Melissa that I had saved myself until after I got married? Besides you can never keep anything else from him..." Fox broke out in gales of laughter. "I have no idea. Maybe your mother told him... maybe he guessed. Gran knew for sure. Maybe she told him. I promise that I didn't." He managed to get out finally as she glared at him. "So what's so funny?" She was still angry at him, but his laughter was getting to her. "Jeez, Shorts, is that what he thinks? Hell. You didn't save yourself for me. As I recall, I saved you for me... I just about had to beat you off of me on a daily basis..." He reached up and pulled her down on top of him, but she was still sort of struggling although he could feel the laughter welling up in her. He rolled her on her back and planted himself on top of her once again. "God, you are so sexy," he said, "so sexy and so beautiful, and I love you so much." After his intense earlier release, he had anticipated a good long period of turn around time, but it wasn't quite working out that way. "You know what I'm going to do to you now?" "Unh huh..." she said coyly. "What?" She whispered in his ear. "Exactly," he replied and he did. It was only as he was finally satiated and drifting off to sleep with her in his arms that he realized that she had never once asked how her sister was. Something told him that family occasions weren't going to be the same for a long time to come, if ever. He supposed he should have been concerned, but at the moment he was too darned tired. End Chapter 6 --=====================_838138159==_ Content-Type: text/plain; charset="us-ascii" Content-Disposition: attachment; filename="MISSY07.TXT" All disclaimers still apply. "Melissa" by Eowyn and Macspooky Chapter 7 The old red station wagon pulled into the driveway and around to the back of the beautiful older Victorian home. Walter Skinner did not get out immediately. He sighed and hoped that Melissa would be cooperative. Turning to her he asked, "Melissa, I need a favor from you." The red haired woman turned and looked cautiously at her stepfather, wondering what he wanted. "I need you to tell your mother that Fox had nothing to do with what happened yesterday." "Why should I lie to my mother?" Melissa was still feeling angry and out of control. The pills would take awhile to work. Walter clenched his jaw but restrained himself and tried to reason with the woman in front of him. "Because, one, it wouldn't be a lie, and two, you're already well on the way to ripping this family apart. Dana's not going to forgive you anytime soon and I was there and heard whose name he was calling. Are you really so vindictive that you want to make everybody's marriage fall apart like your's?" "Everybody believes in Mulder... nobody believes in me like that." She fought to control the tears. "I believe in Mulder. Not everybody. I've known him ten years off and on and have gotten to know him very well over the last three years..." "Why don't you just say that you love him?" Melissa challenged. Walter sighed, she was being difficult. "Melissa, that's between Mulder and myself and is none of your business. You need to take responsibility for your actions and the first step in doing that is not to try to come between your mother and Fox. You have no idea the kind of hurt that could do to him, or to her for that matter." "He's a big boy... he can take care of himself." Walter lost his temper and began to lecture her, "Would you try to think about someone other than yourself for a change. How anyone who grew up in such a loving warm home can be so mean and vindictive to someone who grew up in a cold sterile environment and had the one person who he cared about ripped away from him at age twelve is beyond me. He's found a family now and cherishes that and you're trying to take that away from him. I never liked you much but I never thought you were that much of a vindictive bitch." Walter slammed out of the car and grabbed her case from the back. His words had hurt her... Why couldn't he like her... why couldn't he love her just a little... was she so unlovable? She was startled to find him holding her car door open for her, waiting for her to get out. She looked up at him as she got out and had to stifle a laugh... His look was one she had often seen on her father's face. He didn't hate her but was thoroughly disgusted with her. She sighed and gave in. "I'll tell mom that it was all my doing. You're right he didn't have a thing to do with it, other than being sweet, loyal and sexy... God isn't he sexy?" Walter stifled a smile, "I wouldn't know, Lis, he's not my type." She shot a quick look at her step father. The house was quiet as he let them in. There was no sign of Meg or anyone for that matter. "Come on, Melissa, lets get you settled into the one of the guest rooms. We've got a portable crib that Wills can sleep in. I'm not sure where your mother is." He thought about calling out but not being sure of his welcome he decided to wait. Leading the way upstairs to one of the guest rooms Walter hoped that he wouldn't be spending another night on the sofa in his study. It was not the most comfortable of places to sleep. They bumped into Meg in the upstairs hallway. She was coming out of the guest bedroom. "I just got Wills to sleep in the port-a-crib. You can put your bag down in here, Melissa." One look at her mom and Melissa broke into tears and threw herself into her mother's arms. "Oh, Mom, I'm so sorry. Do you think Dana will ever forgive me?" Meg put her arms around her daughter and rocked her gently. "It'll probably take awhile. A very long while. What got into you, Lis?" "We can talk about that later, Meg." Walter interrupted. "She needs to eat and then get some sleep. Doctors orders. Melissa, do you want Wills in with you or we could put him in the nursery with Little Fox?" "You'd probably rest better if he was in the nursery, honey. It's right across the hall from your room." "Whatever you think's best, Mom." Melissa was back to being compliant. "We'll leave him in the nursery then. And don't