Colombian Exchange By Taylor ( Keywords: MSR, Angst, smuttiness NC-17 Summary: A meditation on love, sex, family, jealousy, and coffee, not necessarily in that order. Colombian Exchange I should have known when I couldn’t get the damn coffeemaker to work. It was a bad omen. A sign from God. Or Buddha, or Allah, or whoever. But I just stood in Mulder’s murky basement office – Mulder’s office, mind you, not ours, even after over eight years – and shook the stupid piece of equipment that was denying me my morning caffeine fix. “That the scientific way to fix that, Scully? – Skinner wants us upstairs.” I ignored my partner – I’d been doing that a lot lately; things between us weren’t exactly going along swimmingly – and gave the Mr. Coffee one more smack with the flat of my hand, just for good measure. Then I followed Mulder to the elevator. We had to wait outside the AD’s office for a few minutes. Mulder looked over a case file; he didn’t discuss it with me. I read Newsweek. The perfect example of the two of us, completely isolated in our individual spheres. Skinner peered at us seriously over the rims of his wire glasses. “Agents. Go home and pack a bag. Tomorrow morning at 4:30 a Chinese liner will be docking off the California coast near Baja. You will be there, as will I. As will naval officials, who will attempt to intercept the ship; they believe it to be carrying one John Thomas Lee, ex- Navy officer, who was commanding the U.S.S. Michigan last summer in the South Pacific. Are you familiar with that incident?” “The ship was sited on Chinese radar in a controlled zone not far from the coast and torpedoed. Survivors believe the captain – Lee – purposefully steered the Michigan away from its correct coordinates, then abandoned ship. Possibly as part of a plot contrived with the Chinese navy.” “Yes, Agent Scully. What our navy doesn’t know – information we’ve obtained through another government agency –“ Mulder and I exchanged a look. CIA? DOD? “Is that this ship, the Xi-Ching, is carrying a cargo including large amounts of uranium and plutonium, purchased secretly from a leftist group in Kazakhstan.” “By Lee,” Mulder said. “It would appear so.” “So, terrorism,” I said. “But why isn’t the navy being told?” “There are indications that the Chinese government has full knowledge of what the Xi-Ching is carrying. If this information gets out—“ “It could start World War III,” Mulder finished. “You two will be part of a task force assembled from regional offices around the country and headed by myself. Your flight leaves at 12:00.” …………. In my Georgetown apartment, I threw a couple of outfits into a duffle bag. I tossed in the standard black pants and turtleneck I would wear for an operation like this, and thought of something Langly told me Mulder had said once. “Wear something black and sexy and prepare to do some funky poaching,” I quoted, grinning. Mulder picked me up to go to the airport. I put my bag in the trunk and commented, “Mulder, how long has it been since either of us drove a car that wasn’t government issue?” He didn’t have an answer, but he said he’d brought me something. Expecting, perhaps, a severed hand or a nice baggie of soft tissue to examine, I was pleasantly surprised when Mulder handed me a large Starbucks cup. I took a sip and smiled appreciatively. Hazelnut latte, my favorite. “Thanks – What are you up to, Mulder?” “Absolutely nothing, Scully. I’ve seen you without your coffee – It’s not pretty.” I smiled. Mulder was doing something nice for me – really nice, since our usual science vs. belief bickering had verged on overt hostility lately. I never believed Mulder before. Believed in him, yes. Blind belief, however – that’s not my style. This was a bad time to start. ………………… We flew into LAX, then we and all the other agents involved in this massive sting endured a six-hour briefing at the LA regional office. At one point when the issue of Navy involvement was being addressed, Mulder turned to me and waggled his eyebrows up and down. “Maybe you’ll see Brother Bill. It could be a regular Scully family reunion.” I rolled my eyes. “Yeah, right, Mulder.” We broke for dinner eventually. I was about to ask Mulder if he wanted to grab a sandwich, when a tall – well, she was tall by my standards, which made her about 5’7” – thin woman with long dark hair and bangs walked up to me. “Dr. Scully?” I turned to her with that pleasant, neutral-but-aloof expression we’ve all mastered for people who know us, but whom we don’t even vaguely recognize. “Yes?” She smiled. “You don’t remember me. I’m Michaela Crenshaw. I was—“ “At Quantico when I was teaching,” I recalled; this during the first time the x-files were shut down. Agent Crenshaw hadn’t been in any of my classes, but I did remember her face. “Right.” “How have you been?” “Fine. I’ve been working in the LA office, but I’ve just accepted a transfer. Agent Mulder didn’t tell you?” I frowned. “Agent Mulder didn’t tell me what?” The man himself appeared at my elbow. “Agent Crenshaw?” I couldn’t help but notice that Michaela’s smile was considerably toothier for Mulder than it had been for me. “Agent Mulder! A pleasure to finally meet you.” They shook hands like old friends. I looked on with narrowed eyes. To finally meet you? “Would someone please tell me just what is going on here?” Mulder looked a little sheepish, a little guilty. Damn it, I knew that look. “Scully, this is Agent Michaela Crenshaw.” “Yes, I know,” I replied calmly. The pieces were falling into place, but I didn’t particularly like the way the puzzle looked. “Michaela is going to be working with us on the x-files.” “Skinner approved a third person?” I asked incredulously. Mulder grinned. “Not just Skinner. It came down from the top. I’ve been in contact with Michaela for a couple of months now, via phone and e-mail.” I stared at him. A couple of months? And he hadn’t even deigned to mention it to me? Michaela was speaking. “Are you guys hungry? There’s a great place right around the corner. It has fantastic burgers.” Mulder accepted for both of us, and I followed along in a silent funk. In a few minutes we were sitting at a table in your standard bar and grill. I perused my menu in silence. Mulder didn’t notice; he was occupied with Chatty Kathy there. I was peeved. OK, I was downright angry. Mulder had obviously known about this for months. And yes, he’s the senior agent. But he’s not my fucking boss, I thought. I’m not his secretary. Or his assistant. I’m his partner. As in equal. We’d had this whole conversation more times than I cared to count. In the beginning he had treated me like his secretary, or his glorified errand girl, and I hated it. But I thought he’d finally gotten the point. I mean, Mulder can be dense, but Jesus H. Christ! Suddenly I realized that I was the topic of their conversation. “Yup, no one wanted to be in Dr. Scully’s class,” Crenshaw laughed. “She was tough. Slice and Dice Scully.” I smiled tightly. Charming. Mulder guffawed. “Slice and Dice, huh? I like that even better than Doc Ice.” “Fabulous,” I shot back, “Spooky.” Mulder’s amusement might have paled a little. Crenshaw turned to me. “But I’m sure you don’t want me calling you ‘Dr. Scully’ all the time.” Well, it’s better than Slice and Dice, I thought. But no, actually, I didn’t. Crenshaw was only two or three years younger than I; “Dr. Scully” made me feel like a relic. I opened my mouth to tell her Scully was just fine. “Actually-“ “Dana. OK? Fox and Dana.” I expected Mulder to choke on his water at that one, but he didn’t say a word. I was stunned. After we ordered, I excused myself and went to the ladies’ room. I had finished touching up my almost-nonexistent makeup and was washing my hands when Michaela came in. “Dana?” she said tentatively. “You’ve been awfully quiet.” She touched my arm. “Are you upset?” I managed a small smile. “Not with you.” “With Fox?” “With, ah, Agent Mulder, yes. I had no idea you were joining us, because he apparently saw no reason to tell me.” She nodded sympathetically, wide-eyed. “I know how you must feel. You and he have been partners for a long time. All these years with such a brilliant man, getting to be the sounding board for his brilliant theories-“ Oh brother, I thought. “It must have been absolutely enlightening. An amazing experience.” “You could say that,” I interjected wryly, wondering what Agent Crenshaw would have thought about Leonard Betts or Eugene Tooms. Or the Consortium. Cancer Man. Max Fenig. Home, Pennsylvania. The list went on in my head. “I wouldn’t blame you for being jealous,” Crenshaw continued innocently. I actually laughed. “Jealous? Because of Mulder?” “Well, I’ve heard that you guys are – close –“ “I don’t know exactly what you’ve heard, but let me make it clear right now that Mulder and I are not now and have never been romantically involved.” Perhaps that came out a little more harshly than I had intended. She blinked. “Uh, OK.” What do you say to that, huh? “I bet the food’s out now.” I was glad to get started on the fairly lengthy car ride down to Baja. I anticipated settling into our familiar pattern of solitude. That didn’t happen, of course. In fact, I found myself relegated to the back seat. I watched in amazement as Mulder opened Michaela’s door. Smooth, Mulder, I thought. Couldn’t you at least wait 24 hours before you start hitting on the new girl? We weren’t even out of the parking lot when Mulder flipped on the radio. “What kind of music do you like?” he asked cheerily, fiddling with the presets. He found a station playing some weird New Age-y melody heavy on the Indian flutes and what sounded like a lyre. Michaela’s eyes lit up and she and Mulder launched into an animated discussion. Mulder never asked me what kind of music I liked, I thought, feeling a little wounded. In seven years he’d never cared enough to find out, and here he was asking Michaela Crenshaw after he’d known her for less than two hours. (And months of e-mail and phone calls, I reminded myself.) Maybe they’d move on to favorite colors next. How sweet. I tuned their conversation out and relaxed against the door. I knew I wouldn’t sleep, but I could try. ………….. The scene at the international pier in Baja was a madhouse, in its own quietly federal way. The plan was to flank the pier on all sides, with some agents on fishing boats docked close to shore. A small team of agents would rush the ship when the Navy attempted to arrest Lee. Skinner was at “command central,” the second floor of an abandoned warehouse we had commandeered for our own purposes. From there he was unnoticed, relatively safe, and had a clear view of the “action.” He was, of course, in continuous radio contact with all of the team leaders. Those of us on the “first strike” team all had headsets. There were six of us: me, Mulder, a young black man from the Philadelphia office, an agent from Atlanta, and two middle-aged men from the LA office. I slipped on my black jacket with “FBI” emblazoned on the back in yellow-gold letters and adjusted my earpiece. I was crouched behind a huge stack of crates. Something that might have been a rat skittered past my foot; I didn’t look. All was silent. I knew Mulder was nearby, ready to cover me, as I was him. I fingered my holstered pistol, hoping I wouldn’t have to use it. It was still almost dark, the sun giving off very pale light in the eastern sky, just enough to eerily elongate shadows. The Xi-Ching had appeared on the horizon and was approaching its port, the lessening distance transforming what looked like a child’s toy boat into a massive hulk. Skinner had begun radio checks. “01, ready?” “Check,” said one of the two LA agents who was our official leader. “Bronson?” “Check.” “Teague?” “Check.” “Hughes?” “Check.” “Scully?” “Check,” I said. “Mulder?” “10-4, Back Door, roger on the Gomez.” I grinned. Skinner moved on to 02 and progressed to 05. The ship was preparing to dock. I listened intently. The teams on the fishing boats were reporting nothing unusual. Then Skinner issued an all-call. Naval officials had located our control center and were storming it. I craned my neck, looking up at the warehouse windows. If I squinted very hard against the gray dawn, I could make out Skinner, ASAC DeShawn, and a few other figures, two in dress Navy whites. The radio squawked to life. A familiar voice blasted into our ears. “What the hell is going on here?” ……………. “What are you people doing?” the man before me demanded. “Why the hell’s the FBI on this?” DeShawn tried to diffuse his temper. If he was anything like his sister, it wouldn’t work. I regarded Bill Scully, wondering how long it would take him to recognize me. “Who the hell’s in charge?” “I am,” I said. “Captain Scully, this is Assistant Director Walter Skinner-“ DeShawn began. Scully whirled. “You! What the hell’s on that ship?” I didn’t answer. My attention was focused on the Xi- Ching. “01 – Ready?” “Ready,” came the reply. Bill Scully was looking down; from here you could see the agents crouched and waiting, ready to spring. I knew when a new thought occurred to him, because he became even more rigid. “Is she here? Is Dana here?” he demanded. “Is she going out there to risk her life for some stupid-“ “01 go!” I barked. Instantly the six agents were running. Once they were in the field, I knew exactly what would happen: Mulder and Scully would become the leaders. I knew the captain had seen her. Dana Scully was the only woman on the strike team, and her small stature betrayed her. As the sun began to rise, its rays glinted on her coppery hair. I had turned the volume on Mulder and Scully’s mikes higher than any of the others, always concerned about my two unorthodox agents but loathe to admit it. I heard shouts in Mandarin from the crew as the six agents disappeared into the ship, then I heard only Mulder and Scully’s labored breathing. From the sounds, Mulder was standing still, while Scully was running stairs. More shouts. “Mulder, go!” Bill Scully jerked at the sound of his sister’s voice. “Scully-!” “I’m covering you!” Rapid gunfire. Teague’s voice: “We have an agent down! Agent down!” Bill Scully turned gray. Two figures came racing up the pier. The second, unmistakably, was Agent Scully. The first was John Thomas Lee. He whirled and fired off three shots. Scully threw herself down and rolled out of the way, then she was up on one knee, her Sig Sauer glimmering in the light as she raised it. She fired a single shot. Lee went sprawling and lay motionless. I chanced a glance at her brother. He was watching his sister with – amazement? Admiration? “She got him! It’s Lee!” exulted an agent on the offshore team. Scully was on her feet, running back toward the ship. “Scully!” I shouted into my headset. “What the hell-“ But I already knew. “What the hell is she doing?” someone demanded. “Her partner-“ It was Teague again. “She won’t leave her partner!” Bill Scully slammed his fist down onto the table. “I’ve got a visual-“ Scully’s voice cut in. “Fuck! Fuck me!” Two more gunshots. “Teague, help me!” Scully barked. Then, softly, “Mulder, you’re OK. You’re gonna be OK…” ……………. I was on the pier with Mulder, waiting for an ambulance. I had him wrapped in a blanket. He’d been hit in the leg, and the amount of blood told me Lee’s shot had hit an artery. “Scully?” he groaned. I tried to smile. “It’s OK.” “How bad?” “You’ll live.” “You’re – lotta blood.” I looked down and realized that I was covered in Mulder’s blood. The paramedics finally arrived. I think I shoved one out of the way so I could stop Mulder’s bleeding myself; I don’t remember. Someone was behind me. Well, there were a lot of people behind me, but this was someone. I turned to my brother. “Dana?” He looked absolutely horrified. Blood dripped from my fingers onto the wooden pier. “Dana!” It was Crenshaw. “I’m going with the ambulance,” I said. “No – you get cleaned up. I’ll go.” She scrambled up into the back with Mulder and took his hand. The EMTs slammed the doors and roared off. I stood alone with Bill. I cleared my throat. “So,” I asked awkwardly, “you had breakfast yet?” Bill drove me to the hotel to take a shower and change clothes. To his credit, he didn’t ask any questions, but he did insist we eat breakfast before taking me to the hospital. I didn’t enjoy walking into Mulder’s hospital room with my brother to find Agent Crenshaw holding my partner’s hand. “Hey, Scully,” Mulder said cheerfully. “Bill.” “How ya feelin’?” I asked, going to hold his other hand. “A little rough. Apparently some hack doctor worked on me at the pier.” He squeezed my hand. “Seriously, the doctors say I’ll be fine. I can go home in a couple of days.” Bill tried to persuade me to come stay with him and Tara for a few days, but I was too worried about Mulder to leave him alone, or under anyone else’s care, for that long. Air travel with crutches is a bitch. Mulder’s first day back at work coincided with Michaela’s introduction to the x-files. In the interim, she’d been assigned to the bullpen. She sailed in twenty minutes late, but I held my tongue. Mulder smiled. “Hi, Michaela. Want a muffin? They’re blueberry.” “Thanks, Fox.” Fox and Michaela. I winced and readjusted my position in the metal folding chair at the crappy little table Mulder liked to refer to as my work space. The morning just went along famously. Mulder discussed some of our past cases (I noticed that I didn’t seem to figure very prominently in his version of any of them), and Michaela oohed and ahhed in all the right places. A few minutes before noon, a big burly man in blue coveralls appeared in the doorway. “You Agent Mulder?” Mulder stood up, grinning. Grinning, for God’s sake. “Great! Put it right over there.” He indicated the area right across from his desk. The man and one other wheeled in a large, state of the art mahogany desk complete with a leather swivel chair. I couldn’t believe it. Mulder had finally gotten me a desk! This was his way of apologizing for being less than considerate of my feelings. I beamed. “You like it?” Mulder asked. “Welcome to the x-files, Michaela.” What? WHAT?! I stared. Michaela was gushing. “It’s beautiful! Oh, thank-you, Fox!” She gave him a big hug with lots of full-body contact. He smiled benevolently, the bastard. “Isn’t it nice, Dana?” “Lovely,” I said acidly. “It’s five ‘til noon,” she said. “Let’s go to lunch – I’m buying!” “A woman after my own heart.” Mulder headed for the door. “Get a move on, Scully.” I remained seated. “Coming, Dana?” “No. I’m really not hungry,” I said, looking from the desk to Mulder and back again. I knew he wasn’t oblivious to my mood. Alone, I slapped a stack of file folders on my table. “Eight years,” I ranted to the empty room. “Eight fucking years and I don’t have a desk, and she gets one in three hours?” …………. On the road again. Michaela had been with us for about two and a half weeks. Or at least, with Mulder. They went out for coffee, for lunch, for dinner – Try telling me that’s strictly business. I, on the other hand, had been spending an indecent amount of time in the morgue. We were in Pittsburgh, investigating a bizarre string of serial murders. The killer would rape and murder his victims, then strip away all of their skin and dump the bodies. I wasn’t upset with the assignment, even though it wasn’t an x-file. It would get me out of the morgue. If anything, I’d at least get a little air and sunlight, even if it was just pounding the pavement. But no. I found myself, again, in the morgue, while Mulder and Agent Crenshaw did the footwork. Not that I hadn’t expected to make my share of trips to this grim little catacomb, but they had me in here all goddamn day, every day. To make matters worse, I had to share a fucking hotel room. Since when was Mulder concerned about how things would look on the expense report? If he was that concerned, let Michaela move into his room. I hadn’t shared a room since Missy and I were kids. And Michaela, I discovered, was not a neat person. Every available surface was littered with clothes and cosmetics within