Title: A Final Prayer Author: Samantha Brownlie Spoilers: None Summary: Mulder saves Bill Scully's life. Rating: PG Disclaimer: The usual - they're not mine, I don't earn any money from writing about them, and I promise to give them back when I'm done. Feedback to sbrownlie@hotmail.com 'A Final Prayer' (1/1) Bill Scully stood at the graveside, eyes closed and heart heavy. Ronald Hartmann had been a good friend for years - since college days, in fact. He remembered Ron as big, hearty and always laughing - a far cry from the occupant of the silent oblong box lying in the grave that morning - and though he hadn't seen his friend for several years, knew that he was going to miss him. He heard a shout from somewhere behind him, and ignored it. Somewhere, vaguely hovering in the deep recesses of his mind, was the knowledge that there were FBI agents surrounding the cemetery and monitoring the service. Ron had been murdered - brutally stabbed to death by what appeared to be a complete stranger - and someone within the Bureau believed they could catch his killer today. Bill doubted it, though he prayed it were true. In a world where good men like Ron Hartmann could be killed randomly and senselessly, he had little faith in truth and justice. Dana had come to his house two nights ago, when she had heard the news. She and that good-for-nothing partner of hers were in town on a different matter, though Bill believed she had offered her help with Ron's case. He hoped she had, and wondered if she was one of the party discretely hovering on the periphery of the mourners. He hadn't talked to her since she first made contact two days earlier. He'd considered it, but apathy had overruled his thoughts. Ron's death had hit him far harder than he ever expected. Another shout rang out, and Bill wondered if perhaps the Bureau had sighted their man. Looking down at the coffin, he whispered a silent prayer that they had. Perhaps with the knowledge that Ron's killer was behind bars would come a restoration in his faith in the country he lived in. When he heard pounding feet, Bill started to turn around. He proved too late, however. A heavy, moving weight slammed into his side and he crashed to the ground with painful force. Lying dazed on the wet grass, his mind registered the fact that he had heard the sharp retort of a rifle being fired. He rolled over, and wondered if he had been the target. 'Bill!' he heard Dana's voice call. So she had been there, after all. 'Are you okay?' 'I'm fine,' he managed, struggling to his feet a little too quickly. Two hands reached out to steady him - Dana's and her partner's. 'Careful,' the obnoxious man had the gall to tell him. Bill moved to pull away from him, wobbled, and felt both Dana and Mulder grasp him with both hands to keep him on his feet. Mulder gave a sudden gasp, and Bill watched as his sister's concern was suddenly diverted. 'Mulder?' 'I think I landed funny,' the man said, through teeth clenched with pain. Dana released her brother's arm and turned to her partner. Bill feeling steadier now, stared at the two of them, his mind grappling with thought that a man he hated had just saved his life. 'Does it feel like it's broken?' 'I don't know. Maybe.' 'Hold still.' Dana opened her partner's bomber jacket with quick, deft hands and slid one inside. Her fingers gently probed his collar bone, then travelled upwards to press on the point of his shoulder. A grimace of pain contorted the man's face, but he did not pull away. A paramedic came up. 'Everything okay, ma'am?' Dana sent a quick, assessing look in her brother's direction, then turned back to the stranger. 'We need to get this man to a hospital. I think he may have fractured his collar bone.' Bill watched as the paramedic nodded and led the way to the ambulance. It had been parked around the corner and had appeared swiftly upon hearing the gunshot. Mulder walked slowly, cradling his injured arm with his uninjured one. For the first time, Bill noticed the muddy, grassy streaks down the agent's right side. As if sensing his gaze, Dana turned around for a moment. 'Will you be all right, Bill?' He nodded. 'Ah...Agent Mulder?' For a moment, he thought his words were going to be ignored but, holding himself stiffly, Mulder turned around. 'Yeah?' It took him a moment, but Bill brought to mind everything his parents had ever taught him and made himself swallow his pride. 'Thanks.' With a grunt of acknowledgement, the tall agent turned his attention to climbing into the back of the ambulance. Dana touched his arm lightly, and said something to him in a voice not loud enough to carry back to where her brother stood. Mulder nodded, and Dana walked quickly away. Within minutes, the ambulance was making its leisurely way to the hospital. Three men had a scruffy individual in their charge somewhere to Bill's left - Ron's killer, presumably. Dana was speaking to a tall, balding man. In the midst of the bustle which seemed so familiar to his sister and her partner, Bill felt out of place and alone. Ron's still form, lying in its final resting place only a few yards away, seemed forotten as police and FBI swarmed around the crime scene. Confused by Mulder's unexpected rescue, saddened by the loss of his friend, and filled with an uncomfortable suspicion that his baby sister inhabited a world that he never could, Bill bowed his head and uttered one final prayer beside the grave.