worry about tonight... if he cries one of us can get him." Meg assured her daughter. "I've got a pot roast cooking that should be about done. Why don't you go check it for me and put the bread in the oven. Walter and I will be down in a couple of minutes." Nodding her agreement Melissa headed downstairs. Meg and Walter faced off, neither quite sure of the other's reaction or even their own for that matter. Meg decided to go first. "Thankyou for taking care of her, Walter. Bill dropped the baby off and told me what happened... he didn't seem to be aware of what happened between her and Fox yesterday?" "We didn't tell him. Nor do I think it's a good idea to tell anyone else." "The family is going to wonder why Dana is so angry." "I know and maybe that isn't fair to Dana but I really don't think Melissa could handle the added pressure that would result when the truth got out. I think it's just best if we leave it that they had a falling out." "So your main consideration is Melissa in all this?" "No, Meg. My main consideration is you." Walter Skinner looked at his wife tenderly, "I don't want to see your, our family, torn apart and if what happened gets out then there is probably going to be a camp that blames Lis, a camp that blames Dana and one that blames Fox as well, and in all truth I don't want to see him dragged into this either. The only thing he's guilty of, according to Melissa, is being sweet and loyal and sexy." "So you were right." "You knew I was last night." "Must be nice to always be so damned perfect." "I wouldn't know. Look, Meg, what do you want? You know how I feel about Fox..." "No I don't. You've never said... at least nothing more than that you respected and admired him and his work." Walter thought to himself. And another voice answered back, "Meg, first and foremost I don't want Fox hurt by this. He's never had a family before... at least not a real one... and right now he's on pretty shakey ground. After that I very much want to help Melissa and I think it will be best for both of them if this doesn't come out. Dana's not likely to forgive her sister anytime soon but she also isn't the type to throw fits and make everybody's life miserable if she's in the same room with Melissa. So provided Melissa behaves, then I think we should keep it quiet. Also, it would be better if she and Chuck end up in a custody battle for not a hint of this to get out. I won't lie on the stand for Melissa so we need to avoid any hint of this circulating." "Surely her marriage isn't that far gone?" Meg Skinner was very distressed at the thought. "How much did Bill tell you?" God Walter didn't want to be the one to break all of this to his wife. "Only that Melissa was very depressed and couldn't handle Wills all by herself. He said that Fox believed it was severe post partem depression. Is there more?" "Melissa has brusies on her arms and face from where Chuck hit her. It also came out that he's had affairs with at least two different women since she's been pregnant and the last woman he's gotten pregnant." Meg brought her hand to her mouth in shock. "Oh my, poor Missy. No wonder she found Fox so irresistable. She's always been attracted to him but up til now I thought it was mostly physical." Shaking her head she sighed. "Fox is loving and gentle and loyal and would never think of fooling around. Considering what Melissa has been going through I'm not surprised she found him an irresistable package and with the hormonal imbalance she lost control. But Fox and her psychiatrist both think that there are some underlying issues that she needs to deal with that were merely aggravated by the chemical imbalance." Meg nodded her agreement. "Well, Melissa is going to wonder what's keeping us. Lets go down to dinner." She started to walk by her husband and found herself drawn into his arms. He held her to him tightly. "I love you, Meg, and I love having a family. Admittedly that can be a bit of a pain at times but it is wonderful to belong again, to not feel so alone. And I'm not sorry that I got married again... I was just angry and I didn't mean it." He began by kissing her forehead, then he let his lips roam down to her neck and shoulder. He slid her shirt off of her shoulder, his lips trailing behind. "I know and I didn't mean it either, Walter. And I don't mind about your relationship with Fox. It's one of the things I love most about you." She held him tightly and when she raised her head and looked into his face he leaned down and kissed her. Margaret returned the kiss with passion and let her hands wander down to his hips, pulling him in closer. She could feel his desire. Breaking off the kiss he leaned into her ear and whispered. "If we don't stop now Melissa will have to eat alone." "Well at least the doctor wanted her to go to bed early." She grinned up at her husband. He grinned back, "That's true. We'll have to make sure that she follows doctors orders." He kissed her deeply agian. Then leaned back and said, "I love you and your family, Meg. Don't forget it, okay?" "Any particular part of my family?" She teased him. "Margaret." "Men! Come on, Walt, let's go eat. You're going to need your strength tonight." Walter Skinner lay in bed with his wife and JF and Wills who had grown fussy from the change in routine and the negative emotion he had felt around him in recent days... and Morticia.... and Wednesday. He found himself thinking that he wished they had bought the king sized bed and then wondering how the hell this had happened. He did not like those damned dogs. He simply refused to. Dinner had been something of a nightmare saved only by the fact that Aislinn had come bouncing in from a session at court and announced that, thanks to the expensive Immigration Lawyer Mulder had hired she had gotten her green card. Then she had seen Missy and announced that she was so glad that her cousin had finally left the bastard. It had come out that Chuck had tried to hit on her too and Melissa had nearly fallen apart. Aislinn had told her not to worry. She had left him with sore