twelve hours of our arrival. We’d been in town for three days and all I wanted was to go home. If I had to spend my days in a morgue, at least let it be my morgue, without some jackass M.E. looking over my shoulder. I got back to the room at 10:00. I was exhausted and felt a little sick. I’d been staring at desiccated corpses for fifteen hours. My feet were killing me. My head hurt. I was starving, but of course the pizza that Mulder and Crenshaw (who, for some reason, were lying on my bed watching TV) had ordered was long gone, and the damn motel didn’t have so much as a vending machine. I took a shower, and when I emerged Michaela was sitting on her bed in her pajamas. The only trace of Mulder was the empty pizza box, which I stuffed in the trash. “How was your day, Dana?” “Well, let’s see. I spent fifteen hours in a subterranean hellhole with rotting corpses and came back here, to the lovely SunGlo Motel, to find no food and my colleagues reclining on my bed. What do you think?” She cringed. “I’m really sorry. Especially about the pizza.” I fell into bed with my hair still wet and turned off the bedside lamp. “Forget it.” “Dana?” “Yeah.” “Um, what you said about you not having any – romantic feelings – for Fox – Are you sure?” “Of course I’m sure.” “I just wanted to make sure, before things between us go any further. I mean, I don’t want to step on any toes.” “Oh, you’re – seeing each other?” “Yeah.” I don’t know why I was surprised. I’d certainly noticed all their extra-curricular outings. Maybe it was slapping that label on it, calling it “dating”. It took me a long time to fall asleep. ………… I’d had enough of 6:30 a.m. autopsies. Instead I got up and went running, something I should probably do more of. Unfortunately, I hate it. As I wended my way to a slightly nicer part of town, I thought of the case, of the killer. I tried to imagine his thought processes, see the world through his eyes, but I knew I couldn’t get inside his head like Mulder could. Mulder had that talent – which, of course, was why we were here. Back at the motel, I found my room deserted. I knocked on Mulder’s door but received no answer. They’d probably gone out to breakfast. They could have waited for me, I thought sourly. My stomach rumbled. But wait. Why, I asked myself, would Mulder want me along in the middle of a fledgling relationship? This is business, said the voice of reason, not some romantic getaway for two. I was still Mulder’s partner, not Michaela. Her official position was “assistant investigator.” Yet Mulder hadn’t told me a damn thing about this case, and here they were, thick as thieves. Up to my elbows in bloody forensic evidence, I was still pondering the situation. My partnership with Mulder has been – well, rocky. Intense, for sure. We’ve never actually seen eye-to-eye, but there have been times when we were close, like best friends. God knows we’ve been through enough together. After that whole thing in the Arctic and the big Diana fiasco, we were barely on speaking terms for… months. Then everything smoothed out, and for a while Mulder was a real sweetheart, especially after he got some closure with Samantha. I saw a whole new, happier side of my partner, like he was finally moving on with his life. Does the phrase, “Hey, Scully, wanna come over and watch Caddyshack?” mean anything to you? Then, for a reason I didn’t understand, Mulder started withdrawing again, becoming almost as distant as he’d been during the x-files’ darkest days. My phone rang. I sighed. Perfect timing, Mulder, I thought. Because it had to be Mulder. I stripped off my latex gloves and fished the telephone out of the pocket of my lab coat. “Scully.” “Pack your bags, Scully, we’re going home. We caught ‘im.” Mulder sounded very self-satisfied. “Wha- The killer?” “Yeah. After Mac and I tracked him down –“ “Mac?” “Michaela. Anyway, it was just a question of waiting for him to come home so we could nail him. We’ve been in front of his building since 6:00.” And I’ve been up to my ass in intestines, I thought. “Gee, Mulder,” I said acidly, “thanks for sharing.” I sighed again. “I’ll be there in twenty minutes.” I was really pissed at Mulder, and really frustrated. I just wanted to go home and rid myself of the stench of death. As if. Most people think being a fed gets you special treatment. Hah. Our flight was overbooked, and guess who the airline bumped? No, actually, not me. Michaela. I guess they felt less guilty about booting a regular old agent than a special agent. Mulder turned to me. “Scully, why don’t you let Mac have your seat? I’m sure you can get a later flight.” I blinked. “See, we have reservations at Gipetto’s tonight. You know Gipetto’s?” he wheedled. I knew. It’s a four-star restaurant; getting a reservation usually takes months. Maybe Mulder had sold his soul to Cancer Man after all. I looked at Mulder. He and Michaela were holding hands. Precious. I rolled my eyes and handed my boarding pass to Crenshaw. “Fuck it,” I said eloquently, with a considerable lack of good cheer. The next flight out wasn’t for another six hours. I rented a car on my Bureau account and headed for D.C. I was probably out of the airport before Mulder and Michaela even got on the plane. At 8:00 the next morning, all three of us were supposed to be in Skinner’s office, bright-eyed and bushy-tailed, with our report. Mulder and Michaela were both late, and arrived within five minutes of one another. They sat in Skinner’s office exchanging secret little looks and smiles. Michaela looked tired, and I recognized the shirt Mulder was wearing under his suit jacket as the one I secretly refer to as his “date shirt.” He hadn’t been home to change. Mmhmmm. “Agents,” Skinner said sternly – as if Skinner ever says anything any other way – “could someone please tell me why I have two separate reports on this case, and why you, Agent Scully, have signed off on one, while Agents Mulder and Crenshaw have signed off on the other?” I cleared my throat. “I was really only involved with the medical and forensic aspects of the case, sir. I don’t feel qualified to sign off on a report of events about which I know nothing,” I explained. “You are aware that the reports are contradictory?” Mulder shrugged. “Aren’t they always?” he said derisively. I clenched my teeth. Asshole. “Is there a problem, agents?” “Not at all,” Mulder said confidently. “Agent Crenshaw’s assistance has led me to the decision that Agent Scully’s talents are better used in her specialized area. Agent Crenshaw and I will be handling the investigative side of the x-files.” I stared at him. Oh, you will? I thought. How considerate of you to tell me. Skinner dismissed us. Michaela disappeared. I stormed down to the basement office with all the fury of the Allies on D-Day. Mulder wasn’t far behind me, but by the time he walked through the door, I had a cardboard box and was tossing my belongings into it – my medical reports, my coffee mug, my keys on that goddamn Apollo 11 keychain. “What are you doing?” he asked blandly. “Packing,” I replied icily. “I can see that. Why?” “There’s an empty workspace in the path lab by the morgue. It even has a desk. No one will mind if I take it.” “Why?” “To better assist you, my dear,” I said nastily. “If I’m going to be spending my days in the morgue, which apparently I am – and thank you so much for consulting me, by the way – I see no reason to have what you laughingly call an ‘office’ six floors away.” “So you’re going to have a fit, Scully, is that it? Throw a tantrum?” “Don’t you dare – Don’t you dare accuse me of being unprofessional! For the last month I have done nothing but put aside personal differences for the sake of –“ But it was useless, and I knew it. His face was expressionless, his eyes blank. Michaela came in just then. “You know what, I don’t even care. Enjoy your hero worship and leave me out of it.” I grabbed my box and headed for the elevator. And so I installed myself in the path lab. I didn’t really know any of the other doctors or technicians, and I could tell they were suspicious of me. That’s Mrs. Spooky, they said. Doc Ice. I should have had more free time, but Mulder started sending me orders to do roughly three times as many autopsies as usual. Which I couldn’t refuse, of course, since I was still officially assigned to the x-files and couldn’t bring myself to sever that tie. Mulder never came up to the sixth floor. He sent Michaela. We never saw each other, and talked only when he called and asked for my medical opinion. One afternoon as I was doing one of my “Mulder’s Revenge” autopsies – my name for the ones that really didn’t need to pass under my scalpel, but that he seemed to relish sending to me – the man himself walked into the autopsy bay. Imagine my surprise. “C’mon, Scully. I want to introduce Mac to the Gunmen.” “And this requires my presence why? In case you haven’t noticed, I’m a little busy here – with my third autopsy of the day.” But in the end I relented. I hadn’t seen the guys in over three months, since just before Crenshaw had joined the x- files, and I kind of missed the dweebs. And I missed Mulder more than I was willing to admit. I did, however, drive my own car. No more of this “riding in the back of Mulder’s” shit. We stood before the familiar peephole, monitored by half a dozen security cameras. “C’mon, Frohike, it’s Mulder.” “And Scully,” I added pointedly. The little toad – and I mean that in the nicest possible way - opened the door. “Hey, Mulder. And the lovely Agent Scully. But who’s the chick?” Mulder introduced Michaela and we went inside. Taking the girlfriend to meet the friends, I thought. It must be serious. While the other five conversed, I drifted around the room, taking in the newest and weirdest equipment. After a few minutes, Michaela came over to join me. “You look tired, Dana.” Thanks. “I guess.” “I know Fox has been sending you a lot of autopsies. I think he’s a little angry, but I’m going to talk to him about it.” “I’m doing fine,” I replied, hating the idea of her interceding on my behalf. “I can handle it.” “Well, maybe, but… Did you know we’re talking about moving in together?” “No. How would I know that?” “I thought maybe Fox had told you. But, yeah, there’s this really cute place in Georgetown – That’s where you live, isn’t it?” Oh, lovely. Whoopee. “Uh-huh.” “Hey, Scully, come check this out!” called Langly, hunching over his computer terminal. For once I was glad for the interruption. ………. “The deceased is one James Decker, Caucasian male, age 46, height 5’11”, weight 210 pounds. Apparent cause of death –“ I stopped, feeling a tickling in my nose. I reached up to scratch it, resuming, “Gunshot wound to the cranium, although this may have been –“ I looked down at my hand. My white glove had blood on it. My blood. I raced to the mirror to look; I think I can be forgiven for being a little paranoid where nosebleeds are concerned. I went to the bathroom. As I stood there holding a coarse brown paper towel to my nose, I thought, This is not a big deal. It’s just a nosebleed. Everyone gets them. One nosebleed does not a life-threatening disease make. Neither do two, I insisted, when I had another in the middle of the night two days later. I had a third in the middle of lunch with my mother, but rushed to the bathroom before she noticed it. A fourth in line at Starbucks the day after that, and a fifth at Bloomingdale’s that same afternoon. I bled on and ruined two very expensive Chanel suits, both of which I, of course, had to buy. I also earned some incredibly odd looks. I couldn’t get the blood to clot. It would stop momentarily, then start again – and I’m not talking a little trickle. It was fucking Old Faithful. I kept it together until I was safely inside my car with the doors locked. Then I totally lost it. I started to sob, and the blood mixing with my tears was nauseating. I felt like I was going to retch. And I was scared – more scared than I’d been the first time, even. Because now I’d been through it all before. Some people say they’re calmer the second time around, but I was terrified. I was afraid my mysterious cancer had come out of its equally mysterious remission, and I would meet a not-so-mysterious end in short order. I knew the odds of a second miraculous recovery. Hah. I didn’t hear the tapping on my window at first. “Agent Scully? Agent Scully? Are you all right?” I lifted my head from the steering wheel. Oh, shit. It was Byers. He looked horrified when he saw my face. I lifted one hand to my bloody nose, but it was useless to try to hide it. “Dana?!” He’d never called me that before; he must be freaked out. I unlocked the door and he got in the passenger side. I didn’t have to tell him what had happened. He got out his crisp white handkerchief – he was the type to carry a handkerchief, I thought fuzzily – and lifted it to my nose. I felt bad for bleeding on it. I was so lightheaded and woozy that I just sat there and let the gentle, mild-mannered man clean up the bloody, tear- stained mess I had become. Not that I wasn’t mortified. The blood had finally stopped. “I’m OK,” I muttered. “No, you’re not.” Byers’ soft voice was firm. “I’m taking you to the hospital.” I shook my head. “No. Thank-you, but I’m not going to the hospital.” He had the sense not to argue. Doctors really do make the worst patients. “Well, let me drive you home.” “What about your car?” “I’ll get a cab.” He drove me home, and would have gone so far as to see me inside, had I not put my foot down. I opened my mouth to ask him not to tell anyone about this, but I stopped. I knew he wouldn’t. Instead I reached for the door handle. “Thanks,” I said lamely. I was so exhausted that I crawled into bed and slept for twelve full hours, but not before I called Dr. Weier, my oncologist. It was Sunday, but I left a message asking for an appointment as soon as possible. I didn’t sleep peacefully. Even in my dreams, my mind ran through a long list of grisly possibilities. Even if my cancer hadn’t come out of remission, I fit the symptoms of a leukemia patient. I pictured months of chemo either way, losing my hair, lying in the hospital, the pain, the look on my mother’s face when I had to tell her. Penny Northern. Cancer Man. Skinner. Mulder. Mulder and Michaela, making love. Darkness. Dying. Death. ……….. I was only pulled from this cycle of thoughts by the ringing of my telephone. I opened my eyes to find that it was 8:00; I would be late for work. It was Dr. Weier’s office. He’d scheduled an appointment for me for the next day. I walked to my desk in its scrubbed and polished, fluorescent-lighted, formaldahyde-reeking environment and sat down stiffly. I looked at the huge stack of autopsy requests Mulder had sent up and felt curiously defeated. I can’t do this, I thought. “Can’t” is a foreign word to a Scully. I repeated the statement out loud. “I can’t do this.” Can’t do what? I can’t sit up here in this office doing all this cold work for the x-files, for Mulder, and not be involved in the cases, not hear his wild theories, not feel his passion for his work. I can’t be the brain of the x-files if I’m cut off from the heart. A decapitated person can’t live. I sat and stared into space for several minutes, but I knew what I had to do. ……….. Fox was angry, angrier than I’d ever seen him. He paced around like a caged animal in the basement office, restless and full of fight. Right then I was a little afraid of him, but I wouldn’t let it show. In his right hand he clutched a single sheet of paper, which he crumpled and smoothed repeatedly. It was Dana’s request for reassignment, already approved by Skinner. “How can she do this? How the hell can she do this?” he railed. “And not even fucking tell me -!” Before I could stop him, he was storming out of the office. “Fox,” I called, “where are you going?” He didn’t answer, but I already knew. I charged after him to the elevator, hoping to prevent a fiery confrontation. We rode up in silence. Fox and Dana have a history I don’t really understand. I honestly believe they’ve never been romantically involved, although I didn’t at first. Even though the whole time I’ve known them they’ve pretty much been at each other’s throats, they have this – bond. When Fox looks at Agent Scully, or even when he talks about her, he gets this look in his eyes that’s just incredibly intense. And Dana doesn’t show a lot of emotion – hah, we called her Doc Ice for a reason – but when she looks at Mulder – I don’t know, she softens somehow. And when she looks at me and Fox together – she’s jealous. I don’t care what she says. Sometimes their bond scares me. I wonder if Dana knows she loves Fox? These thoughts spiraled through my mind as we walked to the suite of offices adjoining the pathology lab. Agent Scully’s was empty. I was relieved for about two seconds, until I realized that her absence had the affect of making him angrier. Fox circled Dana’s desk, then stopped, slamming his palm down with a force that made me jump. “Damn it!” he roared, the veins in his neck throbbing. “Where the hell is she?” Obviously, I had no answer. He continued to pace, stopping to kick over the metal trash can. It was half full of papers and pencil shavings, which spilled out over the tile floor in a colorful array. The can banged hollowly, then rolled under the edge of Dana’s desk. He was absolutely bellowing, and I knew at least everyone on the sixth floor could hear him. Right in the middle of his venomous rage, the telephone rang. He came to an abrupt halt, as if he’d hit a brick wall. Fox stared at his interrupter, as if shocked. Slowly, he reached for the receiver. “Hello.” Dana’s phone was on speaker, so I could hear every word. “Is Dr. Scully there?” “No. She’s not.” “Could you take a message, please? This is Marilyn from Dr. Weier’s office.” Fox’s expression changed completely and his face lost all its color. “The – the oncologist?” “That’s right. Please tell Dana that there’s a problem with her test, and ask her to call as soon as possible.” He stammered that he would, then sat down in Scully’s desk chair. For a long time he just sat and stared, looking as if he’d seen a ghost. “Fox?” I asked hesitantly. “Yeah. Yeah. Why don’t you, um, just go downstairs. I’ll see you in a few minutes.” I waited for a moment in the doorway, searching for the right words to say. Had that phone conversation told Fox something I’d missed? Was Dana ill? I wanted to ask if he was okay, but I didn’t think he would appreciate it right now. Besides, I didn’t know why he wouldn’t be okay – but I didn’t think he was. So I just turned to leave. I glanced over my shoulder and saw Fox bending over and carefully putting the trash back in the waste basket. …………… I called Dr. Weier’s office Tuesday at lunchtime, not even four hours after I’d had the usual tests run. I asked for the results; they’d promised to rush them for me. There was a long pause. My heart faltered in its rhythm, then began to pound. “Dr. Scully, there’s a problem –“ Hail Mary, full of grace – “The film was blurred. Can you come in this afternoon and have the test repeated?” I said of course I could, and arranged to come in at 5:00. Then I hung up and stood in a daze. I hate not knowing. That feeling of being in limbo, as if you’re just suspended in midair. I’ve come to understand what is so horrible about the concept of purgatory. Can you grab a handhold and climb back up onto the cliff, or will you plummet to the rocks below? But I was hopeful. I hadn’t had any more nosebleeds. Surely the God in whom I put so much faith wouldn’t be so cruel. Nervously, I fingered the delicate gold cross that hung from my neck. ……….. “Dude, we got visitors,” I said as the motion detectors went off, then Mulder and his chick appeared in the field of vision of our security cams. Frohike let them in. “Hi, guys. Where’s Scully?” he asked wistfully. Mulder ignored the question. “I need some info.” He started to make his request, but Byers interrupted. Dude, Johnny Boy was lookin’ a little pale. “Agent Scully – Is she all right?” “She’s been transferred to another division.” “No way!” I exclaimed. “More top-secret men-in-black kinda shit to split you guys up?” “By her request,” Mulder clarified stonily. And a hush descended, as they would say. Byers and Frohike and I exchanged glances. Finally Frohike cleared his throat. “So, whaddya need to know?” So we got that show on the road. I gave Mulder’s girlfriend the once-over when she wasn’t looking, and neither was he. Not bad, but she kinda reminded me of Fowley. Somewhere along the way, somebody let it slip that they were shacking up. “Y’know, Mulder,” I said, “I always thought you and Scully would end up –“ Frohike kicked me – hard – before I could stick my foot any further down my esophagus. Mulder tried to pretend he headn’t heard. Michaela blushed. I looked at her again. Nah, she wasn’t so bad. I’d do her. ………… Mom called me at work the week after my appointment with Dr. Weier. She asked me some perfunctory questions about work – I still didn’t tell her I wasn’t working with Mulder – but I could tell she was bubbling over with excitement. “What’s the news?” I asked. “Bill and Tara are coming for a visit! They’re flying in Sunday and staying until Wednesday, then Bill has some big conference in New York through the weekend. “That’s great,” I said. “We’re having a big family dinner Sunday evening. Do you think you’ll be able to come?” she asked hopefully. This, I told myself, is one of the perks of no longer being on the x-files. I was trying to compile a list. “Yes, Mom. I’ll definitely be there.” “Wonderful. I’ll see you then, sweetie.” That Sunday was a perfect autumn day, the sky a brilliant blue, the leaves in full color, just enough chill in the October air to warrant the wearing of my trench coat. Despite the beautiful weather and the fact that my brother, sister-in-law, and adorable nephew were visiting, though, I was in a strange mood. Depressed, I thought, but didn’t know why. Mulder would’ve said I was in a funk. I let myself into my mother’s house and immediately heard a delighted squeal. “Ah-Day-ah!” Matthew shrieked, racing down the hall as fast as his little legs could carry him, his chubby arms flung wide. This rendering of my name was inspired by the fact that his mouth was full of something that looked like chocolate pudding, which was also smeared all over his little Tommy Hilfiger sweatsuit. I scooped up the whole sticky mess and hugged him fiercely. “Hi, sweetheart! Oh, you’re getting so big!” Tara appeared, tracking her son. “Hi, Dana.” She gave me a little hug. “Oh, no – Mattie’s getting pudding all over your clothes.” I smiled. “It’s fine.” I addressed my nephew. “Let’s go find Daddy and Grandma, huh?” For once my tall, slightly balding, very military brother was wearing civilian clothes, jeans and a navy sweater that revealed the little paunch he was developing. He hugged me almost as fiercely as I’d hugged his son, nearly lifting me off my feet. “Hey, sis. You look good.” I smiled. “Thanks. It’s great to see you.” Mom hugged me, then said, “Dana, have you lost weight?” I shrugged. “Maybe. I’ve been busy.” “You’re too thin,” she fretted. “Working herself to death,” Bill cut in, and I rolled my eyes. “Don’t worry, Mom, I’m sure I’ll have gained twenty pounds by the time I leave today.” “Speaking of work, can we expect a call from Agent Spooky, interrupting us as soon as we sit down to dinner so the two of you can go chase bigfoot?” I could’ve told everyone I wasn’t on the files anymore, but I just said, “No, he won’t call.” And he didn’t, of course. As we were stuffing ourselves with spiced pork loin, mashed potatoes, salad, rolls, and half a dozen other things, my mom asked, “How is Fox, dear?” “I haven’t really seen him in a couple of months,” I replied, cutting another bite of my meat. “Actually, I’m not working with the x-files anymore. I requested reassignment.” Bill looked inordinately pleased. Mom looked surprised. Tara, feeding Matthew, looked neutral, as usual. “I knew you’d come to your senses!” my brother announced triumphantly. “I just can’t believe it took you nearly eight years to get away from that crackpot.” “He is not a crackpot,” I said automatically. “Oh, come on. Aliens, Dana! Little green men!” I sighed. “He’s really brilliant, Billy.” “So you’re still his big defender.” “Someone needs to be.” “Why did you choose to leave, Dana?” Mom asked. “There was a third agent assigned to the x-files – Michaela Crenshaw; I knew her from teaching at Quantico. Mulder took it upon himself to decide that they would do the investigative work, although Michaela’s job was supposed to be dealing with the paperwork, and stick me in the morgue all day.” As I was speaking, I didn’t realize that my voice was getting steadily louder. “You sound like a jilted lover,” Bill snorted. I felt my face flame. “Get real.” An infantile comeback, but it was all I could think of. I was pretty quiet for the rest of the evening. I knew I was thinking too much, but the wheels wouldn’t stop turning. My train of thought was disturbing. The other day I’d gone to see the Gunmen. My purpose was twofold: I needed some information, and I wanted my presence to reassure Byers that I was fine. Frohike (despite his aspirations) told me he’d always assumed Mulder and I would end up together. Without even thinking, I had replied, “So did I.” I dismissed it at the time and went about my business. So here I sat in my mother’s living room, having an epiphany: I’d always thought so too. Really. Not consciously. But my feelings for Mulder ran deep. I thought back over the last three months. The way I’d felt when Mulder and Michaela touched, when they looked at each other: isolated, angry, excluded. In short, jealous. And the reason for my lingering melancholy was all too clear. I had to admit to myself something I’d been denying vehemently: I loved Mulder. Not just loved, but was in love. I’d done things for him I would never have done for anyone else. I’d risked my life on numerous occasions. And now I realized that I’d stood patiently by because I hoped Mulder could love me someday, and we would have a brilliant future together. Doesn’t sound much like Dana Scully, huh? But now that hope had been taken away. Mulder was in love, and he had a brilliant future. But not with me. Realizing this just made me feel worse. I burned with jealousy and anger and hurt and something that felt like shame. I should be happy for him, I really should. Instead I wanted to throw something, march right over to his apartment, grab him by the throat and find out what the hell was wrong with him. I felt like such a bitch. “… OK?” Billy was talking to me, but I had no idea what he was saying. “What?” “I asked if it would be OK for Matt to stay with you while Tara and I are in New York.” “Oh. Yeah, sure. I’d love to have him.” After that I made a hasty retreat, promising to see Tara, Bill, and Matthew bright and early Wednesday morning. I briefly considered how I would explain the presence of my two-year-old nephew in the path lab. Oh, hell. I’d worry about that later. It was actually a pretty slow couple of days on the sixth floor. Tuesday right before I left work, I checked my voicemail. There was a message from Mulder: “Hey, Scully. Mulder. Call me.” I frowned. His tone was too flat to give anything away, but I thought the wording was cryptic. I hesitated just a second before erasing the message. I’d call tomorrow, if I remembered. Now I had to go home and child-proof my house. I was tired. I was too busy to call. Yeah, right. I just didn’t want to. ………… Bill and Tara dropped Matt off at seven Wednesday morning with enough supplies for six months, which I stowed in the guest room, and a million instructions, which I didn’t read. I kissed my brother and his wife good-bye and shooed them off to the Big Apple. I turned to Matthew, camped out in the middle of the living room floor, gnawing on a soggy graham cracker. “All right, buddy,” I said. “It’s just you and me. Ready to raise a little heck? Paint the town red?” He grinned and laughed delightedly. “Day-na,” he concurred. “Watch a little Sesame Street?” I continued. “How about assisting with a few autopsies, huh?” Tara had dressed Matt in a little sailor suit, like a mini-Bill. He was cute as a button. I couldn’t wait to show him off. Skinner couldn’t be mad when he saw a face like that. Maybe I’d even take my nephew over to see the Lone Gunmen; I could tell Frohike he was my illegitimate love child. I got some distinctly odd looks when I walked through the J. Edgar Hoover Building with a two-year-old in my arms. I caught myself wishing I were back in the basement – there would be plenty of room for him to play. Instead I plopped Mattie down on a soft blanket I spread on the floor of my miniature office and popped Mozart into my computer’s CD drive – They say music soothes even the most savage soul. I did paperwork all morning, and just before noon Matthew, who had been a complete angel, interrupted his own stream of jabbering with a loud wail. Lunchtime. Irresponsibly, I guess, I took the rest of the day off. Matt and I went to the park. He was content to play on the swings and slide for a while, then made a beeline for the huge sandbox. I promptly joined him and helped make huge mounds of sand that he gleefully demolished. We made quite a picture, me in my Donna Karan suit and high-heels, down on my knees, my nephew showering us both with sand. In the evening I made dinner and Mom joined us. We played with Matthew, then Mom left. I gave my nephew a bath, and he was fast asleep before 8:00. I’d decided to take the rest of the week off. In just two days we fell into a comfortable routine: breakfast, playing at home, lunch, afternoon at the park, supper with Mom, bath time, and bedtime for Matthew. By the weekend, I had a mountain of paperwork to catch up on. Friday and Saturday nights I spent hunkered in front of my PC. I was at the brink of mental shutdown from doing lab reports all night, and I was well past complete exhaustion, when someone knocked on my door. I looked up from my computer and removed my glasses. It was after eleven. The stereo, turned down low in order to let Matthew sleep, was playing my favorite Indigo Girls CD. I padded over to the door in my sock feet. “Who is it?” “It’s me.” “Mulder?” I opened the door to reveal my former partner, still dressed in a suit, as if he’d just come from the office. His hands were jammed into his pockets. “Hey, Scully.” “Come in.” I stepped aside. He came in and stood near one end of the sofa. I sat at the opposite end. “What’s up?” He shrugged. I could tell he wanted to say something, so I resigned to sit back and let him work up to it. “How ya doing?” “I’m fine,” I replied. Mulder studied the floor and the walls before actually meeting my eyes. “Come back to the x-files.” I shook my head. “Don’t ask me that, Mulder.” “Scully. You’re the best. I need you.” “It’s late, Mulder. It’s almost midnight.” He showed no signs of leaving. Wearily, I leaned back against the sofa pillows. He let the silence stretch out. Finally he muttered, “I called the other day. Left a message on your voicemail. Uh, did you get it?” “Yeah.” “Oh.” He looked around the living room. Nothing’s changed, Mulder, I thought. “So, you haven’t been into work the last couple of days.” “I took some time off.” Some people do, you know. “Sick leave?” I frowned. “No. I’ve been keeping my nephew.” “Is he here now?” “He’s sleeping.” “Oh. Bill in town?” “He’s in New York.” “Good. I mean-“ My lips quirked. “I know what you mean, Mulder.” “Yeah.” He stood up. “Look, Scully, I’m gonna go. Just think about coming back, OK?” I didn’t answer. He started toward the door. He was almost in the hall. “Mulder, wait.” Damn it, Dana! You know you’ll regret this. Just keep your mouth shut. He regarded me expectantly. “I can’t come back and work the way I was working – with things the way they are –“ “I’m not asking you to do that.” I frowned, and he looked away. “She’s gone, Scully. Agent Crenshaw is gone. She’s transferring back to L.A.” “But what about –“ I stopped myself. Their relationship was none of my business. He stood in the doorway, waiting. The hopeful look on his face was almost too much to bear. I sighed. “I’ll see you Monday morning, Mulder.” ……….. Some things never change. Even with the fluorescent lights blazing, the basement was dim and gritty, a neo-realistic cinematographer’s dream. Papers and folders and a few Styrofoam coffee cups littered Mulder’s desk. My rickety card table and folding chair were back in position. As went Michaela, so went her desk, I guess. Part of me was happy to be back, like coming home to your parents’ house after your first semester of college. Everything was familiar. Then you look around and start to see the cracks – Dad’s an alcoholic or your sister’s a pathological liar and everyone fights all the time. You remember why you left. I’d thought I was leaving the x-files because I wasn’t needed. And I’d told myself I was coming back because I was needed. I’d come back and that aching emptiness would be filled. My mouth twisted into something that might have been a smile, if I remembered how to smile. “Liar,” I said aloud to myself in the stillness. “You’re a fucking liar, Dr. Scully.” Mulder came in. He cracked sunflower seeds and threw pencils at the ceiling and spouted theories so bizarre they would have made Gene Rodenberry proud. Skinner came in with a ghost of a smile and his too-firm ex-Marine handshake and said he was glad to have me back. The ache intensified tenfold with every glance at my partner, and I had to admit the truth to myself. The pain wasn’t going away. It hadn’t left with Michaela Crenshaw because she hadn’t brought it in the first place. Neither was it Mulder’s fault. The recent anger, yes; he’d been a complete ass. But the ache had been there, deep in my chest, growing steadily for months. Years. I couldn’t be content like this. Mulder told the truth when he said he needed me. He just didn’t need – or want – me the way I needed him. The way I needed him to need me. I wasn’t happy as Mulder’s partner, but I was miserable without him. And that was my fault. After all, I was the one who’d fallen in love. ……….. “Yo, earth to Scully.” I looked up from the computer screen, dazed. “Huh?” “I said your name three times. You were a million miles away.” I shrugged. “I guess. What is it?” “Just this file – Do you feel okay, Scully?” I felt my brows draw together in a frown. “Yeah, Mulder. Fine.” “Did you read this – the one about the lawyer in Boise?” “It’s a hoax.” “I don’t know. The geometric angle of –“ I folded my arms. “Crop circles, Mulder?” I cut in using my most disdainful Ice Queen tone. “We could get a couple of seats on the 9:30 –“ “I’m not going to Boise. I thought you’d be much more interested in this one in – er – Jackson, Mississippi.” His face lit up. “The ghost sightings. Now that you mention it –“ Of course. Mulder knew I would never agree to crop circles. When will I learn? So I ended up in the historical district of Jackson for two days, the only result of which was a few cool breezes. Mulder swore that this was the ghostly presence; I maintain that it had more to do with the front rolling in from the Gulf of Mexico. What can I say? Life continues. Paper work and y- incisions. In the office with Mulder so damn close, I focused mostly on retaining some semblance of normality – i.e., cool, distant, a hint of suppressed bitchiness. Sometimes I don’t like myself very much. It had been almost three weeks since our little sojourn in Jackson. I sat in front of my computer screen reading some MUFON data and worrying my cross on its gold chain, wondering at the back of my mind why Mulder wasn’t jockeying to run off and study mutant bees in Arizona or lost time in Spokane. My partner was certainly exhibiting all the signs of restlessness. I cut my eyes and watched him simultaneously toss paper wads into the trashcan and crack sunflower seeds with supersonic force. He was totally unaware of my scrutiny. “Jesus, Mulder,” I finally said after a particularly loud crack. He looked up blankly, then his expression melted into a sheepish grin. “Sorry, Scully.” “Are you OK?” “That’s my line.” I folded down my laptop’s screen “Seriously, G-man. You’re like a Saint Bernard in an apartment. Why are we sitting in this office?” He just stared at me, and I didn’t think he was even listening. “Have dinner with me tonight.” I arched an eyebrow. “No, I’ll explain everything then,” he said. I shrugged. I’d been avoiding spending personal time with Mulder, but if it would get him to talk, it was worth it. “OK, fine. Your place or mine?” “I’ll pick you up at seven. I’m taking you to a real restaurant, so wear something nice.” What the hell? He smiled. “Not that you don’t always look nice.” What the hell? “Why don’t you take the rest of the afternoon off? There’s nothing urgent here.” It was my turn to stare. A thoughtful, concerned, attentive Mulder? What the hell? I was a little worried. But, in all honesty, I’m not altruistic enough to let it ruin a free afternoon. I grabbed my coat and my keys and happily left fed-land behind. I had time to go to the grocery store and the bank and pick up my dry-cleaning before it was even 5:00. I didn’t quite know what to do with myself, so I stopped at my favorite coffee shop and lingered over a latte. This done, I went to my apartment. I considered what to wear for dinner with Mulder. Don’t be an idiot, I told myself. It’s Mulder. It doesn’t matter – He won’t notice if you’re wearing a Vera Wang wedding gown or a paper bag. I spent twenty minutes staring into my closet as if it held the secrets of the universe. At last I decided on a very un-Scullylike ensemble. The dress was linen and form-fitting, a solid burnished orange, sleeveless with a square neckline. I dug black butter-soft suede ballet slippers out of the bottom of the closet and slipped on a delicate black cardigan to ward off the chill. I watched myself in the mirror and wondered what the hell I was doing as I carefully reapplied my makeup. I spritzed perfume and was screwing in the back of my earring when I heard Mulder’s knock, then the front door opening. “Scully?” “Yeah, Mulder. Just a sec.” I went into the living room, one hand gripping my purse, and stopped. Mulder’s gaze roved from my head to my feet and back up. “Wow,” he said. I grinned, doing my best to ignore my heart’s rapid beating. He didn’t look too bad either, in his charcoal gray pants and dark blue cashmere sweater. “Where are we going?” I asked. “Philomena’s. We’ve got a reservation.” Mulder’s car was down the block. When he cranked the engine, Credence Clearwater Revival sang to us from the CD player. I tried to relax, I really did. But, Jesus. Here I was in an enclosed area with a casually dressed, aftershave-smelling Mulder, headed for a four-star Italian restaurant. I was wearing a dress. And carrying a purse. And he wanted to “talk.” C’mon, old girl, breathe. Think about… Richard Nixon. In the shower. The flukeman. The Barney video Matthew left behind when Bill and Tara picked him up. Shit. It wasn’t working. I found myself seated at a cozy table for two, crisp linen napkin spread across my lap, candlelight flickering. A black-clad waiter filled our water glasses, ice cubes clinking musically. I looked at my partner for a second. Not a great idea. I dove for the menu and blindly began to peruse the handmade pasta selections. Too soon, too soon, the waiter returned. I ordered duck ravioli in a white wine cream sauce. Mulder ordered a very expensive Zinfandel to go with our meal. “Mulder-“ I protested as the waiter filled my glass. He shushed me. “Just enjoy, Scully.” Like that’s so easy. The wine was very good, though, crisp and very dry. I sipped, studying my silverware. I wanted to ask about Michaela, what had happened, why she’d left. I didn’t really consider “it didn’t work out” a satisfactory explanation. But I didn’t mention it, of course. I didn’t