Title: Happiness: Alone At Last Author: shawntaw Category: MSR, AU Rating: PG Disclaimer: Just dreaming of a happy life for Moose and Squirrel...no copyright infringement intended. Summary: It is getting late; time for everyone to go home. Previous Titles in this series: "Happiness" (through a posting error on my part, this posted as (no subject) by shawntaw on atxc) "Happiness - The Morning After" "Happiness - The Secret" "Happiness - The Secret II" "Happiness - The Adjustment Period" "Happiness - The Adjustment Period II" "Happiness - Public Displays of Affection" "Happiness - Public Displays of Affection II" "Happiness - Family Dinner: Preparations" "Happiness - The Gang's All Here" "Happiness - Marking Your Territory" Note: I love feedback at shawntaw@hotmail.com. Thank you sooo much to those reading and enjoying this series who take the time to tell me that they are indeed reading and enjoying this series! *BIG HUG* :) ******************************************************** Dinner was consumed. Mrs. Scully's pies and ice cream were devoured. Scully surveyed the scene with a sense of contentment and peace. Her mother and Skinner sat cozily on the couch, talking intently. Langley and Byers were once again cross-legged on the floor with the guts of her computer splayed about them. She felt her eyebrows knit at them in annoyance, but made herself stop. She sighed instead, releasing the tension in her body, not willing to let such petty concerns ruin the evening. To her surprise, Mulder and Steve were bonding. They stood behind Langley and Byers, watching and offering the occasional comment. Mulder had liberated two beers from his stash in her fridge and he and Steve were drinking them and discussing baseball. Mulder saw her appraisal and raised his beer in salute, winked and smiled at her. Steve also toasted her with his beer and smiled. Mulder gave him a mock glare and he held up his hands in exagerrated defeat. Mulder then stuck out his chest in pride - dominant male. Steve looked at Scully with comic fear. She tried not to bust out laughing and wondered exactly how much the two of them had to drink. Scully turned toward her kitchen table and continued to grin at the unlikely sight of Frohike and Kimberly sitting at one end, totally engrossed in conversation. He had a copy of "The Lone Gunmen" between them on the tabletop and was obviously regaling her with tales of conspiracy and intrigue. His face had lost all of its false sliminess and flirtatious nature. Kimberly's eyes were wide and her mouth slightly open as she listened and occasionally commented. Every now and then, she'd raise an eyebrow at him at a particularly strange notion and he'd reach out to touch her arm lightly as he continued. Scully was amazed. Frohike apparently could be quite charming when he wasn't trying so hard. She sipped her wine and tried to fight the sudden yawn she felt threatening to split her face. So it is understandable that she was a little thankful when the guests started leaving. Skinner and her mother went first. Scully didn't want to examine too closely why the two of them were leaving together. "Let me walk you to your car, Maggie." Skinner was helping her mother into her coat. Maggie smiled up at him in way that made her look suddenly young and happy. "If you want, Walter." Scully stepped into her mother's embrace as she bid her goodbye. "You are such a flirt," she teased with a whisper. Her mother blushed and grinned at her before suppressing her exuberance and clearing her throat. "Break her heart and you're in trouble, sir," Scully breathed into Skinner's ear as she gave him a hug as well. He looked surprised, but nodded at her with a crooked smile as he escorted her mother out the door. ******************************************************** Steve took his cue from Skinner's and Maggie's departure to make his exit. Mulder and Scully walked him to the door. "Hey, don't be a stranger," Mulder said to Steve as he opened the door. He draped his arm around Scully's shoulders. "Come by anytime." Steve looked from him to Scully and back again. "Uh huh. Right." Steve started to walk back to his apartment door. Mulder leaned out into the hallway. "Seriously though, Knicks. Next Saturday. Don't forget, man. You, me, the guys, the game, and cheesesteaks." Steve waved a hand at him, smiling. "I'll be there." ******************************************************** Langley and Byers, suddenly noticing the hour, were scrambling to put Scully's computer back together. She doubtfully oversaw this process, arms crossed over her chest. "Guys, I NEED that, you know," she commented tightly. They responded by working faster. Frohike was escorting Kimberly to the door and helping her get her coat. "I really think he'd like you, he's just shy," Frohike was saying to Kimberly. She blushed, looking toward Byers and Langley. "Frohike, he didn't even speak to me all night." He made a dismissive gesture. "Ah, that doesn't mean anything. Hey, do me a favor," he turned Kimberly by the shoulders toward where the other two Gunmen sat on the floor, "Give him a smile. If he turns red, he's all yours." She considered with a doubtful look on her face. "Alright, but, I swear, this is so adolescent," Kim conceded. She waited patiently until the two men working on the computer noticed they were being stared at. They looked up and from Frohike to Kimberly in confusion. Kim gave Byers a flirty smile. Byers eyes widened and his ears turned red as he quickly looked away. Frohike nudged Kim, "Told you." Kim gave him a peck on the cheek, rehung her coat, and walked toward Byers with purpose in her step. ******************************************************** Ten minutes later, Kim exited, leaving a stunned, but happy, Byers standing in Scully's living room clutching her phone number in one nervous fist. After Kim shut the door behind her, the guys started ragging on Byers. "You stud," Frohike jibed. "But-but, Frohike, she was talking to you," Byers stuttered. Frohike snorted, "Ah, she's o.k., but I like my women a little older...a little wiser to the ways of the world.....right, Scully?" He grinned his slimy grin at her. Scully decided to call his bluff. She sidled up to him, put one arm around his shoulders and wrapped the other around his waist. She breathed in his ear. "Just what do you have in mind, Frohike?" Shocked, his mouth fell open as Mulder, Byers, and Langley laughed. ******************************************************** The evening ended with her computer in a more cohesive heap upon the floor and The Lone Gunmen's promise to return the following day and finish the 'upgrade.' They would have finished then, but Mulder kicked them out. "O.k., guys, time to go home," Mulder announced unceremoniously and flung the door open. "Mulder! Do you think you could be a little more obvious?" Scully chastised him as the guys began to gather their belongings. She hugged each one of them as they left and even gave Frohike a kiss on the cheek just to watch him turn red. Mulder puckered up for one as well, but Frohike dodged him and dashed out the door. "Hey! Where's my kiss?!" Mulder hollered down the hall at the fleeing Gunmen. The little old lady across the hall let herself hurriedly into her apartment, sparing only a nervous glance at Mulder as she slammed the door. He heard the lock click into place and chuckled. ******************************************************** Note: Whew! They're finally done eating dinner! *L* More to come....:)