nuts. Then Melissa had realized that she hadn't been much better herself. Walter could tell by the expression as she had exchanged glances with her mother. Aislinn was a ray of sunshine, however, and had told Missy that the two bedroom apartment downstairs was too big for her anyway growing up in such a large family as she had, and that Missy was welcome to stay with her if Uncle Walter and Aunt Margaret didn't mind. Her optimistic outlook and bright disposition had given Melissa a bit of hope. Then seeing that Missy and her aunt needed to talk, she had convinced Uncle Walter to help her with the dishes. He had been very grateful to the younger woman. he thought, Wills had started crying and awakened JF who began wailing, and then the damn dogs had gotten pesty. Walter wondered briefly if this was what Mulder went through at home with the twins and all those silly animals. "Got a little more than you bargained for, hon?" asked Margaret very softly her hand sneaking between sleeping bodies and taking his. "Yeah..." "It wasn't supposed to end up this way. We like to think when our children are grown..." "It's not your fault, Margaret. Maybe if Bill were still alive..." "He would have done exactly as you did, Walter," said Meg softly. "I've been lucky in the men I've married. You know what I don't understand... Melissa's not even that fond of Fox... never has..." "What do you mean?" "She told me tonight that she always found him physically attractive, but that they didn't click. Thought he was weird. Perfect for her sister. I mean, she admitted she was jealous of Dana's relationship with him... about the way Dana blossomed after she married Fox... You know, it isn't fair. Dana is going to come out of this looking like the cruel one for being angry at her sister when Lis instigated everything. I guess... I guess in the past it's always been that way. Bill loved both his daughters dearly, but he never harbored any illusions about Melissa. Me... well... she was my baby girl, my oldest daughter... and... well, I knew she had this wild streak, but I could never bring myself to really deal with it. I used to write it off as teenage stuff... sibling rivalry..." "No one is perfect, Meg," he said gently. "Too many children... too close together," she sighed. "Melissa never had a chance to be a baby. All of a sudden Dana was there, sickly and needing constant care. The funny part about it is that Melissa was a very wanted baby and Dana wasn't. Billy is so laid back it doesn't seem to have affected him, but Melissa needed more and I guess I just didn't have the energy." Walter was a little surprised to hear her say this, as surprised as Fox had been the night she had bared her soul to him when Dana lay dying in the hospital. "Meg," said Walter quietly, "sometimes you just can't give enough. I mean some kids you just can't give enough to. You were one person and Bill had a living to earn. For years I was wracked by guilt over Annie... I mean..." "You've never told me about Annie," said Meg, "not really." "High school sweethearts," he said. "We got married when I came back from Nam and started working my way through college. We were both 20." "Babies..." "Yeah..." he smiled at the memory. JF stirred beside him and he cuddled the baby closer. Morticia nestled against his leg. He ignored it. "Babies... those first years were good. She got sick a lot, but it was things like colds and bladder infections... things you got well from. Then finally after many years she got pregnant. We were so happy. She lost the baby during the third month and it took awhile to recuperate, but we were hopeful we could try again. She carried the second one for four months. We couldn't afford private doctors and she'd been going to the college clinic... I blame myself for that... always a different doctor... never any consistency, but I hadn't finished school yet... Anyway, she wanted to try again so we did. The third child she carried for six months. My daugher lived for two days..." "Oh, Walter, I'm so sorry...." Margaret wanted to hug him but Wills was in the way and she didn't wish to wake her grandson. "Yeah... well... it was then they found that Annie had a heart condition. I suppose it had been there all along beneath the surface but the pregnancies made it worse. No more babies, they said. I told her I didn't care as long as she was okay, but it broke her heart. She became more and more dependent on me as her health started to fail, and then they discovered that she had cancer. By this time I had started with the Bureau, had to go through the training... I never... I mean... she needed me, Margaret and I was never there. The medical benefits enabled her to get the treatment that she needed but I was never there to care for her, and then finally she just slipped away. I don't think she wanted to live anymore." "Walter, I'd say you did the best you could." "Maybe... but maybe not. I was tired of it, Margaret. I wanted a career. I got wrapped up in my work. I bashed myself over the head for years with guilt over that. I avoided getting close to anyoneuntil... well, until I met you....." he sighed. "And this time you really bit off more than you could chew?" There was a smile in her voice when she said it. "Maybe... but I have you and I have JF... and... well, hopefully you'll give me a kick in the ass if I get my priorities messed up." "You won't have time," she said. "Believe me, since you've taken on the role of Missy's mentor, she'll keep you on your toes. I'm glad your an ex Marine, Walter Skinner..." "Why do you say that?" "Because we are going to have to set some very strict ground rules with her and stick to them. She's just not like Dana. All Bill had to do was look at Dana the wrong way and she would toe the line. Missy... well... you know, I never interfered when Bill would discipline her, but I never thought he was being entirely fair either. When the kids weren't around, we would argue about it, but in light of this situation I realize that he was right. A firm hand is the only thing she