know what the hell had brought Mulder and me here tonight and I wouldn’t think about what he might, or might not, have in mind. We stuck to mundane, innocuous topics – the cases we’d been working, an upcoming conference, his fish (Mork and Mindy, if you’re curious), idle gossip I’d picked up in the path lab. We worked through bread, salad, and most of our entrees, and Mulder still hadn’t brought up whatever it was he wanted to TALK about. I was getting impatient. “Mulder.” He’d been studying a fascinating patch of the wall somewhere to the right of my head and chewing slowly. Now he dragged his gaze to me with obvious reluctance. “Um, yeah?” “You said you wanted to talk.” His expression remained blank. I folded my arms. “Well, talk!” I said, maybe just a little more sharply than I’d intended. “Scully…” He was having a hard time looking at me; this couldn’t be a good sign. I schooled my features into a careful mask of neutrality. What’s that song – “If you don’t expect too much of me, you might not be let down”? I wouldn’t expect anything. “I, umm, I care about you, Scully.” Meaning what, exactly? I felt an eyebrow creeping up. “I care about you too, Mulder.” “A lot.” “You have a funny way of showing it.” Did I say that out loud? I obviously did. He stopped and looked at me. Now it was my turn to explain. “All of that – with Crenshaw –“ “None of that was Michaela’s fault.” “You’re right, it wasn’t. I’m not talking about the personal side of it – professionally – Mulder – “ I found myself in the unusual position of being so angry I couldn’t form a complete sentence; words just spewed out of my mouth. “We were partners for eight years, and then you just –“ “Not just as a partner and a friend – but God knows I value that. I care about you the way a man cares for a woman… You’re everything, Scully.” His tone was almost pleading. I blinked once. “Well,” I said. That was certainly a change of subject. My mouth felt sandpaper dry. I took a big gulp of my wine. ”You don’t have to bribe me, Mulder,” I said. “I came back.” “I’m not trying to bribe you. I love you.” “Are you serious?” I demanded. He frowned slightly. “Of course I’m serious.” “Oh, God.” I closed my eyes. “Oh my God.” “Scully –“ His hand closed tightly over mine as I still held my fork. I held up my free hand, my eyes still closed. “Don’t.” I looked at him. “Don’t, Mulder. Just – Shh.” He didn’t listen, of course. “Scully, you don’t have to – I mean, I don’t expect you to feel the same. I just – We’ve reached a point – With things the way they are, Scully – with you being – I had to say something,” he babbled. “Mulder,” I said, quietly but firmly, “just hush, OK?” He actually stopped with his mouth hanging open and looked at me, his soulful expression somewhere between panic and surprise, with the usual dose of guilt thrown in. I enjoyed just looking at him for a moment. Beautiful Mulder. He looked so good to me then, better than anything on the dessert tray. Eventually, though, I took pity on him. “Mulder,” I repeated, dropping my fork and twisting the hand he still held to grasp his fingers. “I care too.” He looked up with the vaguest glimmer of hope. “You do?” I smiled slightly and squeezed his fingers hard. “I won’t lie and tell you I’m not angry. But of course I do.” “God, Scully.” He really looked at me, and I swear I thought he was going to cry. “I’ll fix it, I swear. I’ll make everything right. I’ll do anything you want. Scully… You don’t know – I’ve missed you so much. These last few months have been hell-“ He was holding my hand so tightly that I finally just got up and moved to his side of the booth. He immediately seized my face in his hands and held me close. “I’ve been so miserable without you,” he said, looking for all the world like a lost little boy. “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I dream about you, Scully – every night. And I just want to hold you…” I swallowed hard around the lump in my throat, and I could feel tears shining in my eyes as I smiled. In my wildest fantasies I had never expected this from Mulder, not this soul-rending sweetness accompanied by wine and candlelight. “Well, you can,” I said hoarsely. His lips touched my forehead in a glancing whisper, then returned, over and over, bathing my flesh. I closed my eyes in wonder as his mouth moved over my temples, my eyebrows, my nose, my cheeks. After each whisper-soft kiss, he whispered, “I’m sorry.” Finally, almost desperate, I grabbed his chin and pulled his mouth down to mine. Our lips met lightly, as if each of us were afraid that the other would shatter or disappear on contact. We looked at each other, our lips still almost touching, our eyes wide open. We were still here. We were real. My hand found the back of his head and I pressed his mouth to mine again, this time with more pressure. My eyes slid closed as I experienced the shape and texture of Mulder’s lips. Finally I sank back against the booth and looked shyly at my hands. "Hey." Mulder stroked along my cheek with a bent knuckle. I looked up, feeling myself blushing, and couldn't restrain a goofy grin. "Hey." Mulder's hand left my face and somehow our fingers found each other, twisting together under the table. "Scully-" "Mulder-" I laughed nervously and Mulder smiled, those unbearably sexy laugh lines fanning out around the corners of his eyes. "So beautiful." He squeezed my fingers. "I wish you could see yourself right now, Scully." He gently ran the fingers of his free hand through the hair framing my face. "I've never seen anything like this color." He sifted the strands, and I could see my own hair in the glow of the candlelight, ten subtle shades. "You're bewitching with this hair. You could be a temptress, a vampire, a dominatrix." My eyes widened, not quite sure if I was offended or just surprised. He grinned. "C'mon, Scully. Black leather, whips and chains." Again his knuckle scraped along the curve and hollow of my cheek. "And porcelain and roses, here… But you're all flesh and blood." His thumb traced the bow of my lips rubbing away what was left of my lipstick. I felt a warm tingling spreading inward. Oh, God. Mulder had been thinking these things about me, watching me? Oh, God. I couldn't think. I opened my mouth and his thumb slid between my lips. I sucked it all the way in, closing my eyes at the sensation. I heard a groan. "Ohh, God." Wait – That wasn't me. My eyes popped open. Mulder was staring at me, his expression somewhere between utter shock and rapture. "Scully – Scully-" He pulled his thumb away and his fingers fumbled through my hair, drawing my face close to his. He eyed me with such intensity – I always thought Mulder was intense, but oh, Jesus Christ. He breathed my name again against my lips, and I could feel his hands trembling with his urgency. I seized Mulder's face in my hands before we could really get started, pressing his mouth harder against mine. I felt this wave of, I don't know, relief. Finally, finally. I could touch him. Kiss him. Let him see how much I wanted him. This beautiful man who was a feast untouched, waiting to be devoured. And suddenly I was starving. I wound my fingers through his short crisp hair, my nails raking across his scalp, forcing his head down (not that he resisted), crushing our mouths together with bruising force, driving my tongue between his teeth. He tasted wonderfully bitter, like dark chocolate and amaretto. A greedy little growl rumbled from deep in my throat and I edged closer, trying to climb into his lap, trying to crawl inside of him. "Scully, Scully, wait, woah –" He gave my lips a nibble and pushed me away gently. "Not here, baby. Just wait." My skin was flushed with passion and embarrassment, and I wiped my lips with the back of my hand, smiling sheepishly. "Sorry." Baby -- Who knew he'd pick "baby"? Some part of me wanted to giggle again, and the federal agent and medical doctor said I should be indignant, but mostly my fried brain was shouting that Mulder had used an endearment other than "Sister Spooky" when speaking to me. I could still feel his breath on my face. The sound he made was a chuckle mixed with a groan. "I'm not complaining. I just don't want us to get arrested for public lewdness." He cleared his throat as our waiter walked by for what must have been the fourth or fifth time – I realized he must have gotten quite an eyeful. "Want dessert?" Mulder asked. "Yes," I murmured. "So do I." Mulder eyed me as if I were a Godiva pure milk chocolate truffle. "Let's go." On the drive back to my apartment, Mulder calmly held my hand, releasing it only to shift gears. He didn't break a single traffic law, and I began to wonder if Mulder was suffering as much as I. I guess it's a good thing I wasn't behind the wheel – I could have devised several ways, none of them legal, to be back at my building in less than five minutes flat. I pictured myself setting a new world record for the forty- yard dash but Mulder walked into the apartment beside me, his hand on my back, keeping the pace slow and steady. Besides, I didn't want to seem _too_ eager. My hand shook as I fumbled in my bag for the keys. Mulder stood by and watched me, much to my relief; if he'd tried to do something all gentlemanly and suave like unlock the door for me, I would've been sure he was a clone. I opened the door and stepped into my darkened apartment, switching on a small lamp. I turned to see Mulder still in the hallway. "Coming in?" I teased. "Um, actually, Scully, I'm going to head home. It's getting late, and we've got work tomorrow." He reached out and squeezed my shoulder. "I'll see you in the morning." I gaped. He was what? Leaving?! Absolutely unacceptable. I opened my mouth to protest, then snapped it shut abruptly, thinking better of my actions. "See you," I echoed coldly. I closed the door behind my partner and scowled. It was only a little after ten, but I changed into my pajamas and got ready for bed. I was so keyed up there was no way I could sleep. Damn. I'd hoped to retire my vibrator. I was just sliding beneath the sheets when the phone rang. Mulder – had to be. "Scully." "Hey, Scully." I sighed. "What is it, Mulder?" "I just wanted to say good night." He sounded wounded. I could picture him pouting. Not gonna work this time, big boy. "You already did that," I pointed out. "Well, I wanted to say it again." "Good night," I said pointedly. "Hey, Scully? Are you okay with – things?" "Things are just dandy." “I know we need to talk –“ “Damn right we need to talk,” I snapped. “We need to talk about what happened with Michaela – and what happened tonight – or rather, didn’t happen.” "I don't want us to rush into anything. I know what I want, but I want you to have time to think." "And that's why you left." "Yeah. I just-" "Mulder." "Yes." "Shut up." Silence. "Let me get this straight – you're worried about doing something we'd regret later –" "Something you'd regret." "Something _I'd_ regret later, so you decided that I should think about it. How very chivalrous. Did you consider consulting me?" "Scully-" "I'm talking, Mulder. That's so typical. You do realize I've had eight fucking years to 'think about things'? I don't think that qualifies as rushing into anything." “You said we needed to talk.” Fuck first, talk later, I thought, but didn’t say. My thought must have communicated itself to Mulder anyway. Pause. "Yeah, I guess you've got a point," he said sheepishly. "Yeah, I guess I do." "I could come back over." Despite my anger and lingering confusion, I grinned at his eagerness, like a panting puppy. "No, I don't think so." My smile tured evil. "Maybe you need some time to think. Until next weekend, I believe." "Next weekend?" "That's what I suggested." He chuckled. "Scully, you're a truly evil woman." "You deserve every second of it, and a hell of a lot more." "I love you." My heart leaped, but I struggled to keep my tone neutral. "I love you too. Go to sleep." ……….. Finally – finally, finally, finally – it was Friday. Yeah, I knew Mulder was suffering – do you think he was the only one? But I'm not a Scully for nothing; I've got pride. It had been eight years. He could keep it in his pants for another week. At least, that was my reasoning last week. Unfortunately, I'd been in a constant state of mild arousal for approximately – oh, God – eight days, eighteen hours, and twenty-two minutes. Two o'clock. I was so tempted to cut out of the office early, but my pride wouldn't allow it. Fueled by determination, I stalked over to our rickety metal filing cabinet and yanked open the H-K drawer, searching for the Ilano file. Too late, I realized Mulder was right behind me. "Hey, Scully." Casually, he braced his hands on the filing cabinet, one on either side of my shoulders, and leaned over me, effectively trapping me. "Mulder-" His chest pressed firmly against my back and shoulders. "Guess what?" His voice was low, rumbling in my ear, his hot breath ruffling my hair. I rolled my eyes. "What?" "It's Friday." Before I could respond, his tongue snaked out and flicked against my earlobe. I sucked in a deep breath and fought down a blush. My ire evaporating, I smirked. "Yeah, it is," I said, removing the file and returning to my desk. I crossed my legs in a futile attempt to quell the urge that had turned my panty hose into a damp, humid, very uncomfortable jungle. My watch keeps excellent time. At exactly 4:45, I decided I could safely leave without damaging my reputation. I stood, grabbed my coat, and shuffled some random papers into my briefcase, in order to make it at least seem that I was being professional and had some intention of doing work this weekend. Mulder looked up. "Leaving?" "Yup." Wordlessly he stood and put on his trench coat. He didn't bother with any paperwork or case files, I noticed. We walked in tense silence to the parking garage. My partner lingered a few feet away as I unlocked the driver's side door. Finally he blurted out, "So, this is officially the weekend, right?" I took in his slightly stooped shoulders and shuffling feet and grinned with delight. He didn’t know what to expect – I had every right to be angry with him about his conduct over the last few months, and he realized it. He was nervous! "Yeah, Mulder," I reassured. "It is." His mobile mouth relaxed into a grin. "I'll pick you up at eight. Wear something casual." He was late, which didn't bode well for a relationship, but I used the time to change clothes (again) and decide I hated my hair. I felt ridiculous. What the hell did Mulder care? He'd seen me at my worst, at the abysmal pit of my appearance and Scullyness. Comatose, half dead and rail thin, bleeding, covered in dung, frozen… But this is different, protested that part of me that had never matured beyond eleventh grade. This is a date. A date with Mulder. Sheesh. Not our first, exactly, if you counted last week’s dinner, but the first I could definitively classify as a date before it actually happened. I smoothed my hair and looked around my living room. To say that it was spotless doesn't do it justice. It was absolutely fucking hospital sterile. What's a mature, single, professional woman to do with enough sexual energy to power the entire District of Columbia? Well, what I did was clean. I dusted. Hourly. I vacuumed. I mopped. I steam-cleaned. I waxed. I rearranged all the furniture in the living room. I put shelf-paper in my bureau drawers, for Christ's sake. A knock. At last. I swear to God, if it had been a Jehova's Witness or a Mary Kay salesperson, heads would have rolled. Feeling very much like Marie Antionette, I opened the door. "Hey, Scully." "Hey." "You look great." He reached out to shyly finger the fringe on my fuzzy royal blue mohair sweater. I'd paired it with hip-hugging khaki cords and Doc Martens – yes, I really own some. I'd shaved my legs and rubbed in lilac-scented lotion, just in case something happened. Oh please, oh please, oh please let something happen. “I brought you this.” With his other hand he produced a single red rose. I took it, gripping the stem tightly. “Oh, Mulder…Thanks. You want to come in for a minute?" Mulder was wearing khakis and a dark brown sweater, and I was standing just close enough to smell his spicy cologne. "Nope, we've got to go if we don't want to be late." I grabbed my purse and suede jacket and joined him. "Where are we going?" I asked, locking the door behind us. "You know, Scully, I've always wondered what would have happened if we'd known each other when we were younger, in high school or college." "Mulder, where are we going?" I repeated. "What did you do when you went out on dates in high school?" "I didn't." "In college, then." I didn't, I thought, but said, "Went out to dinner, went to movies, frat parties-" I shot Mulder a look and he grinned. "Don't worry, I'm not taking you to a frat party. But we are going to dinner and a movie." I arched an eyebrow. "Why, Mulder. How shockingly normal." "We can do something else, if you'd like." "No, I think this sounds like fun." We went to Ruby Tuesday's, like any other couple who have been together forever, or a couple of kids who can't afford a fancy place. We both ordered cheeseburgers and fries and slurped cokes through straws. We had a silent agreement not to talk about our relationship tonight. Instead, Mulder and I chatted companionably, not mentioning work, but other than that, it was just normal Mulder and Scully. I was strangely reassured. The Mulder I'd known all this time had become my best friend; I didn't want to lose him in order to gain a lover. We saw a wonderful movie with Helen Hunt – she's in everything these days – and shared one of those ridiculously oversized tubs of popcorn, even though I was already stuffed. Mulder said you had to have popcorn or it wasn't a movie. After the movie we went to a bar near my apartment for a quick drink. We stood at the counter while Mulder drank a dark, thick German beer and I downed a shot of tequila. His hand crept to the back of my neck and his fingers worked their way under the collar of my jacket and began to massage the tense muscles there. "Have you had a good time tonight?" he asked. I grinned. "Yeah, Mulder. It's been nice." His hand still under my jacket, he squeezed my shoulder, tugging me against his side. "Good." I enjoyed the warmth of his body pressed against me, the warmth of the tequila mixing with another kind of warmth in my belly. I lifted my face up to look at him and he bent his head to kiss me, as I'd hoped he would. His lips on mine were supple but firm, lovingly molding to the contours of my mouth. His tongue traced the outline of my lips, then gently nudged them apart, and he thoroughly explored the interior of my mouth, my tongue, my teeth, my sensitive gums. The kiss was long and sweet and unhurried, and all the while his fingers sifted through the hair at the nape of my neck. I slipped my arm around him, under his jacket, and found my fingers drawing little circles on his back. He finally pulled away a little, his movements slow and unhurried. He granted me a lazy grin. "Ready to go?" I shivered a little, and felt my lips stretch into a smile. "Yeah." Oh, yeah. Hooboy, was I ready to go. Mulder held my hand on the short drive back to my apartment, and wrapped his arms around me in the elevator, my back against his chest, my head tucked securely under his chin. He kept me in that position as we walked down the hall and I unlocked my door, and I laughed. "Mulder!" I exclaimed. "Yeah, sweetheart?" If I hadn't melted before, I did then, right into a little puddle of goo on my expensive hardwood floor. Hearing Mulder call me sweetheart was wonderful, like the biggest sugar rush you can imagine from eating two dozen freshly-baked chocolate chip cookies in one sitting. Sometimes I am such a fucking girl. Fucking. Oh, yeah… So, anyway, as we stepped inside, Mulder turned me in his arms, and this time I eagerly met him for a kiss. His hands were everywhere, in my hair, on my face, tracing over my collarbones, smoothing up and down my arms