Title: Just Walk Away Author: Becka F Classification: VR Rating: PG Spoilers: Any Bill Scully episode Keywords: Mulder/Scully romance Summary: Bill finally walks away. Disclaimer: Okay - I own NOBODY! I'm just a teenager...and if I DID, do you think I would be sitting here writing about 'em??? :) ~*~*~*~*~*~*~* JUST WALK AWAY ~*~*~*~*~*~*~* "Christ Bill, you've made your point a thousand times! Don't you think it's about time you just lay off?" I didn't mean to sound so vicious, and I immediately wanted to take it back the second I saw the look on his face. I decided be the one to lay off this time, considering these are the only times Mom looks forward to all year. I couldn't let her down. Her family, or what's left of her family, gathered around for a nice dinner is all that really makes her smile these days. A stab of guilt quickly hit me, but I hoped it was hitting Bill even harder. Bill has always had impeccable timing when it comes to bringing up the subject of Fox Mulder. It doesn't matter where we are, or what we are doing, Mulder always manages to turn up in one heated conversation or another. There's no way to put it nicely. Bill really does hate him. In fact, he loathes him, and he has never been shy in letting us know. And I don't think he knows how much that hurts me. I quietly excused myself from the table, suddenly not very hungry. I wandered into the kitchen and began to clean up. A moment later Bill joined me, leaving Tara, the baby, and Mom alone in uncomfortable silence. I pretended I didn't see him come in. "Dana..." I really was never good at acting. "What?" "Look," he began, as he piled up dirty dishes and set them aside. "I'm sorry about what happened okay? My temper gets the best of me sometimes and I, I lose it." I sighed warily. It was always the same. First came the tension, then the anger, then the awkwardness, the apologies, and finally, the forgiveness. I couldn't stay mad at Bill for long. I know the only reason he does what he does is because he's my brother and he loves me. "All right Bill. It's fine." "No it's not fine, or else you wouldn't be like that." "Like what?" "Like " "Look Bill, I cannot keep having this same conversation with you! What the hell do you want me to say? Do you want me to say continue? Pick up where we left off at the table? Do you want me to sit here listening to you tell me again that I'm wasting my life away with Mulder? Or tell me again that I'm a fool for staying with him this long? Maybe you'd like to remind me that I almost died for his cause, or remind me again of Melissa..." "All right! I get it!" he put two hands up, silencing me. I took a deep breath to calm myself. Suddenly the house went very quiet. I didn't realize how loud I had been. He slowly walked towards me, and put his hands on my shoulders. He stared directly into my eyes. "Dana, you have to understand where I'm coming from here. I'm your brother, and you are the only sister I have left. I worry about you so much, and it kills me when I see you go back to him time and time again. But I have to let you go. It's your life, and God knows I'm trying to accept it Dana. I'm trying really hard." "I know, I know," I whispered, my eyes beginning to fill with tears. "Bill, it's not like I'm asking you to agree with my decisions, or even try to understand them. When it gets too hard for you, and I know it does so many times, sometimes all you need to do is just walk away. That's it." "That's it," he echoed warily. I nodded faintly and pulled his arms down and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around me tightly, and I buried my face in his chest. "I trying Dana." "Try harder." He pulled away and studied me for a few seconds. Then he nodded faintly. I smiled gratefully and pulled him closer again. We stood there for a few minutes in silence, hugging each other. Then I heard a shuffling of feet. I saw Mom and Tara looking in from the dining room, relieved smiles plastered on their faces. Bill took my hand in his, and we walked back to where they were standing. "Bill we really should get going," Tara said uneasily, looking at her watch. "Yeah, you're right," he answered, picking up their child, while Tara disappeared for a few seconds to gather their things. I tried to busy myself by starting to clear the remainder of what was left on the table, when Mom put her hand on mine. "Not yet Dana, just wait." I nodded, folding my arms in front of me. When they were all finally bundled up and almost ready to go, the doorbell rang. My heart sank to my knees. I glanced at my watch. Bill isn't the only one who has impeccable timing. Bill, who was closest to the door, turned the knob and opened it. Deafening silence followed. Standing at the door was Mulder, his hands shoved in his pockets, and a streaming breath of cold air flowing out of his mouth in a surprised exhale. The two mens' eyes connected instantaneously, and for a moment, no one said a word. I bit my lip and looked down at the floor. I noticed Mom had become extremely tense. None of us wanted to move, or breathe. Just walk away, I pleaded with Bill silently. That's all you have to do. "I guess I'm a few minutes too early, huh?" Mulder quipped nervously, prying himself away from Bill's glare. I prepared for the worst. Instead, to my utter astonishment, Bill did something I don't think I will ever forget as long as I live. "Nice seeing you again, Mr. Mulder," he said sincerely, stepping aside and sticking out his hand. Mulder, still reeling from the close encounter, seemed a little more than surprised, and even more relieved. "Bill -- you too," he answered as he shook Bill's hand firmly, all the while studying my brother to make sure it was actually him in there. Handing over the baby to Tara, Bill said his good-byes to Mom. When he had finished, he walked over to me and stopped right in front of me, with a wry smile on his face. I returned his smile, shaking my head in disbelief. He bent down and gave me a kiss on the cheek. "Thank you," I whispered in his ear. He grinned broadly. "I could have just walked away," he whispered, grinning and giving my hand a tiny squeeze. After saying her polite good-byes to all of us, Tara promptly disappeared out the door to put their belongings into their car. After taking off his jacket and giving my mother a hug, Fox walked over to me and slipped his hand into mine. I squeezed it back tightly, keeping my eyes fixed on Bill. He didn't flinch. After giving Mom one last kiss, he reached for the door handle. He was about to turn it when he suddenly turned back to face Fox. Mom followed his gaze, grinning proudly. "You take care of my little sister now, you hear me?" "You know I will," Mulder answered firmly, and gently squeezed my hand. Shooting one more wink in my direction, Bill gave a little tug at the door handle, and disappeared into the harsh winter air. Turning back to Mom and my fiancee, I shook my head in amazement. Bill was never one to follow orders. ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~~*~*~*~* Feedback is appreciated:) Please send all emails to "You'll never know what you have found until you stop looking." Visit my Requiem Site at: http://www.angelfire.com/me2/TV/index.html ~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*~*