responds to. When she hit adolescense she just went wild. I thought she had finally settled down with Chuck... Maybe if Bill could have been home more... but that's all water under the bridge." "Why didn't she come to Bill's funeral, Meg?" "Missy had an abortion, and that was the one thing that her father could never forgive. I never did know the whole story. By the time we found out, it was over. He confronted her and, I will say this for her, she didn't bother to lie... told him outright she had done it and she wasn't sorry... That it was her body and her right to choose. He threw her out of the house that night. She had money and friends." Meg sighed. "What could I do? I love her, but Bill... he was right Walter... to this day I believe he was right, only she's my baby girl..." Meg's voice cracked. "I don't want to talk about it anymore. I'm tired." "Okay...I love you Meg, you and JF... and your kids...." "What about the dogs?" There was a smile in her voice at that. "Don't push your luck," he growled as Wednesday climbed on his chest and curled up. He didn't move her though. "I love you too, Walter," she said her eyes closing. Now if only the babies don't wake up. "Damn it," said Walter suddenly sitting up and unceremoniously dumping the fur ball. "What? What, Walter?" "Somebodies diaper just leaked....." A chorus of wails started. So much for sleep. End chapter 7 All disclaimers still apply. "Melissa" by Eowyn and Macspooky Chapter 8 As he watched the tall, broad shouldered, bald man scan the restaurant, spot him and then make his way over towards him, Fox Mulder smiled. Walter looked a bit tired and in his casual attire he looked out of place among the suits. He'd called his boss and suggested that they meet for lunch, both he and Scully had made it back to work today, having survived the flu, but she'd gotten stuck doing an emergency autopsy and hadn't been able to come. That had been fine with Fox, he needed to find out how things were going and considering his wife's current attitude towards her sister it wouldn't have been a subject that he could have brought up. He greeted his friend, teasing him, "You look like you could do with a few more hours of sleep. Melissa giving you problems?" "No, actually today she seems to be cooperating. Wills was not happy with all the changes, plus Meg thinks that he's been neglected so that now that he's actually getting some attention he's trying to make up for lost time. We were up half the night with him or Fox. The little Squirt does not appreciated his sleep disturbed and complains quite loudly every time he gets woken up." Walter sighed and rubbed the back of his neck. "Do you go through this with the twins?" Fox laughed. "Probably not as bad. They are sort of used to each other complaining so they tend to sleep through a brief crying session on the part of their sibling... 'course if it goes on too long we get it in stereo. So has Melissa made any plans?" "We've convinced her to hold off doing anything for at least a week. Give her time to think straight and the medicine time to start working. It doesn't look like she'll be going back to McNeely though." "That's going to be a bit hard on you isn't it, Dad? I mean both Mel and another baby... especially indefinitely." "Actually it shouldn't be too bad. Aislinn has informed Melissa that she's going to feel lonely in that two bedroom apartment all by herself so the two of them are down there now getting it ready to move into by the end of the week. The move or the medication seems to be working, Mel is showing more energy than she has in months." "That sounds like a decent arrangement." The waitress came up and they placed their orders. Fox also ordered a sandwich to go for Scully. "So how'd it go last night, Fox. Was Dana very upset that you insisted on going with Bill and I?" "Actually no... she'd cooled off and realized that I needed to go help you. She hasn't, however, said word one about Melissa. Not even to ask if she's going to be all right. This little fight has been simmering for a long time." "I got the feeling from something Dana let slip that Mel had stolden most of Dana's boyfriends?" "Yeah, and it hurt Scully a lot. So Mel's attempt at me isn't likely to be forgiven or forgotten anytime soon." "Meg and I figured as much." At the look of discomfort that crossed his son-in-law's face Walter went on to reassure him. "Don't worry, Fox. Meg doesn't blame you. Melissa admitted to her that it was all her doing. She said and I quote, `All he did was to be sweet and loyal and sexy.' Meg was just upset that all this had resurfaced again." At the releaved look on Fox's face, Walter briefly squeezed his hand. "Don't worry, son. The situation between Mel and Dana might not resolve itself anytime soon but she hasn't managed to come between you and Margaret." Fox smiled and they proceeded to talk work and family and to eat their lunches. Towards the end of lunch another subject occured to Mulder. "You got me in big trouble yesterday." "I thought you said Dana forgave..." "Not about that. How the hell did you find out Scully was a virgin when we got married and why'd you have to let on you knew? She swears that I had to be the one to tell you, that I can't keep anything from you." "Oops." "Don't oops, me. She beat me up with a pillow last night. Wouldn't believe that I hadn't told you, until I pointed out that you had it wrong." At Walter's questioning look he elaborated, "You told Mel that she saved herself for me till the wedding night. Well that wasn't quite accurate. I.... ummm... let's just say that the last few months of waiting were my idea. I wanted to honor her father's wishes because I knew how much he meant to her. Scully didn't want to wait." Walter chuckled, "I take it she tried to change your mind?" "Oh god, Walter, blue balls are nothing by comparisom. I didn't have a hot shower for three months. But don't change the subject. How the hell did you find out?" "Meg let it slip. And damn, I promised her that I would never let either of you know that I knew. She's