and curving around my waist. For some reason I got the mad urge to step out of my shoes and instead stand on Mulder's feet, like when you're a little girl and your daddy tries to teach you to dance – Of course, my dad never taught me to dance like that, but I shed my heavy Docs anyway and stepped onto the toes of Mulder's loafers, bumping myself up a couple of inches. His laughter came out in the form of my name, and, as if the act of me removing my shoes had bolstered his confidence, he slid his hands under my sweater, and his warm, slightly callused palms touched my bare skin for the first time. I actually moaned at the contact, then felt my face flush hot with embarrassment and arousal. God, his touch felt wonderful; those long, deft fingers warming my already heated flesh, moving in feather-light caresses. "Oooh, Mulllder," I sighed, pulling my mouth away from his and rubbing my face against his cheek. He was pulling my sweater up in back, his hands finding my bra, not unhooking it but tracing over the straps. "Mmm – Scully – You feel so good – smell so good – like Big Red chewing gum –" This made me laugh and he joined me, his chuckle rumbling through my hair, his lips grazing my temple. "Big Red, huh, Don Juan?" I felt his smile against my skin. "I like Big Red, Scully." I moved my hands from his waist to his neck and pulled his head down to kiss him again in quick, eager nips, all over his face and mouth. I finally released my grip on his neck and tugged at his jacket. "Let's get this off." He shrugged out of the leather and it fell to the floor with a slap. Ordinarily I would reproach him for such slovenly habits, but right then I didn't give a damn. I willingly let him pull my suede coat off, and couldn't help but smile when he neatly draped it over the back of a nearby chair. The long, slow kisses he was giving me made me shiver. This was going to be an unhurried, lengthy seduction. The thought made my blood tingle in my veins. Mulder moved his lips to my neck and began to suck, lightly at first but with increasing pressure. "Let's do this right, huh, Baby?" he breathed against my tender flesh. "Yeah," I gasped. "Yeah, I wanna change –" His lips whispered across the bridge of my nose, then he placed a smacking, affectionate kiss on my lips. "Go change," he said, his hand smoothing once over my ass. "I'm gonna go to the bathroom." "Okay," I agreed, just managing to keep a tremor of nervousness out of my voice. For Christ's sake, I berated myself as I went into my darkened bedroom, Mulder just behind me, it's not like you've never done this before. Not for a damn long time! protested another internal voice. It's probably like riding a bike, the first voice responded, or swimming. Shaking my head to make both schizophrenic me's just shut the hell up, I lit the jasmine scented candle on my dresser and quickly shucked my khakis, sweater, and bra. Feeling suddenly modest, I left my navy Victoria's Secret bikini briefs on and wrapped myself in the unbearably sexy paper-thin red silk kimono that had been hiding in my closet for a good eight months. I turned back the covers on my bed and smoothed the crisp ivory linen sheets, glancing anxiously at the bathroom door. Was it my imagination, or had Mulder been in there a hell of a long time? Finally, as I perched daintily on the edge of the bed, the door opened. The fluorescent light spilled over me for a couple of seconds until Mulder turned it off. I looked at his face and immediately my heartbeat accelerated, but not in a good way. I swallowed. "Mulder, is that the panic face?" I asked, desperately trying, and failing, to make light of… whatever was wrong. Oh, God, this could not be happening. He was having second thoughts. He didn't want to do this. He- "You're bleeding," he said hoarsely. I looked down at myself, frowning in confusion, then back at him. "No, I'm not." "Scully –" That was definitely the panic face. Oh, shit. Suddenly he was kneeling in front of me, grasping my hands in his. "Scully, honey, we need to go to the hospital." I stared at him. "Mulder, what the hell is wrong with you? The hospital? If you don't want to go through with this, just say-" He cut me off. "It's time for it to stop – all the lying, the half-truths. You can tell me anything. You've got to know that." I started to speak and he shushed me. "Just listen for a minute, OK? Don't get angry. I don't want you to think I was invading your privacy, but I know. And if you're having the nosebleeds again-" "What? Mulder, I'm not having nosebleeds. What the hell –" And then I broke off. His raving had started to make sense. _Fuck._ "There's blood on the tissues in the bathroom garbage can," he said softly. I squeezed my eyes shut. "I cut myself shaving." I stuck out my leg, showing off the band-aid covered mark. "I won't let you go through this alone, Scully. I can't. Not this time. I owe you that much." He _owed_ it to me. Shit. "Byers?" I asked softly. "He was worried about you. And after you handed in your transfer papers – I went to your office to see you, and the phone rang, so I answered. It was your oncologist – they said there was a problem with your tests –" "The film was messed up," I dully explained, but I knew he wasn't listening. I felt hot tears pricking my eyes and blinked them away. Byers. Byers had said something, and now Mulder thought I was dying and it was his duty to – Oh, fuck. “So that’s what all this is about,” I said softly. “The attention, the dinners, the flower, the goddamn stupid endearments-“ It all made sense in a horrible, terrible, gut- wrenching kind of way. Over Mulder’s shoulder, I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror over my bureau. My face was pale, my eyes shiny with unshed tears and rage – I looked like a cancer patient. And I knew – I’d seen myself this way before. Mulder’s expression was pleading and filled with – pity. My stomach dropped. I hate pity. Loathe it, despise it. “Scully,” he said, his voice so hoarse it cracked, “Scully, you can tell me. Please, sweetheart—“ “Don’t call me that!” I shouted, slamming my fist down on the bureau. I knew that wouldn’t shut him up for long, so I rushed on, “You don’t get it, do you, Mulder? You don’t have a fucking clue.” I turned aside in disgust.. “I guess I don’t, Scully,” he said softly. “I want to help.” I could feel him reaching for me and jerked my arm away. His fingertips barely grazed my forearm. “I’ve always hated lies, Mulder.” Again, my voice was deadly soft. I didn’t think I had the energy to yell. “I haven’t lied to you—“ “Just shut up. For once, just shut up, okay?” I took a deep breath. “God damn you, Mulder. I don’t need your pity. I don’t need your fucking sympathy. I don’t need anything from you. And I don’t care how sad and miserable you think poor little Scully’s life is – I don’t do pity fucks.” He gaped at me. I thought briefly that the old cliché was true – he looked like a fucking goldfish. “Scully –“ “Save it!” My voice came out at top volume this time, as if I were in stereo. “You intercepted a phone call, and Byers told you about something he saw, right? And based on that, you made the assumption that I’m dying, pining away for you. So, being the altruistic human being that you are, you decided you’d take me out, fuck me a few times, because, hey, I’d be worm food soon enough and you could go back to her, right? To Michaela? And think, ‘Poor old Scully, I made her life complete.’” I shook my head. “I just don’t know how you got her to agree to it. Since you’re such a stud.” My words dripped with venom. “Well, Mulder, fuck you.” “Scully, it’s not like that! You’re twisting everything –“ He was almost shouting now, and on his feet, but he still had that same look of pity in his hazel eyes. “Correct me if I’m wrong. These are the facts: you supposedly ‘found out’ that I was sick. You broke things off with Michaela for no apparent reason, showed up at my apartment in the middle of the night and begged me to come back to work, and then you decided to woo me. What was it, Mulder? Didn’t think you could just get in my pants on the first date and be done with it? I probably would have let you, you know, and then your conscience would have been clear! Dana Scully could have died a fulfilled human being.” Mulder just stared at me as if I’d completely lost my mind. “Scully, it’s not the way you think! I want to help you through this – Whatever time you’ve got left, I want us to spend it together.” I crossed my arms across my chest. “Well then, I hope you don’t have anything planned for the next fifty or sixty years,” I snarled. “Because I’ve got all the time in the world – probably more than you do. I don’t have any more cancerous cells in my body than you or Frohike or Crenshaw.” He was staring even more intently now, if that was possible. “You’re – you’re not sick?” “That’s right, genius. I’m not sick.” “But – the blood. I saw the blood in the bathroom. You had tests. And Byers saw you –“ “And I have the grave, life-threatening ailment of mild anemia,” I snorted. His eyes lit up. “Scully – that’s wonderful news!” I stood up and turned away from him, facing the bed. “So you see, Mulder, you’re free to go. And to think of what you almost put yourself through. Such a brave little soldier – but I saved you just in the nick of time, didn’t I? I’m sure you’ll still get an extra star in your crown for being willing to make the sacrifice of crawling into my bed. So go on now – Run back to Crenshaw. I’m sure she’ll be delighted with the glad tidings.” Mulder didn’t say a word. He grabbed my shoulders and looked down at me, so close that I could feel his breath on my cheek. His eyes flashed furiously. “Let go of me,” I said through clenched teeth. “Scully, you have no right –“ “I said let the fuck go of me. I can break your thumbs, Mulder.” “You really want me to go.” “I really want you to go.” At last his arms dropped to his sides. “Fine. Fine, Scully. You always get what you want.” He turned on his heel and left my bedroom. I heard him in the living room, grabbing his jacket as he stalked through. The door slammed hollowly behind him, leaving the apartment as empty as my heart. …………… “… purple.” “Uh-huh.” “Dana Katherine!” My mother’s voice was sharp with reproof. “You haven’t heard a word I’ve said.” I met her gaze. “Of course I have,” I lied defensively. “Dana, I just said that the sky is purple. You’re a million miles away.” I flushed sheepishly and looked down at the lemon slice floating in my water glass. “Sorry, Mom. What were you saying?” “It doesn’t matter. What’s wrong?” “Nothing.” “Dana Scully –“ I sat in silence for a moment more. We were supposed to be having brunch. My omelet had congealed on my plate. “Sweetheart,” Mother urged softly. “Mulder and I had a fight.” “Ah-hah.” Mom nodded thoughtfully, studying me. “I thought so. Well, it’s not the first time, dear. You’ll work it out.” I smiled wryly. “I don’t think so. Not this time.” “You two have always had your professional differences.” “This wasn’t professional, Mom. Far from it.” “Personal?” I just took a sip of my water. “Do you want to talk about it?” “I don’t think so.” “It might help.” I sighed. “Mulder took me out on a date last week.” Mom looked a little surprised, but motioned for me to continue. “It was – it was wonderful. He had been so sweet and attentive all week, then he asked me to go to dinner with him. He took me to Philomena’s and we had a nice meal, and he said he wanted to talk.” I stopped. “What did he say?” Mom prompted. “He said he cared about me ‘the way a man cares for a woman.’ He said beautiful things to me, Mom – that he dreamed about me, that he just wanted to hold me. And he kissed me, and I was so happy –“ I choked back something that, had I let it develop, might have been a flood of tears. “Because I’ve, you know, cared for a long time. I never really thought about it until Agent Crenshaw joined the x- files – and then when Bill was here and he said I sounded like Mulder’s jilted lover – And there was Mulder, saying he cared for me. It just seemed so perfect.” A renegade tear slid down my cheek. “What happened?” Mom asked softly. “Friday night we went out to dinner again, and then he came back to my apartment. He seemed – I thought we were going to – well, you know.” Even at nearly forty years old, I couldn’t meet my mother’s eyes. “Then he went into the bathroom, and came running out in a panic, and I had no idea what was wrong with him. He was so upset – Then he told me he knew, and I didn’t have to pretend anymore, that he’d take care of me until the end. And I thought – I don’t know what I thought, Mom. That someone had spiked his tap water again, maybe. And he said that he saw my blood. I didn’t understand – It was like he was speaking another language. Then he said, 'I was in your office one day when Dr. Weier’s office called about your tests, and then Byers told me he saw you.’” My poor mother looked completely confused, but I couldn’t stop to explain. “I just thought, God, no. He doesn’t know what he’s talking about. It can’t be. But then he said, ‘I know the cancer’s back.’” Mother practically leaped out of her chair as she grabbed for my hand. I offered a wobbly smile. “It’s not, Mom. I’m fine.” She relaxed somewhat. “Then why –“ “I had some nosebleeds about six weeks ago, so I went to Dr. Weier and had some tests run. And Byers – he’s a friend of ours – saw me one day when I was upset because my nose was bleeding, and I guess he told Mulder. Obviously.” Mom frowned. “Dana, why didn’t you tell me?” “I just couldn’t, Mom. I had to know first. I wouldn’t even let myself think about it – much less talk about it. I’m sorry.” Her eyes were understanding. She squeezed my hand. “Go on.” “Well, it all made perfect sense. Why Mulder had broken up so unexpectedly with his girlfriend, why he’d wanted me back on the x-files, why he was being so attentive and affectionate. I called him on it. And he left.” “You’re saying what – That Fox was only interested in you because he felt sorry for you? That he felt it was his duty?” “That’s what I have to believe, yes.” Mom shook her head. “You deal in facts. Where’s your evidence?” “I just told you –“ “I’m not convinced.” My eyes filled with tears. “So what, this is my fault now?” I asked childishly. “No. Not entirely.” I made a move to protest and Mom held up her hand. “I know you, Dana. You’ve got a temper – that much of your father is in you. I don’t know what you said to Mulder, but I’m sure it was –“ She gestured helplessly, searching for a word that wouldn’t sound too harsh – “Well. I’m sure. Did you really let Fox tell his side of the story?” “He didn’t have anything to say,” I protested weakly. “Didn’t he, or did you just not want to hear it?” In my mind I heard myself ordering Mulder out of my apartment, and him asking if I really wanted him to go. I sighed, a tear beginning to creep down my cheek. “I don’t know,” I admitted in a small voice. Mom squeezed my hand again and wiped my tear away with her thumb. “Just give him a chance, baby. Talk about it. Things will work themselves out with a little effort.” My lips quirked into a wry smile. Mom should know by now that nothing with me and Mulder takes just a little effort. ……………. The phone on Mulder’s desk rang. I looked around the office furtively, as if I were a criminal. I wished that someone would magically appear to answer the phone for me. I didn’t want to invade Mulder’s space. I didn’t want to be anywhere near Mulder’s space. Where was a damn genie in a knock-off Persian rug when you needed one? It was Wednesday. It hadn’t been a good day so far, but it hadn’t been as bad as Tuesday. And Tuesday hadn’t been nearly as bad as Monday. I guess that’s a start. I stood up and edged over to Mulder’s empty desk. I picked the phone up gingerly, using only two fingers, as if it might infect me. “Hello?” “Agent Scully? It’s Kimberly in Assistant Director Skinner’s office.” “Hi, Kimberly. Can I do something for you?” This couldn’t be good. This was never good. “Um, the A.D. just asked me to remind you and Agent Mulder that your report on the case last week in Baltimore was due half an hour ago.” I sighed. Damn. I thought Mulder was taking care of that. “Okay. Okay, Kimberly. We’ll get it on his desk.” As I hung up, I became aware that Mulder was standing only about six feet away; he had come in while I was talking. Six feet – a week ago that would have been nothing, but now it felt far, far too close for comfort. Surely I couldn’t feel him breathing down my neck from here? “Hey, Scully,” he said quietly. A quiet Mulder is a scary Mulder – quiet means angry, ominous, and brooding. He’d sounded that way since he left my apartment Friday night. I stepped away from his desk as if it might burn me. “That was Kimberly. We were supposed to have that report to Skinner already. I thought you were doing it.” I edged back to the safety of my desk. Mulder shrugged, popping a sunflower seed. He grabbed his coat and tossed it over his shoulder. “Well, I didn’t. I’m going to lunch.” “Mulder, we’ve got to do the report!” He shrugged, meeting my eyes for a second. “Do it yourself.” With that, he left. What I said about today not being that bad? I lied. Damn. Damn and damn and damn to the nth power. Mulder had broken my heart. Why did I feel like a criminal? I opened a Word file on my computer and started typing. Report, report…What the hell was that case about again? Why was Mulder in such a hurry to get away, anyway? Maybe he’d called Crenshaw Friday night when he got home, and she’d flown in and they’d had a glorious reunion, and he was off to a mid-afternoon tryst. Or maybe he was just as uncomfortable and angry with me as I was with him. What if Mom was right and I’d misjudged him? Misjudged horribly, if that were the case. Our whole relationship was built on trust, and if I’d denied that trust as we were finally breaking that obstinate barrier between friends and – something more – Oh, Mulder. I shook my head resolutely. Nope. I absolutely refused to consider it. My pride wouldn’t let me go to Mulder and bare my soul that way. Not when the possibility that I’d been right all along loomed so large, with the possibility that, even had I been wrong, Mulder would probably reject me after Friday night, looming larger. I stopped typing. The computer screen went black as the system crashed. I propped my chin in my hands and looked up at the smoke detector, fervently hoping the office was bugged. “Fuck,” I enunciated clearly. …………… The wind whipped around me, chilling me to the bone. It was cold and damp and everything in the city was gunmetal gray. I fucking hate Washington. I hate the whole damn East Coast. California, here I come, right back where I started from. But not just yet. There’s one thing I’ve got to do first. I don’t want to. I really don’t want to. But here I go anyway, to straighten out Fox Mulder’s life. The sorry, no-good, ungrateful son of a bitch. I probably could have picked a better time than 6:00 in the evening, but I’ve been busy. So of course it’s rush hour, and every commuter in the free world is headed for Georgetown. I had to abandon the taxi; now I’m walking six blocks. I think this is it. I check the address. Yeah. They better be grateful. Talk about a couple of dysfunctional people. I am such a good person. This is true altruism. I could’ve just flown back to L.A., back to my happy little life, and forgotten Fox Mulder and Dana Scully ever existed. Instead I had to go by the Bureau, just to say good-bye to a few people, and I happened to hear the conversation around the water cooler. Things weren’t going so well in Spookyville. And so here I am, knocking on Slice and Dice’s apartment door. I’m sure she looks through the peephole; she’s got too much history behind her not too. I’m sure she hesitates when she sees who it is, too. But I hear the lock click back, and then the door swings open. Suddenly I don’t feel so haughty. I look at my former teacher, who is usually about five inches shorter