not going to be happy with me now but I was so mad at Melissa and what she had tried to do to you and Dana..." "What were you and Mom doing talking about our... I mean... I wouldn't think it was something that would come up in casual conversation." Remembering how the subject came up Walter blushed. Seeing Fox's quizical look he decided to explain. "Meg and I were debating the merits of waiting...?" "For her kids? Why would you...?" "Don't be dense, Mulder. Didn't have a thing to do with the kids..." Fox grinned when he realized what Walter was implying. "I take it you're familiar with cold showers as well." "Yes." The answer was short and Walter changed the subject. "I pointed out that she didn't seem to mind when her kids hadn't waited and she replied that she minded but had realized that she had to let them live their own lives. She then went on to point out that she and Bill must not have done too badly since one of her daughters had made it to the alter a virgin. Well I knew it wasn't Melissa. And it certainly explained that shit eating grin you wore on your face for at least a month after your marriage." Here Mulder's grin just got larger and he laughed. "Well I've been gone over an hour for lunch... don't want someone reporting to my boss that I'm taking advantage of his vacation." "You think Colton's going to start telling tales out of school?" "He seems to think it's an unfair advantage that we married into the same family." "The man always was dense." "Let me know if you need any help okay? And you and Mom come over and visit. Please. I don't think Dana's going to be up to seeing Melissa anytime soon." "Don't worry I won't let Melissa come between our families." Fox Mulder headed back to work and Walter headed home to see what kind of havoc was being wrought. Several Weeks Later Melissa sat at the small kitchen table with the magazine open and smiled at the photos. They had turned out quite lovely after all. To think she had almost turned down that shoot... hadn't wanted to go... had felt too tired. Well, as much as she had been annoyed at Aislinn at the time for lecturing her about getting up off her "bloody ass" and doing something, she had to admit her younger cousin had been right in insisting that she accept the job, her first modeling gig since Wills. They had needed a red head, and once she had gotten on the set, she had gotten right back in the swing of things. Lis kissed the check in her hand. This job hadn't paid as much as she had been accustomed to getting in the past, but it was still a nice sum of money when all was said and done. A few more like this and she wouldn't have to hit her savings again for quite some time. Things were looking up. Aislinn came breezing in. She and mom had been out shopping. Bending over the magazine, she oohed and aahed over the pictures envious of Melissa's lovliness. She was pretty enough in her own right, of course, but quite a bit rounder and not at all, in her humble opinion, photogenic. "Oh, now don't you look lovely.... and that check! You see, Missy, no one would even know you you'd been ill.... or had a baby.... I'm going to take this and show your mom...." She snatched up the magazine.. "Oh no you're not..." "Oh, yes I am....." and with a giggle Aislinn was out the door. Missy picked up Wills and carried him upstairs. She really wouldn't mind her mother seeing the pictures. Unfortunately, when she got there Walter was there too. She was getting used to him, but still tried to avoid him whenever possible. "Oh, hello Melissa," smiled Margaret at her older daughter. "My, you do look beautiful here." In truth, Meg was a little disappointed. She had hoped that Melissa would not go back to her modeling career but would find something that would make her happy the rest of her life. Her dad had never approved of it and it was such a shallow fleeting sort of thing. She had learned not to say those things outloud though. They only made Missy more determined, and she had been very successful amassing a lot of money, a fact that she had never failed to rub in her father's face. "Thanks, Mom. I almost didn't take the job, but Aislinn talked me into it. She said it would make me feel better and it did." "Don't you think it's wonderful, Walter?" asked Margaret smiling at her husband. "What I think is that she should finish college," said Walter bluntly, "and find a career option that isn't so dependent upon transitory good looks." He didn't think it wonderful at all. Melissa had met Chuck modeling. Margaret sighed. He sounded just like Bill. Her late husband had been so angry when Melissa had quit during her last year at Maryland, and that was before he had found out about the abortion. Melissa just gave him a dirty look. She wasn't going to let him ruin her entire evening with his negative vibrations. Maybe she would never get another modeling job again, but on the other hand, this could be the start of a real comeback for her. "And, Melissa," added Walter very quietly, "don't be thinking that you are going to leave Wills here while you go galivanting all over the country on photo shoots because it is not going to happen. Do I make myself clear?" "Yes, Sir...." she muttered. Well, there went that possibility. She wouldn't be eager to leave Wills of course, but if the job were right and her mom could look after him....She looked at Walter once again and feeling suddenly annoyed, said with a certain degree of sarcasm, "And by the way, Walter, I did finish college. I got my last nine credits in anthropology in night school." Margaret cast her husband an unhappy glance. He certainly was being premature. On the other hand, he was only doing what she had advised in the beginning, taking a firm hand with Melissa right off the bat. She sighed. She hated being caught in the middle of everything, hated the fact that over the years, Melissa had left said so much unsaid. Lately things had been really wearing on her, and because of this stupid feud between her daughters, her birthday party had proved most uncomfortable. Dana was being very unforgiving and would not talk to Melissa or be in the same room with her if she could help it. Why couldn't Dana just realize that Melissa had been very ill and very drunk that 4th of July day and then they could have peace again? Course it hadn't helped that Walter and Fox and taken Dana's side. Chuck paced the big empty house nervously. He had to come up with some money and he had to do it soon. Things were closing in on him. He had borrowed money to cover what he had taken from the corporation to cover the audit, but he hadn't been able to pay it back, and then "they" had moved in, people you never wanted to deal with, people who didn't have any compassion for anyone. Melissa had taken all her money with her when she'd gone. Stupid of him to let her leave it in her own name. He had thought it a way to keep funds away from his creditors... should have known better, should never have borrowed from those men. He had the house on the market, but there were five other homes in the immediate area up for sale and nothing was moving, and then, Missy's lawyer was moving in for the kill. She wanted half of any profit, plus the downpayment. They had used her money for it. Then there was the child support he was supposed to come up with, and Kathy had already gotten a lawyer and was going to sue him for support for her bastard. He couldn't even try to deny that it was his. DNA testing would prove that it was, and he knew the court would order it. His eyes lit on the cover of the magazine that had come in the mail. He saw his wife's face smiling out at the world as though nothing had happened. Thoughtfully he opened it and gazed at the spread of photos before him. Fashions for the redhead. Melissa was working again and that meant nice big fat checks... A plan began to form in his mind. If she were well enough to work... yes... there were people who owed him favors. A phone call here, a hint dropped there, and perhaps Melissa could be steadily employed once again. Hmm... he had won her heart once, and if he played his cards just right... maybe he could do so again... perhaps all was not lost after all. Knowing Melissa, by this point she was probably horny as hell and they had always been good together, great in fact. If he'd been getting any at home, he might not have strayed, but what the hell was a guy supposed to do? For the first time in a long while, Melissa was feeling almost happy. Wills was sitting contentedly in his playpen. Once they had moved in with her mom and Walter, he had turned into a different baby, no longer always fussy and crying. Melissa had come to realize that the tense atmosphere at home had been having a negative impact on her baby. She had tried to care for him responsibly but it had all gotten to be too much, and she had ended up not giving him the care that he needed. She looked from the baby to the plants hanging in the window. Despite the fact that the apartment was a basement apartment, it still seemed to have plenty of light and between she and Aislinn they were turning it into a greenhouse of hanging plants and flowers and her dangling crystals cast lovely colorful dancing shadows on the hard wood floors as the sunlight struck them. It was strange how her mom's old furniture for all its wear and tear seemed so much homier and more comfortable than all the expensive new things that she had Chuck had bought to furnish their "dream house." The only thing she really had from that house now was Will's baby furniture. Getting it had been a fight, but it had been a gift from her mother and she hadn't been about to leave it. Bill, Chris, Mulder and Walter had gone with her and Chuck had argued only minimally. Mulder! Wouldn't even let her call him Fox. Only mom, Walter and Dana got that privaledge... heck, even his own Aunt called him Mulder. She'd been surprised when he'd tagged along but she guessed she shouldn't be. Living with her mom and new husband had only served to enforce what she'd suspected about Walter, Dana and Mulder. They were a tight nit threesome that stuck together. So while Dana wouldn't unbend enough to come along Mulder came to give Walter support. Dana! Why couldn't she just forgive and forget? She always had before. She sighed at the thought. Walter hid it... Melissa wasn't even sure her mother had noticed... but one thing she'd come to realize over the last several weeks was that Walter seemed to have a sixth sense about when Dana and especially Mulder were in trouble. Whenever he was at his most uptight word would come back that 'Scully' and Mulder had had another close call. Sometimes he reminded her of Gran for spotting problems. she pushed those thoughts aside. The doorbell rang and she wondered who it could be. Maybe it was Mulder's Aunt Sophie. The woman was totally eccentric, but gradually Melissa had started enjoying the woman's visits. She had actually lived in Africa once and her stories were entertaining, especially the ones about the native medicine men and women. It turned out to be a delivery of flowers. They were very beautiful, all her favorite colors in riotous profusion. She set them on the table and took out the card. "Melissa, I've made a big mistake. I'm so sorry, baby. I miss you and Wills more than I can say. Love Chuck" Tears came to her eyes. She remembered the first time she had gone out with Chuck. It hadn't been long after Dana's return from the dead. She had kind of hoped that perhaps she might begin to date Fox Mulder, but in the end he had been so dark and angry and had had eyes for no one but her sister. That had really shaken Melissa because no man before had ever prefered Dana to her. Chuck had been pure light and so much fun... good looking, sexy and charming and had shared so much of her New Age philosophy... She had even, not too long thereafter, talked about her sister and the arguments she had had with Fox Mulder about turning off the respirator. Chuck had believed as she had, that it was wrong to prolong a life unecessisarily. This had reassured her that she hadn't been too hasty