than I am; shorter now, because she’s not wearing shoes. Her bare white feet peek out beneath long, flare-cut blue jeans. Her toenails are painted blue, I notice. She looks even smaller than usual in the jeans and an oversized green sweater. Her face is scrubbed free of makeup and for some reason it comes as a revelation that she has freckles – I don’t know why; most redheads do. Her hair hangs loose and limp. There are circles under her eyes. She doesn’t say anything, regarding me cautiously. “Can I come in?” My voice sounds loud in the quiet room. “Sure,” she says, stepping aside. She is almost whispering, but her voice carries anyway. I’ve got to admire that. There were no inane pleasantries. No “How are you doing?” on my part or “Thought you’d gone back to L.A.” on hers. “He said your name,” I say flatly. She looks warily at me. “Excuse me?” “Mulder… said… your… name,” I repeat slowly. That eyebrow creeps up. I can see how that could get really annoying, really fast. “Agent Mulder has said my name many times.” I shake my head impatiently. “We were in bed, Agent Scully. We were having sex, and he called me by your name. He called me Scully.” She is surprised; I can see that much clearly. But she recovers quickly, and shakes her head and shrugs. "I don't know why you felt you had to come here and tell me this -–“ I want to stamp my foot, but I control myself. Barely. “You just don’t get it, do you? That’s why we broke up. I was nothing but a substitute. He’s in love with you, and if I’m right, he has been for a long time. He realized it when you finally left the x-files, and then he found out you were sick. And any fool can see that you love him too. So I just came over here to tell you to get off your ass and do something about it, that’s all.” I turn back to the door and am in the hall when I hear her say, “Thank you.” I nod once, quickly, and don’t look back. My duty is done. ………. Well, I didn't go running over to Mulder's or anything that dramatic. Please. I went to the bookstore. Spent three hours at Barnes & Noble. I wandered all over the store, going so far as to browse through the Gay and Lesbian Studies section. Was I considering a lifestyle change? No. But if I admitted that I'd exhausted all viable shopping possibilities, I'd have to go home. Or worse yet, go see Mulder. That was out of the question, obviously. Eventually I wandered outside into the brisk late autumn afternoon. Icy slush coated the parking lot, and my breath came out in little white puffs. My gaze fell on a nearby payphone – just an innocuous, innocent little pay phone. I swallowed hard. You should at least call him, some part of me said. Cowardly! Dana was in control, though – the one screaming, "I want my mommy!" – and I hastily retreated to the safety of my Taurus. I hate Tauruses. It's not anything personal, really. I just hate them for no good reason. I guess that's personal. So I drove slowly home, trudged up the stairs to my apartment, and looked around. It was past dusk, the streetlights coming on outside. I noticed that a coating of dust had magically appeared on every imaginable surface – goddamn ceiling vents. I should dust, I thought half- heartedly, admitting to myself that there was about as good a chance of that happening as of me calling Mulder up to chat. I changed into flannel pants and an oversized Washington and Lee sweatshirt that had obviously been added to my wardrobe at some point, most probably by me, but which I did not remember at all. Flopping half- heartedly onto the sofa, I flipped on the TV and channel- surfed until my mind went pleasantly numb. I'd see Mulder at work tomorrow, I consoled myself. That was good enough. Goddamn stupid, fucking logic. As if the universe were rational and orderly. Hah. I might even be tempted to say hah-hah. My cell phone rang as I was trying to squeeze onto the beltway. "Scully." "Agent Scully," Skinner said, "you'll be assisting at Quantico for the next couple of days. Dr. Marguile was in an accident, and you've been asked to teach his classes. I've OK'ed it and run it by Mulder, so there's no need for you to come here – Just go straight there." I sighed wearily. No use arguing. "Yes, sir." I went through the motions of my old pre-x-files job without any enthusiasm. Open the thoracic cavity. Carefully weigh and measure all organs. Open the cranium. It is essential that this be performed with the utmost care, blah, blah, blah. My students looked listlessly at me. I was being the kind of teacher I’d always hated, but I couldn’t bring myself to care. I still had friends teaching at Quantico, but I turned down their invitations to lunch or coffee. I just wanted to go back to the dusty basement and make some attempt at repairing things with my partner. On Wednesday I did something I hadn’t done during my entire two-year career at Quantico. I cancelled all my afternoon classes. I snagged my briefcase and laptop and dove into the traffic. I considered stopping for lunch, but I decided I would just get to the Hoover Building as quickly as possible. A few blocks away from my destination I changed my mind, reasoning that Mulder probably hadn’t eaten either. He usually didn’t if I wasn’t around. I swung by our favorite deli and picked up tuna on cracked wheat for myself and pastrami on rye for Mulder, then found a space in the parking garage. I passed through security and took the stairs to the basement. Mulder’s office door was closed and, I discovered as I tried the handle, locked. I used my key and went in anyway, just in case he was hibernating away from prying eyes. No Mulder. Sighing, I considered checking Skinner’s office, then had another idea. I exited the building and headed for the Mall, making my way to the reflecting pool. As I approached, a crowd of school children on a field trip moved aside, and I saw him sitting on “our” bench. I didn’t hesitate as I walked toward him. He glanced up at me then looked back down at his shiny black loafers. “Hey,” I said. He didn’t acknowledge me, but I noticed his gaze shift to the horizon. I walked over to the bench and stood, holding the brown paper bag. “Mind if I sit?” Wordlessly, he indicated the empty expanse of the bench, still not looking at me. I sat, careful not to get too close. “I brought lunch,” I offered, showing him the bag. He looked up and met my gaze, then reached for the bag. He removed his sandwich and a bag of chips and nodded once in thanks. I felt a sprig of hopefulness. I wanted to make things right, but I couldn’t afford to bare my soul. Not while there was still the possibility that I had been right when I kicked Mulder out last weekend. He unwrapped his sandwich and I followed suit. We ate in silence for several minutes, even though the pungent fish tasted like sawdust to me. “Mulder.” He glanced at me, chewing slowly. “Can we talk?” His expression was grave. He made that same expansive gesture with his hands again. “Talk,” he invited less than charitably. I took a deep breath. “I need you to tell me something,” I said. “Can you do that?” I stopped and he nodded. “I need you to tell my why you and Michaela broke up. And I need to know what would have happened if – if Friday night hadn’t happened.” He sighed. I noticed how tired he looked. It made him seem older than he is. “I told you, Scully. Things just didn’t work out. It never would have worked.” “That’s it? There wasn’t another reason?” “What do you want me to say, Scully? That you were the reason?” I felt myself flush. This was all wrong. I knew when the realization dawned. “That’s exactly what you want, isn’t it, Scully?” I didn’t say anything. I couldn’t. Tears had formed in my eyes and were stinging hotly in the cold air as they slid down my face, but I refused to dignify them by wiping them away. “I don’t – I –“ I bowed my head and took a shaky breath. Why was it so damn hard to ask him for reassurance? “You were.” He spoke so softly that his response was almost inaudible. “I couldn’t be with Michaela or anyone else feeling the way I do about you. That became painfully obvious to Agent Crenshaw and myself.” I was forced to wipe my eyes. “She came to see me. Last weekend.” “Michaela? I didn’t know she was in town.” “Yeah. She told me about something that happened. She said you – that you – um, said my name. While you were, uh -” I couldn’t say ‘making love’. “In bed.” I almost choked on the words. His face had taken on its inscrutable expression. “What, are you waiting for me to deny it?” He crossed his arms defensively. “You’ve already rejected me – Do you want to throw humiliation on the pile?” My eyes smarted at his hurt. “No. I guess I’m trying to keep myself from being humiliated, but it looks like it’s too late, huh?” I studied my hands. “And I didn’t reject you, Mulder. I never have.” “I don’t know what else you want, Scully. You’ve got your eye-witness testimony – I’m so obsessed with you that I couldn’t release sexual tension that has been pent up for years by fucking my own girlfriend, okay?” “Okay,” I said softly. I was crying again, godammit. I dug in my coat pocket for a tissue and swiped at my nose. “I just – Mulder, I just needed you to tell me, okay? I feel like – Can you understand that I feel vulnerable? You’ve barely paid any attention to me in the last six months, and all of a sudden you’re telling me I’m the center of your world. And when I saw the way you looked at me, after you saw the blood – Mulder, I know what it did to you when I was sick. And I know you would do something noble like that if you thought I needed you. But I don’t want you to be with me because you think I need you.” I was fighting a losing battle with the tears; it was a route. I wadded the Kleenex in my fist, shredding it between my thumbnail and first finger. “Scully.” I felt Mulder’s hand on my arm, warm through my coat, and then he was gathering me into a hug. His hands smoothed over my back, and I allowed myself to press my cheek to his chest, letting his heat and comfort seep into me. “I’m sorry,” I whispered hoarsely. “I’m sorry I doubted you.” He sighed into my hair. “I feel so much more for you than responsibility,” he said, easing me back to look into my eyes. “And I do feel that, Scully. And I’ll tell you something else – You do need me. Like I need you. But all of that’s because I love you. So much.” “I love you too.” The waterworks just wouldn’t turn off. Mulder’s overcoat was bearing the brunt of my emotional outpouring, I noted wryly. “God, Mulder, this has been such a colossal misunderstanding. I’m so sorry. I’ve dreamed of being with you for so long, and now I’ve ruined it.” My face crumpled and the tears turned up a notch. “Hey, hey. You haven’t ruined anything. Come on, Scully. I’m here and you’re here, healthy and whole, and we’re together. That’s all I’ve ever asked for, okay? This is it, baby. It’s us.” I nodded, still in tears. “Yeah, it is, isn’t it?” Mulder chuckled and hugged me fiercely. “Now stop this.” I wiped hastily at my eyes and nose. “I’m really embarrassed.” “I was wrong too, Scully. Wrong to choose Michaela over you, and wrong to leave the other night. I’m sorry. So we were both wrong, and we’re both sorry.” “And we can go on from here,” I said. “Yes.” He tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “And smile. This is a happy day, Scully.” With that he tilted my chin up and kissed me soundly, a sweet and comforting kiss, tasting of salt and wet with my mucous and tears, but I knew that didn’t matter to him. It didn’t matter to me either. And we lived happily ever after. Okay, so maybe not. Not exactly. Not even close. Maybe Mulder had to go back to work to spend the afternoon in a budgeting meeting (I always knew Skinner had a mean streak), and maybe I had to go back to Quantico and get my ass chewed for canceling my classes for, as far as the Bureau was concerned, no good reason. But we’d cleared the air, and I felt optimistic and a hell of a lot happier than I had a few hours earlier. If my partner and I could save the planet from colonization by an alien race, we could damn well make loving each other work. Mulder had to work late, and VCU had requested that I be the pathologist to perform autopsies on two young rape/murder victims, so we couldn’t have dinner together, but Mulder called me before I went to bed, and we chatted for a few minutes. We really didn’t say much, but that wasn’t what mattered. The open channel of communication was what counted. We hadn’t discussed it, and didn’t need to, because this was one of those things that I knew we agreed upon intuitively: we couldn’t pick up where we’d left off Friday night. Mulder wasn’t going to come over to my apartment, sweep me into his arms, strip me, and make mad, passionate love to me for hours, at least not any time in the next few weeks. We had definitely taken a few steps backward. I still felt the need to be the one to make a real effort at kick-starting this relationship, so just before leaving the office the next day, I turned to my partner and blurted out, “Have dinner with me tonight?” He looked up. “I’d love to,” he said, and I felt a big smile breaking across my face, “but I can’t.” My face fell. Whatever happened to that old-fashioned stoicism? I don’t know who looked more disappointed – me or Mulder. “I’m really sorry, Scully. But I promised the guys I’d come over – I haven’t seen them in a while – they’ve been planning a big evening of Dungeons and Dragons and pizza.” “No, that’s OK. I understand,” I said quickly. “Have fun, and say hi for me.” I did a few errands on my way home – bank, groceries, hardware store to pick up a washer to fix the leaky faucet in my kitchen sink – and found myself sitting Indian-style on my sofa, an afghan wrapped around my shoulders, a Lean Cuisine in my lap, flipping aimlessly through different TV news programs when there was a knock at the door. “Just a sec,” I called, heading for the door. “Scully?” “Mulder?” I opened the door and surveyed my partner. He was wearing jeans, boots, and a long-sleeved gray T- shirt under his black leather jacket, and carrying a plastic bag. “What are you doing here?” He held up the bag. “I brought dinner.” “Well, then come in – since you’re bearing gifts.” I stepped aside for him to enter. He paused right in front of me, looking down to meet my gaze. I smiled a little nervously, and he swooped down, giving me a quick kiss, really just a peck. “I’ve got this, too,” he offered, holding up a Blockbuster case. “It sounded like something you might like.” I grinned, wondering just what Mulder thought I “might like.” “Weekend at Bernie’s?” I teased. “Porky’s? Or Nightmare on Elm Street 8?” “No, silly. It’s of that genre so sacred to your gender: the romantic comedy. And it’s got Harrison Ford.” “I think that deserves another kiss.” I leaned up on my tiptoes and suited my actions to my words. “Have I done anything else that deserves a kiss?” Mulder asked hopefully as I rummaged in the fridge for a beer I knew I’d stuck back there at some point. “I’ll let you know,” I promised. “What happened to your big guys’ night?” He grinned a little sheepishly. “I was such miserable company that they sent me over here. Everyone says hi, and Frohike says he’s ‘at your service, as always.’” I chuckled. “I’m not sure if I should thank them or strangle them.” “Thanks a lot.” “Any time. Let’s start the video, huh?” We settled onto the couch with the take-out, which we demolished pretty quickly, then rested comfortably against the cushions. At least Mulder looked comfortable. I kept telling myself to relax, but my spine remained stubbornly rigid. Mulder and I were close but not touching, and my body was acutely aware of the fact that he was only inches away. I could reach out and touch him. Take his hand. Rest my palm on his knee. Kiss him. Snuggle up against his side. He would put his arm around me, I was pretty sure. We’d turned off the lamp when the movie began, so I was free to cut my eyes and watch his profile without Mulder noticing. Damn, he looked good. And he loved me. The knowledge made my heart do a somersault off the high dive. Fox Mulder was sitting on my sofa with empty cartons of Chinese takeout watching a Harrison Ford romantic comedy because he loved me. He wanted to be with me. “Scully?” “Yeah.” “Why are you staring at me?” I felt myself blush. Again, good thing it was dark. “I, um – Just thinking.” “You think too much, Scully.” “You’re probably right.” I sighed and edged closer to him. Mulder hesitated, then I felt his arm around my shoulders, the pressure at first so light that I thought I had imagined it, and gradually growing firmer. I snuggled into his side and he squeezed my upper body in a quick hug. “What were you thinking?” he asked. I smiled slightly. “How phenomenal it is to me that you’re here watching this movie with me because you love me, and how glad I am that it’s not Caddyshack or Plan 9 from Outer Space.” A chuckle rumbled from deep in his throat as Mulder squeezed me tightly. “Scully.” He bent his head, nuzzling the crown of my head with his nose and breathing deeply. “Baby.” His lips grazed the top of my ear and I felt his warm breath on my cheek. “Hmm,” I sighed, shivering at the gesture and the name, and angled my chin slightly, hoping for a kiss. Mulder nudged my chin toward him, and in the space of a single breath his lips whispered a caress across mine. “Exquisite,” he murmured, and I smiled. I felt his mouth curve against mine in response. “You’re not so bad yourself,” I replied, pressing our lips together in a real kiss. A series of small nips and quick forays stretched into one long, breathless exploration, and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world when Mulder lowered us both to lie on the sofa, although that could have had something to do with the fact that by that point I was completely oxygen deprived. I think I’d forgotten oxygen existed, much less that I needed it to survive. I could survive just fine on a diet of pure Mulder, thank you very much. The movie was forgotten as I threaded my fingers through his crisp, short hair and his tongue plunged into my mouth. It slid slickly across my teeth, swiped across the roof of my mouth, then moved roughly against my own tongue as I sucked firmly and thrust my tongue into his mouth. We dueled hotly for dominance for several minutes until he surrendered and let me have my chance to explore, which I did slowly and thoroughly. Now, I wasn’t so far gone that I failed to notice the play of Mulder’s right hand along my hip and stomach. Pressing very lightly, he used his whole palm to draw circles along my hip, creeping up across the cotton fabric of my loose shirt. He tugged on the hem, then I felt two fingers curl through the belt loop of my jeans. I caught his upper lip in a rather voracious nip, and his fingers moved from my belt lip to curl under the waistband. At some point his left hand had worked its way inside my shirt, and now his warm palm was gliding veeery slowly up my back. I was reminded of various other evenings throughout my high school and college careers and even one embarrassing incident back in my academy days, and I couldn’t hold back my mirth. A stream of giggles erupted between my mouth and Mulder’s, surprising us both. He drew back a couple of inches, his eyes wide, and I laughed harder, sure that my face was so red it looked violet. “Fox Mulder,” I gasped delightedly, “are you trying to feel me up?” His facial muscles seemed to go slack, and his mouth moved a few times, as if he were trying to speak, and his color heightened. “Umm – Scully, really. Feel you up? The last time I checked, we were both over eighteen, and I don’t think we’re behind the bleachers at the homecoming game, so –“ I grinned, squeezing his shoulders. “Mulder. Answer the question.” Mulder’s features relaxed and he grinned, bringing his forehead to mine and resting more of his body weight on me. “Am I trying to cop a feel, Scully? After working side by side with you for eight years, risking my life for you and seeing you