in backing her mother's decision. Aislinn came in and when she saw the flowers told Melissa she ought to toss them in the trash, but Melissa didn't have the heart to do it. Later that evening, she showed them to her mother. "Oh, my..." said Meg, "they are lovely. I wonder if he truly could be having a change of heart." Margaret wasn't really comfortable about the idea, but one never knew. Sometimes people did reform, and she knew Missy. Melissa wasn't always easy to live with. "Watch your back, Melissa," growled Walter. "Men who cheat and hit don't normally reform for long." He went back to trying to read the paper with Squirt sitting in his lap. Lis just cast him a dirty look and took the vase back downstairs. "That was a little harsh, don't you think, Walter?" asked Meg. "Chuck McNeely is a sorry son of a bitch. He wants something," snapped her husband. Life had taught him that most people did and though he tried to restrain his cynicism, he had been a law enforcement officer too long to take things at their face value. He stopped himself from saying more. Meg's Catholic beliefs he knew conflicted strongly with her daughter's desire for divorce but in his experience men who cheated this early in a marriage and with more than one person were not likely to stop. When the invitation to dinner came, Melissa wasn't certain she wanted to go, but Chuck had practically begged her and he had made the very valid point that they had a lot to discuss. Reluctantly, her mom agreed to watch Wills that evening, knowing her husband would not be pleased. Chuck took her to their favorite restaurant and gazed into her eyes just as he had before they had started sleeping together. She found herself remembering more and more what it had been like during those early times together, and what a wonderful lover he had been, wild one moment, tender the next... Then her mind would race to the other women that he had had. She would grow angry all over again, but she repressed it. He was telling her he wanted to spend time with Wills... that he missed his son, and that she hadn't been entirely fair in the days after he had first been born either, clinging to the baby and not letting him take more part in infant care. She knew he was right about that, and he was being so sweet... At home, Walter glared at his wife when he found out she was baby sitting so Melissa could see Chuck. "You shouldn't be encouraging this, Margaret. I realize that divorce is against the teachings of your church but men like Chuck don't change." "They are both young and strong willed... maybe he's learned his lesson?" "They only learn until they get their wife or girlfriend back then they start all over again. Trust me on this. Has he been to counseling? Did he do anything during Melissa's ordeal. No to both... he doesn't really want to change. Hell, I don't believe he wants her back. You weren't there when we went to pick up hers and Wills things. You didn't see the way he looked... his pride and ego had been wounded nothing more. If he ever loved her it's over now." "He could be holding it all in. You're not exactly the most expressive..." "I'm aware that I hold a lot in... maybe that's why I can spot when someone else is repressing how they feel. Been able to read Fox for years. Trust me, I'm a trained observer... it's part of my job and Charles McNeely wasn't feeling the least bit devestated by Lis's departure. "If he wants her back it's going to lead to no good. Your daughter is vulnerable right now and Chuck is not trustworthy. And, if she wants to go out, tell her to find her own babysitter. Don't encourage her to go back to him. At least not if you want her to have any chance at happiness and a good home life for Wills." "It's only one evening," said Margaret, "and besides, maybe it would be better for Wills if they could settle things amicably, don't you think...." Reluctantly Walter conceded that she had a point, but in his heart he felt that Melissa was being set up. He sighed and reminded Meg that Melissa hadn't married Chuck in the Church anyway. Maybe that would make Meg think. He was sick of being caught in the middle of a bad situation. Still maybe he should have McNeeley looked into. Couldn't hurt unless Margaret or Melissa found out. He'd talk to Fox about it tomorrow and get his opinion. Maybe even see if he had some more 'unofficial' connections than what Walter was planning on using. Wills was starting to walk and pulled himself up onto the couch next to his grandpa and nestled down by Walter's side. Walter sighed. Now he had one perched on either side of him. It was hard to read this way. Melissa slipped out of bed. She had to get home. She had been seeing her ex-husband whenever she could for several weeks, not saying much about it to anyone, even her therapist. He had been behaving wonderfully and she was starting to think perhaps he was sincere in his wish that they become a family again. Missy wanted that very much... a family, like Fox and Dana and their twins. Chuck had taken her dancing while her Mom watched Wills and somehow they had ended up making love. If Walter ever found out... Ith ad been wonderful, like the old days, better in fact. He had used a condom without even being asked, and then to her surprise had begged her to come back permanently. He said he'd made a terrible mistake, especially with Kathy and that he wasn't certain the baby was even his. He promised that he would go for aids testing and would never do anything to hurt her again. He had been sweet and gentle and now she didn't know what to do. "Where are you going, Lis?" he murmered. "I have to go home," she said softly. "I can't leave my mother with the baby all night." She didn't confess to him that she had lied to her mother about what she was doing, but she had a feeling that her mom had known. She kissed him goodbye and dressing quietly tiptoed out of the bedroom that they had once shared. She would, she supposed, have to talk to Dr. Shandy before making any final decision, and discuss it with her mother, but she really had loved Chuck and she thought that Chuck really had loved her. His arguments for reconciliation were compelling. On her way home, she thought about Dr. Shandy. Melissa liked the woman. She was non judgemental. The family therapy was okay too, except that there was no real cooperation. Her mother tried, but Walter had a way of sitting there with his arms crossed glaring. He didn't say much, but when he did it was often hurtful. He just couldn't seem to see that she was really trying. She could hear his voice in her head... "The fact remains that his daughter dyed her hair green and acted in promiscuous fashion which her father found unacceptable. Had she been my daughter, I'd have held her head over that ice cold water and washed the green out too." Those words spoken to Dr. Shandy, "Watch and see if I don't do the same to my son if he tries it." "I don't blame your sister for refusing to come to therapy Melissa... Your sister loves you and you came on to her husband. She's hurt and she's grieving and I'd say it's time you paid the consequences for you actions... Not to mention that she understands the consequences, if your actions had been successful, a lot better than you did or do. What would have happened to Fox if his marriage had broken up..." Walter had glared at her here and shut up, and Melissa had thought to herself, Walter's chastizing voice continued in her head, "Oh, your dad loved Dana better did he? Well, you are a grown up now, Melissa. Get over it... Parents don't love more or less they just love differently." "How the hell do you know since you've only got one son." She had angrily replied. At that statement Walter had tilted his head and acquired an ironic smile before replying, "Don't be dense, Melissa." She could just imagine what he'd say about tonight. "If we let you, you'd foist Wills off on your mother every chance you got. Well, you aren't going to get away with it.... Especially if you're foolish enough to be dating Chuck again." Melissa tiptoed into the house to discover that her mother had waited up for her. The expression on her face was sad. Briefly the younger woman wondered if something had happened. "Wills is downstairs asleep with Aislinn," said Margaret quietly studying her daughter. "Thanks, Mom," said Melissa quickly. "I'd better go check on him...." She turned to flee quickly. "Oh, Melissa," said Margaret softly, "You aren't 16 anymore, not that lying suited you back then either. I can see you had a wonderful time with Chuck, but it was not clever of you to lie about where you were going, and it was not at all clever of you to wait until Walter was out of town." "I couldn't tell the truth. You wouldn't have watched him." "You're right, Melissa," "You never understood. Any of you... ever... You always made me lie... always..." she burst out and with that she raced downstairs to the apartment. Margaret sighed. Maybe Melissa was right in some ways. Maybe they hadn't understood, but then again, at every turn she had acted irresponsibly. Then again, she had to keep reminding herself, no one made a person lie. Melissa has chosen to do so frequently to get her own way. Her mind turned to the last family therapy session that they had just attended. Walter had been very tired and had to leave early in the morning for a meeting in Phoenix, but had dutifully attended. Dana of course, hadn't come, but Fox had, at Dr. Shandy's request. Margaret was annoyed with her youngest daughter over that. She understood Dana's pain, but Melissa was still her sister after all, and she was at least attempting to help herself. It had been a very unpleasant session. Fox too had been very hard on her daughter when the topic had turned to her relationship with her sister. Melissa had been complaining to Dr. Shandy about how everyone always fussed over Dana because she was so smart, about how Dana was allowed to do things when she was a younger age than Melissa.... It was a recurrent theme, apparently a problem not uncommon with siblings born so close. She had gone on for awhile and Margaret had been about to say something to her daughter about the difficulty of balancing parental responsibility and knowing the right thing to do, when suddenly Fox, who had remained silent throughout, said very quietly, "Is that why you couldn't wait to pull the plug on Dana, Melissa?" All hell had broken loose at that point. This had been something that Meg had never even considered or thought about. When her younger daughter had been in a coma, she had been called upon to make a very difficult decision based on Dana's wishes at a time when she was still grieving deeply for Bill. Fox had disagreed with her out of love for her daughter, but they had respected each other. Fox had never held her decision against her, knowing what she was going through and she had always been sorry that she had had to hurt him as she had that day in the hospital when they had turned off the respirator. At the time, she had viewed Melissa as being wonderfully supportive, returning to be with her sister during Dana's time of need and supporting her every decision, helping her choose the questions to ask the doctor. Melissa had denied it vehemently breaking down in tears about how she could never do such a thing to her sister. Fox had gotten up very quietly, looked down at her and said, "Let us know when you are going to tell us your true feelings, Melissa. In the meantime, I'm going home to my wife." Margaret hadn't known whether to be angry at Fox or not. At first, she was, but then she realized that he had planted a seed in her mind, a seed of concern that all along their family hadn't been as close as they had seemed. End Chapter 8 The Gossamer Project Author - Title - Date - Spoilers - Crossovers - X-Files - Adventures - Stories - Vignettes Other stories by: Evenstar, Eowyn - Macspooky Please let us know if the site is not working properly. Set story display preferences. Do not archive stories elsewhere without permission from the author(s). See the Gossamer policies for more information.