do the same for me, watching you dice up corpses like carrots for a tossed salad, having you shoot me in the shoulder, and developing a relationship built on trust and total respect? Hell, yes.” I laughed and tried to shift, but I was penned beneath him. “Well?” I challenged. “What are you waiting for, partner?” He mumbled something about not needing to be persuaded, then his warm skin stroked across mine, making my stomach muscles quiver. The fingertips of both his hands brushed over the delicate flesh swelling over the cups of my bra at the exact same moment when his lips found the erogenous zone just behind my ear. I sucked in a quick breath and almost strangled, then giggled some more. He had my breasts in his palms, lifting and weighing them through the silk of my bra, just those simple caresses making my nipples harden. Mulder, being the astute FBI agent that he is, didn’t miss this little detail, and began to pay the aching little nubs extra attention, drawing tight circles, swirling, scraping with his fingernails. His mouth was still busy with my ear, so I contented myself with brushing my lips and tongue against every square centimeter of his flesh that I could reach, mainly in the vicinity of his temple and right eyebrow. My restless hands found his firm athlete’s ass and, as if those parts of my body were completely autonomous, began to stroke, dragging my fingernails lightly down his denims. “Like that?” His words were really just a vibration against my skin. “Hm. Yeah.” “Let’s get rid of this.” He began unbuttoning my shirt, and drew it down my arms when he had finished. I shrugged the fabric aside and watched Mulder watch me. The bra I was wearing was a pale blue number from Victoria’s Secret – not the sexiest item of lingerie I own or anything, but acceptable. Mulder wasn’t complaining. Did I have on matching underwear? I tried to think. Dammit. I couldn’t remember. Too bad I hadn’t known – “Oh!” I yelped, surprised. Mulder’s mouth descending on my still-clothed breast, speedily derailed my train of thought. His other hand came up to firmly pinch and roll my neglected nipple, and he lifted his mouth to speak, the stubble on his chin rasping against my stomach. “You are so beautiful, Scully.” He punctuated his words with a delightful kiss right on my belly button. “I always knew you would be this beautiful.” All I could really think was God, he even likes my scars. I threaded my fingers through his hair and held his head in place, smiling down at him. “Tell me more,” I heard myself murmur. I don’t know what it was – something I did, a movement I made, my words, my tone of voice, the look on my face or in my eyes – but something made Mulder decide to get serious. Before I could blink he was lying next to me, hauling my face up next to his and my body against his chest. He attacked my face with kisses, peppering my eyelids, cheeks, nose, chin, forehead, and finally, the corner of my mouth. “Oh, Scully, I love you,” he growled into my skin. “I love you so much, baby. I love your mind and I want to love your body. Please let me do that.” His hands were already frantically working at the clasp of my bra, as if he wanted to have it unfastened before I could say no. I said something really eloquent and profound, like “Yeah,” and in about five seconds he was tugging my bra straps off my shoulders and down my arms. I raised up to get the scrap of silk loose, and Mulder took the opportunity to latch onto my newly uncovered nipple, first pressing a gentle kiss, then beginning to nuzzle and lick at me before progressing to determined suckling. I sighed deeply and arched my neck. Mulder’s other hand had gone still against my other breast, and my hand came up to cover his, teaching him to exert a firm pressure, then to grip the nipple and roll it hard. His teeth joined in, and my synapses started firing like crazy, causing an anxious ache to pool between my legs, tightening my muscles all the way up into my stomach. I felt my own moisture, slick and hot, soaking through my panties to my jeans, and I shivered, clawing at Mulder’s shirt. It took both of us to get it over his head, and then I went for bare skin. It wasn’t fair to let him have all the fun, I reasoned, my hands roaming all over him, gripping his biceps, counting his ribs, pulling at the hair on his chest. I heard a low, animalistic growl and realized it was coming from deep in my throat. I was so hungry for Mulder, biting at his chest, at his small nipples, my hands finding his ass again, molding it to my palms. His lips trailed across my chest and up my neck to my mouth, and we kissed sloppily, our enthusiasm more than making up for any lack of technique. He insinuated one of his legs between mine, and I clamped my thighs around it, savoring the rub of his firm muscle and bone against my heat, the pressure pushing the thick seam of my jeans satisfyingly hard into my moisture. I slowly rubbed my leg against Mulder’s cock, which prodded me insistently, hard and hot even through the twin barriers of his clothing and mine. He tore his mouth away from mine with a strangled kind of groan and zeroed in on my neck again, his tongue soothing even as his teeth grated my skin and his fingers came up to toy with my nipple, pinching it hard. I rolled my head back, my eyes closed, lost in a haze of erotic pain. My hands burrowed busily beneath his jeans and boxers, gripping his ass so hard that my fingernails sank into his flesh, tensing my muscles around his thigh and drawing it more securely against my aching cunt. As I kneaded his flesh, my hips rocked gently in an instinctive rhythm I couldn’t begin to stop or control, and which he began to echo, thrusting against me. His sharp, shallow thrusts felt wonderful, and I rocked harder, tilting my pelvis for a better angle. The slide of coarse denim against my sensitive core was breathtaking. I squeezed my eyes shut more tightly, concentrating. Mulder’s short bark of laughter pulled me back to reality a little and I opened my eyes. “What?” I asked, dazed. His eyes sparkled darkly with mirth and desire, and he looked absolutely wonderful. “Has it occurred to you,” he breathed against my skin, his lips caressing the bridge of my nose, “that we’re dry humping on your sofa like a couple of horny adolescents?” I laughed, meeting his gaze. “Yeah,” I agreed. “But, Jesus, it feels good.” His chuckle turned into a moan. “Scully, sweetheart, you’re so – Jesus, you’re so beautiful, so sexy. I want to – I need –“ He started unbuttoning his jeans with one hand, reaching for mine with the other. I brushed his hand aside and quickly undid the button and zipper, and he raised up so I had room to pull my jeans off. I shimmied them down my legs and peeled my socks off as Mulder did the same. Mulder draped his body over mine like a blanket, the only barrier between us his boxers and my soaking panties -- which, I noticed, did not in fact match my bra, not that my partner seemed to notice or care. “These too,” I hissed, sliding his boxers over his lean hips. “You don’t have to ask twice,” he promised, then moved down my body, gripping the waistband of my underwear in his teeth and pulling them down with agonizing slowness. I looked down at him, so unbearably sexy with his tousled hair and bedroom eyes, then felt myself blush as I observed the contrast of my panties – white cotton granny panties with little pink, blue, and yellow hearts and flowers, courtesy of Hanes Her Way, bought in an eight-pack from Wal-Mart. Christ. I was almost relieved when they cleared my toes and I was completely naked, then it occurred to me that, hey, I was completely naked, and I blushed again. I knew I had to be quite the sight, mottled splotches of pink spreading over my whole face and down my neck to my chest. Mulder moved back up my body, pressing a kiss to the valley between my breasts, and looked into my eyes. He grinned as he tucked a strand of hair behind my ear. “Hey,” he said. “H-hey,” I stammered, and cringed. Brother. I hadn’t been this nervous since my first time, and even then, in all honesty, it was dulled by a few vodka screwdrivers. “Hey,” he repeated, his thumbs tenderly brushing back and forth over my cheekbones as he framed my face. I forced my eyes open to find his gaze soft and concerned. “Relax, Scully.” His usage of my last name, as I’d heard it from his lips day in and day out for the better part of a decade, only served to remind me that I was about to have sex with my work partner and best friend, which did nothing to alleviate my embarrassment. Not that I wanted him to start calling me Dana – Eesh. That would just be too damn weird. “Scully, do you want to stop?” My eyes widened in horror. “No! No. I’m fine, really. Just – this is all so new, I just-” “I know,” he said reassuringly. “It’s a new thing, but we’re going to be so good together, Scully. Just you and me, just like always.” “Yeah,” I agreed, nodding, and thinking that this would probably be a hell of a lot less awkward if we just got _on_ with it. “Yeah… Mulder…” I turned my head and pressed a kiss to his ear. “Kiss me,” I whispered. His lips found mine. “Where?” he murmured. “Everywhere,” I sighed, still watching him. Our pace was anything but leisurely as he dove onto me and I received him in a frenzy, hands and mouths everywhere. I thought we’d done pretty well in the foreplay department, and it was time to get the show on the road. Apparently Mulder agreed. One hand slipped down my back to trace the crack of my ass, then his fingers spread my lips while his thumb sampled my moisture. “Yeah,” he mumbled, his long fingers drawing little circles around my clit. I pushed myself harder against his hand and he rewarded me by slipping three fingers inside me, the sudden penetration making me gasp and tense for a couple of seconds. When I relaxed, he began to pump his fingers in and out very slowly, going deeper with each thrust. “You like that, huh?” he growled into my ear. Nodding weakly, I drew my knees up and spread my legs further, all my embarrassment forgotten. Feeling remiss, I summoned strength into my boneless wrist and cupped Mulder’s erection firmly in my palm, slowly squeezing and releasing, feeling his cock twitch. A thrill of delight running through me, I used my free hand to cradle and test his balls. “Sculleee…” I sighed contentedly and wrapped both of my hands around his dick. Grinning wickedly, my eyes fastened on his, I arched my pelvis and brought him just close enough to rub against me. I used my hands to direct his movements, the head of his cock sliding back and forth against my slippery inner lips, sending shocks of pleasure through my nerves. We both moaned lustily. After a moment Mulder knocked my hands away and seized his cock, positioning it just above my opening. I heard myself whimper as I arched up toward him. Was that my voice chanting “PleaseMuldernowpleasenowMulderplease”? He used his forearm to hold my lower body still against the sofa cushions, his erection poking and prodding lightly at my entrance, teasing me. My moans turned into a wail and I clawed at his back, forcing my eyes open to watch him. “Mmmuuhh…” I tried to say his name but my voice refused to cooperate, so I relied on my eyes to communicate. _Now, Mulder_. Mulder had never denied me anything. He raised up and arched his back, then slammed down into me, penetrating me fully on the first thrust. I think I may have screamed. It hurt, but it felt sooo goood. I crossed my ankles behind his back, my heels digging into his buttocks as he set up a rhythm, thrusting deeply, just the way I like it. I rocked in a counter-rhythm, moaning and sobbing, thousands of years of civilization forgotten as our bodies joined. He had started out saying my name, but his words disintegrated into grunts and sighs, and his body arched like a bow so that he could reach my breasts, his mouth latching onto the tender skin as we held hands, our interlocked fingers gripping tightly. I felt his teeth scraping, his whole mouth sucking, his cock pumping in and out of me, in and out, and I cried out sharply, my eyes flying shut as my muscles spasmed and my body flowed like molten lava. “Fuck!” Mulder groaned hoarsely as my muscles milked him, and he thrust once, twice more, then I felt his semen shooting into me in a hot, frothy spurt. I didn’t go to sleep, but I think my mind left my body for a few minutes, and when I came to myself again, I felt the sweat cooling on my body. Mulder had slipped out of me, but our naked bodies were intertwined like some bizarre contortionist pretzel. I was half beneath him, half on top, and his knees were on the cold wooden floor. My sofa was too small for both of us to lie comfortably. “Hmmm,” I sighed, twisting my neck to look at him. “Mulder. Let’s go to bed.” His arms tightened around me. “Mmm, Scully. You’re wonderful.” Mulder’s words of praise made me ridiculously pleased. “Thanks,” I murmured softly, pressing a kiss to his throat. “We – that was – you’re a fabulous lover.” I felt myself blushing, but it was a good, happy blush. “All I want is to please you, Scully,” he said solemnly, and I felt tears pricking at my eyes. How was I to know all these years that Mulder was a closet romantic? I sniffled and insisted, “Bed.” Having Mulder in my bed was wonderful and comforting. It made the whole evening more real and made his presence in my life seem more permanent. As I snuggled up to him beneath the crisp sheets and eyelet comforter, I breathed in the scent of his bare skin, of man and sex. My man. My lover. I smiled happily as his arm snaked around my belly. “God, Mulder, this is so good,” I said, my hands covering his. “I didn't think this was going to happen tonight. I'd prepared myself to wait weeks, months… It is so good to have you here – to love you – It took us so long…” “But we made it this far eventually,” he said, nuzzling my hair. “Here we are.” “I love you with all my heart,” I whispered. “Everything that’s in me, Mulder, the good and the bad.” “It’s not all going to be easy.” I smiled slightly. “When has it ever been?” I squeezed his hand. “We’ll fight. We’ll hurt each other. But I think we’ll always find each other again.” “Scully.” He repositioned us so that I was looking into his eyes. “When that happens, when we get lost and hurt each other, think of this moment. Know that I will always, always love you.” “Always,” I echoed his promise. In the darkness, my lips quirked into a smile. “Good night – baby.” I felt his smile. “Good night, Scully.” ………….. We were late to work Friday morning. It was not my fault. I set my alarm early enough so that Mulder would have plenty of time to go home and get ready, and we would both be at the office bright-eyed and bushy-tailed at 9 a.m. sharp. Well, we’d be there, at any rate. Things seldom go according to plan when they involve me and my partner. The alarm went off and I reached over to turn it off. I rolled onto my side to speak to Mulder. “Mulder, it’s time to get up.” “Mmph.” His arm went around me, pulling me beneath him, and he snuggled up to me like I was a life-sized stuffed animal. “Mulder,” I repeated from my new position, penned beneath him. “Come on, wakie wakie.” “Scully,” he sighed, “you smell so good… Just a few more minutes.” I ruffled his hair. “Mulder-“ “Please.” He pressed a trail of warm kisses up my neck from my pulse point. “It’s almost the weekend.” I sighed, knowing I was going to relent – it’s not like I wanted to get up and leave this warm bed with this gorgeous warm man in it – and we shared a long, slow morning-breath kiss. I’ve always been a little too fastidious to be a good person to wake up next to – I know that my breath is bad, my hair looks funny, and parts of my body smell like something dredged up on the beach after high-tide. Today, somehow, was different. The way Mulder was touching and kissing me made me feel beautiful and desirable, not self-conscious, and I felt so damn good. Before long we were making love again, and we didn’t even have the decency to make it a quickie. Our movements were slow and languid, and as Mulder stroked in and out of me and his hand trailed lazily up and down my spine, I came, not with the ferocity of the night before, but with just as much intensity. So we were late for work. Big deal. I was so looking forward to spending the weekend with Mulder – his place or mine, it didn’t matter. We could cook dinner or eat takeout, then we’d go to bed and make love, and we wouldn’t emerge until Sunday evening. I pictured us curled up reading the paper together, smearing cream cheese on bagels, and I smiled blissfully. I was walking down the hall to Skinner’s office at the time, so I must have gotten some odd looks, not that I noticed. Mulder was already in with Skinner when I got there, and Kimberly waved me on in. You know how I said nothing goes according to plan with Mulder and me? Yeah. This was no exception. Skinner was sending us to Montana to track down some tree- hugging nut who had kidnapped a Senator’s daughter. “It’s not even a goddamn x-file,” Mulder muttered sourly in the elevator. I pressed my lips together and arched an eyebrow. “De ja vu.” I was thinking of the last non-x-file we had worked – all those months ago in California, when Michaela had shown up. Just thinking of it made me shudder. Riding a wave of Mulder resentment, I exited the elevator and walked briskly toward the office. “Scully –“ he grabbed my arm and looked pleadingly at me, his mouth open to speak again. What was he going to say? That he was sorry? That there were no more Michaelas lurking in the background? I forestalled him, saying, “Come on, Mulder. We have work to do.” …………. My anger at Mulder didn’t last long – it usually doesn’t, unless he’s done something exceptionally arrogant or maddening. Once we were seated on the plane, he reached for my hand and held it throughout the flight. Part of me, the little devil seated on my left shoulder, insisted that just because we were on a case, it didn’t mean no sex. We had a perfectly good motel room waiting for us, after all – And we were on the clock, the angel on my right shoulder chimed in. Absolutely not. No fraternization on a case. I sighed. “Mulder, we’ve got to make some rules.” He sighed too. “No sex.” My thumb traced his knuckles. “No sex,” I agreed regretfully. “Not in the field.” “Gee, Scully, I was kind of thinking we could do it in the motel –“ I punched him in the arm, and he relented. “I know. No ‘fraternization’ on cases. We’re professionals.” Relieved that, for once, we were on the same wavelength, I rested my head against my partner’s shoulder and allowed myself to doze. ……….. By the time we got a lead that the kidnapper was holed up in a cabin a couple hundred miles outside Helena, he had already moved. We followed him and Senator Worthington’s sixteen-year-old daughter to Idaho, then doubled back to Utah, and finally to Colorado. We rescued Alicia Worthington safe and sound and only slightly the worse for wear, and as Earl Miller was loaded into the squad car to be taken to jail, I suppressed the urge to shoot him in the back of the head. Not only had he terrorized an innocent young woman and her entire family; the fucker had cost us two damn weekends. I was disgruntled and, frankly, horny, and I knew Mulder was bearing the brunt of my bitchiness, but I was too exhausted to do much about it. As much as I wanted Mulder, what I wanted even more was to sleep, and maybe take a nice hot bath. We parted ways at the airport, Mulder pressing a gentle kiss to my forehead as we pledged to see each other at work the next morning. The next morning found my spirits not greatly improved. I entered the office and made a beeline for the coffeemaker, cursing aloud when I realized it still hadn’t been fixed. “Goddamn stupid fucking-“ I was interrupted by a discreet throat-clearing behind me. “Ah, Agent Scully.” I whirled. “Oh, uh, good morning, sir,” I stammered, feeling my face flush. Skinner regarded me warily. “I just wanted to come down and see how things are going, and remind you and Agent Mulder that the report on the Worthington case is due on my desk tomorrow morning. Where is Agent Mulder, Scully?” “I’m not certain, sir. I imagine he overslept. Again.” “I did not. Good morning, sir. Morning, Scully.” Mulder paused at my side and brushed a kiss to my cheek, then continued to his desk. “Did you need to see me, sir?” “I’ve spoken with Scully. Agents,” he nodded brusquely and was gone, but I was fairly certain I hadn’t imagined his raised eyebrows. I smacked Mulder on the shoulder as soon as our supervisor was out of earshot and hissed, “Mulder, just what the hell did you think you were doing back there?” He gazed at me with wide, baby-innocent eyes. “What, Scully?” “Don’t ‘What, Scully?’ me, you arrogant –“ I stalked across the room, slamming a stack of file folders down on my desk. I huffed out an angry breath of air, blowing a strand of hair straight up in the air. “Jesus Christ on a pony, Mulder! Are you trying to get us fucking fired?” Mulder shrugged as he went about making himself comfortable, slouching in his desk chair and crossing his ankles on top of his desk. I thought he might be pondering my rather colorful turn of phrase. “I don’t know what you’re getting so worked up about, Scully.” “You kissed me! In front of Skinner!” I howled indignantly. “On the cheek, Scully. It’s not like I threw you down on top of your desk and we played tonsil hockey.” I sat on the edge of my desk, my arms crossed tightly over my chest. I felt as if my lungs were in a vice. “It doesn’t matter, Mulder! I thought we had an understanding! After all of these years, we have – I have worked so hard to be respected, to maintain a professional image – Do you have any idea how hard that is as a woman? Do you, Mulder? It’s damn hard! I have put up with so much shit – Dana Scully, the Ice Queen, good ol’ Slice and Dice, that’s me – and all that stupid gossip about the two of us being involved, and now what?, you’re trying to fucking validate it?” “Scully, you know that’s bullshit. You know it.” Mulder had straightened up during my tirade, and now he stood and advanced toward me. He didn’t stop until he was within arm’s distance, planting his feet on the linoleum and his hands on my shoulders. “I would never do anything to undermine our partnership or you. If I was out of line, I’m sorry. I just - You looked so adorable standing there, and I wanted to have some fun. I didn’t think you’d react like this.” I sighed heavily, studying my navy spiked heels. I took several deep breaths and released them slowly. “I know,” I said grudgingly. “I’m sorry,” I muttered. I hate apologizing. I could say it’s a Scully family trait, which I guess is true – the only ones of us who could ever do it worth a damn were Mom and Charlie – but the truth of the matter is I’m stubborn as hell and I know it. Mulder knows this about me, so I knew he would accept my muttered words of remorse with the sincerity with which they were intended. His thumbs brushed firmly over my shoulders, the chaffing bolstering me as our eyes locked. “What’s this really about?” I shook my head. “I think it’s about me being tired, and frustrated, and worried –“ “Worried?” “About what’s going to happen – here – if – when people find out –“ “Does that mean you want this – us – to be a secret?” I shook my head vehemently, not realizing until that moment how strongly I felt about this issue. “No! No, Mulder. Absolutely not. Like you said last night – it has taken us so long to get to this point, but we’re finally here. We’re together. I love you so much, and by God, I want everyone to know. I love this job, Mulder, but it doesn’t love me back, and I’m not in love with it. So if it’s this or you – It’s not even a question for me.” Mulder’s shoulders slumped with what I realized was relief. His forehead dropped to mine. “Scully?” “Yeah?” “Can I hug you?” I smiled tiredly. “Please.” Mulder’s embrace was firm and reassuring. “I’m so glad to know you feel this way,” he whispered in my ear. “I love you, Scully. God only knows why you love me, but I’m so proud that you’re mine. If anything happens, we’ll face it together.” I nodded, drawing back enough to look into his face. “Hey, G-man,” I murmured, “you got plans tonight?” “What have you got in mind, G-woman?” His voice rumbled in my ear. “I thought maybe I could come over to your place. I could bring dinner this time – maybe a video.” Mulder leaned down and kissed my on the mouth. “I’d like that. But all you have to bring is you.” I brought dinner anyway, take-out from a decent Italian fast-food place, and a bottle of good red wine. Mulder met me at the door with a hug and a gentle kiss, then took my coat. “You didn’t have to-“ he began. I grinned. “Shut up, Mulder. I’m starving.” I sauntered past him into the kitchen and got two plates out of the cabinet. Mulder had followed me, and I turned to him expectantly. “Wine glasses?” I asked, not holding out much hope. He shook his head, grinning sheepishly. I shrugged and found two juice glasses instead. We settled on the floor of Mulder’s living room, the couch at our backs, and watched Jeopardy! while we ate. I kicked Mulder’s ass in the science and language-related categories, he took music easily, arts and history were a draw, and he blew me away when it came to sheer random, useless information. Our dinner demolished, we climbed up onto the couch and Mulder patted the cushion beside him. I curled up at his side, my head tucked cozily under his chin. He wrapped his arm around me and lazily stroked my arm from my shoulder to my elbow and back up. The caress was soothing, and I closed my eyes and sighed, my body relaxing for the first time in days. “This is nice,” I said softly, Mulder’s solid presence lulling me into a peaceful half-slumber. Mulder dropped a kiss on the crown of my head. “Very nice,” he agreed, “and very normal.” I smiled softly. “Normal,” I echoed lazily, drawing circles on his thigh. My smile turning feline, I moved my hand inward, brushing against Mulder’s unmistakable erection. “Is this normal, too?” “Only with you, baby,” he replied, his voice a little hoarse. I rewarded him by taking his full weight in my palm, my thumb stroking up and down. I pressed my thumbnail against the denim, drawing a slow line from the tip to the root. “Jesus, Scully,” my partner hissed, capturing my hand. “You want me to stop?” I teased, rising to my knees and leaning over him, my hand still moving steadily. “Uhn… no…” “You’re beautiful,” I praised huskily, watching the desire smolder and flare in his eyes. I unbuttoned and unzipped his jeans and my hand slipped inside his boxers, very lightly brushing his straining cock. Mulder’s breath had become harsh and ragged, and I hadn’t even gotten started yet. “Raise up,” I urged. Mulder lifted his hips and I peeled his jeans and boxers down, leaving him fully erect and exposed. I watched his newly bared skin twitch in the cooler air, then formed a fist around his cock, moving up and down slowly. “Does that feel good?” “Scu – uh –“ “I’ll take that as a yes.” My wrist moving faster, I redistributed my weight and pressed a chaste kiss to the straining head of his penis. He shuddered and his hips thrust toward me, but I moved beyond his reach. “Not yet, lover,” I admonished, continuing to stroke him with my hand. “Scully – Jesus – you’re so beautiful. I love you so much – oh – baby, yeah – that feels so good – you’re so sexy,” he moaned in a continuous stream. My skin flushed with pleasure and a distinct ache throbbing for attention between my legs, I rewarded Mulder’s words of praise with a long lick from tip to root and back again, lapping up the drop of pre-cum I found there. Finally I took him in my mouth, but just the head. “Ahh – Scully – Please,” he groaned helplessly, his hips shifting restlessly. “More?” I asked evilly. “Uhhhn-“ Slowly, slowly, I took his cock into my mouth, gently grating the sensitive skin with my teeth, swirling my tongue, while one hand gripped his thigh and the other stroked his balls. I hadn’t thought it was possible, but he was growing harder in my mouth. His vocabulary had disintegrated into a series of broken syllables that might have been my name interrupted by the occasional expletive. I knew Mulder was trying to hold himself still, but his hips had begun to make little jabbing thrusts into my mouth, bumping the roof of my mouth. Now for the grand finale, I thought, taking a deep breath through my nose. I leaned forward, engulfing his cock, taking him down my throat until my lips reached the base of his shaft. Above me, Mulder emitted a strangled gasp and a loud “Holy shit!”, his hands fisting in my hair. I could tell that he was trying very hard not to thrust into my mouth. I stroked his thigh, swelling with pride at the pleasure I was giving him. I urged him on, and he seemed to choke, thrusting raggedly. He bumped against the back of my throat and I gripped his leg, forcing myself not to gag. He stroked my hair in what I knew was apology, then gripped me hard, trying to lift me away. “Scully – ah – You’ve gotta stop, baby. I’m gonna come –“ He meant it as a warning, but I wanted to feel him. I hollowed my cheeks, sucking hard, and he bucked up off the sofa, his semen filling my mouth, hot and bitter. After a long moment I felt his body relax limply, and I let his cock slide out of my mouth, lapping him with my tongue like a cat, cleaning his genitals and thighs. Mulder endured my ministrations for a few minutes, then hauled me up next to him on the couch, kissing me soundly. “Scully,” he breathed into my neck, “God, that – you were amazing. Sweetheart, you don’t have to –“ I shushed him with my fingers against his lips. “I wanted to,” I answered. “You have no idea what seeing you like that does to me.” “Tell me,” he growled in my ear. “Show me.” He was already reaching for the waistband of my slacks, and I helped him unfasten them. I pushed my panties down my legs and his hand was there, on the center of my heat, making me sink weakly to my knees on the sofa. He stroked me gently. “You’re so wet, Scully, so wet and slick. I love to feel you here,” he said, his voice soothing even while his caresses further inflamed me. Getting Mulder off had almost been enough to give me an orgasm, and I knew it wouldn’t take him long to finish the job. He slid one finger into me, pumping slowly, and my hips rocked with the motion. I moaned his name, gripping his shoulders for balance. He inserted two more fingers and I cried out, riding him harder. “That feels good, doesn’t it?” he asked, his voice deep and sultry. “You like that.” His thumb pushed the hood of my clitoris back and began to stroke the tight little bunch of nerves. I groaned wordlessly. Mulder’s arm went around my lower back and he lowered me to lie on the couch. His thumb abandoned my clit, but before I could protest I felt his warm breath on my moist inner lips, then he planted a soft kiss there, as if he were kissing my mouth. Then his tongue snaked out and he began to lick me from top to bottom, his fingers pumping harder. Trying to stay quiet, I bit my lip so hard that I tasted blood. I tried to tell him that I was close, but I couldn’t get the words out. I felt my nerves tightening, the wire stretched between my clit and my belly pulled taut, and then Mulder’s lips closed around me, sucking hard at my clit, and I cried out in surprise. That was it – I was coming, my hips thrusting, moisture gushing onto his hand and into his mouth. I heard a high, keening wail and realized it was coming from me. Mulder rode out my orgasm, slowing his pace but still thrusting gently, his tongue tracing over my clit, until I moaned, the sensation overload too much to bear. He crawled back up my body and cradled my face, and I covered his fingers with mine, kissing him deeply, my tongue plunging into his mouth. I could taste myself on his tongue, I realized, and was surprised by how erotic the flavor was. Leaving our discarded clothing where it had landed, Mulder and I went to bed, and spent the night dozing and talking, waking in the wee hours to make slow, tender love that was so sweet I didn’t try to stop the tears running down my face. By the time I left to get ready for work, a plan was forming in my mind. The long-awaited weekend was only three days away, and it was going to be an experience neither of us would ever forget – I would make sure of that. ……….. Mulder and I had dinner together after work the next night, which was Wednesday. As he was finishing off the last bite of our shared crème brulee, I leaned toward him and said in a sexy sing-song voice, “I know what you’re doing this weekend.” He raised his eyebrows. “What’s that?” “Coming to my place,” I replied. He grinned. “I like the sound of that.” I leaned back. “You should,” I smiled. He reached across the table and grasped my hand. “I’m counting the minutes,” he promised, and I felt my pulse speed up. “So am I,” I echoed. By Friday afternoon I was filled with a combination of expectation and nerves. I left work early and did a few errands, getting the last of my supplies for the weekend. I was back at my apartment by six. Mulder shouldn’t arrive for another hour and a half, which gave me plenty of time. I bustled around the apartment, setting everything up as I wanted it, then took a steaming shower and washed my hair. I had just finished blowing my hair dry and my seldom-used hot rollers were plugged in when I heard a knock at the door. I looked at the clock and frowned. 6:45. If that was Mulder, he was dead. He was forty-five minutes early. “Just a minute,” I called, cinching my bathrobe more tightly around my waist and padding to the door. I undid the deadbolt and opened the door, and my jaw dropped. I found myself facing my older brother, sister-in-law, and their son. “Hi,” Tara gushed, giving me a big hug. “Say hi to Auntie Dana, Matty.” Bill was carrying a child-sized overnight bag. “Hey, Danes,” he said, smiling. “You’re a life-saver.” I was still staring at them, dumbstruck. Then my mental calendar clicked in. Shit. It was the twenty-fourth. I’d promised to keep Matthew this weekend while Bill and Tara went back to New York. I’d agreed the last time they were in town, and I’d completely forgotten. As soon as the door closed, I slumped against it. I looked at my beloved nephew and swore loudly. “Shit!” “Shit!” the two-year-old echoed gleefully. I sighed. “Don’t say that, sweetie,” I said. “Have you had supper?” Mattie nodded. “Yup. At Gwama’s.” Did I mention that he’s a talkative two? “I bet you’re tired, huh?” I said desperately. “You and Mommy and Daddy have been on the airplane and in the car all day.” That’s the ticket – get him down early. Shit shit shit. Fuck. I love Matthew dearly, and I’d usually give anything in the world to have one of my own just like him, but tonight his presence made me want to gnaw my arm off. I looked around my living room. Everything was perfect. Soft jazz waiting to be turned on in the CD player, candles waiting to be lighted, crystal goblets on the table waiting for the champagne to be poured. The tiny, form-fitting dress Cancer Man had presented to me on our ill-fated journey last year (Mulder never had to know where it came from, I reasoned) was laid out on my bed, waiting to be slipped over my head. I had lacy black garters and fishnet hose and a red silk teddy in my lingerie drawer. I’d already lightly spritzed myself with my new perfume, a fragrance called Ecstasy. The thought of it all going to waste made me want to cry. I rapidly changed Matthew into his pajamas, got several toys out of his overnight bag and set him up in the guest bedroom with a Barney video. “I have to finish getting ready, Mattie,” I told him. “Aunt Dana’s friend Mulder is coming over and we’re going to have dinner – boring, yucky grown-up foods,” I added. “So you just play back here, and I’ll come tuck you in later, OK?” Fortunately, my nephew is a pretty autonomous little guy. He didn’t need any help to go to the bathroom, and I knew if he needed a drink of water he’d go into the bathroom and get one. I told him that if he needed anything he could come get me. I really hoped he wouldn’t need anything. I felt like the worst aunt in the world, but damn it, this was a special night! I rolled my hair and applied my makeup quickly. I put on the stockings and garters with my dress and added my special four-inch fuck-me stiletto sandals. My makeup was heavier than usual, added eye makeup making my eyes look dark and smoky, my lips coated in a Barbara Stanwyck-esque crimson shade. I wore no jewelry other than my cross. At exactly 7:30 my doorbell rang. Punctuality meant Mulder was anticipating this as much as I was. I opened the door for him, but only partially, peeking my head around the edge so he couldn’t see my body. “I have a surprise for you,” I began. “Well, actually, I planned a surprise for you, and now I have a sort of, ah, unplanned surprise to go with it.” Mulder looked befuddled, but I chose that moment to open the door fully, and he didn’t question me. Instead, his jaw dropped. “Wow, Scully! You look – amazing. Absolutely amazing.” He reached out to gently touch my hair, then his palm glided across the velvet of my bodice. “You are so gorgeous,” he said, his eyes glowing with love. He looked around the dim apartment at the flickering candlelight and the sparkling wine glasses on the table, and shook his head. “You planned all this?” I smiled. “Yeah,” I admitted. “I wanted us to have a special night, Mulder. But maybe my timing wasn’t the best.” He frowned. “What do you mean?” As if on cue, a little voice called, “Aunt Day-na?” Mulder’s eyes widened, whether with shock or horror I don’t know. Matthew appeared from the guest room, looking cute as a button in his little dinosaur pajamas. I looked apologetically at Mulder. “I promised,” I said softly, “but I forgot.” Matthew stopped a few feet from me, looking uncertain. “It’s all dark,” he said anxiously. Mulder stooped in front of him. “Hey, buddy. You must be Matthew. I’m Mulder.” At that moment my love for Mulder swelled my heart until I thought it would burst. Matthew said hi, then looked up at me. “Whatcha doin', Aunt Day?” he asked. I tried to smile reassuringly. “We’re going to eat dinner, then I’ll come tuck you in.” “Whatcha gonna do af'er I go bed?” Matthew asked. Damn. I was just like him as a kid – I never wanted to go to sleep because I was afraid I’d miss something. How could I have forgotten that? I seemed to be forgetting a lot of things these days. Fortunately, or unfortunately, Mulder was on the ball. “We’re going to bed too,” he said simply. “You'we sleepin' ovew?” Matthew asked. “Yup,” Mulder confirmed. Mattie nodded wisely. “My fwiend Patwick’s big brudder has sleep-overs sometimes. Mommy and Daddy say I'm too wittle.” I jumped on that. “Right. Maybe in a few years-“ “Dat's why I go bed eawly?” “Right,” I agreed, very much relieved. Matthew seemed to accept this, and went back to the guest room to play. I turned to Mulder, smiling ruefully. “I’m really sorry,” I said. Mulder drew me into his arms. “Cute kid,” he said. “So Bill’s in town again?” I sighed. “New York.” “Hasn’t he been out a lot lately?” I nodded. “He’s hoping to be transferred to a base there. Mulder, I just feel awful-“ “Well, I don’t,” he replied, dipping his head to kiss the corner of my mouth. “Look at you, Scully. Jesus. You look like a wet dream.” I blushed. “Come on. We’re not letting anything go to waste. You cooked, too?” I giggled. “I didn’t have time. Take-out from Francesco’s.” The food had been warming in the oven. I spooned roasted chicken, sautéed baby green beans, and potatoes au gratin onto two plates while Mulder popped the cork on the champagne. It frothed over the top of the bottle and into the floor, and we both laughed. Mulder caught me around the waist and kissed me, murmuring “Love you” into my mouth. I turned on the CD player and we ate dinner by candlelight, talking softly and laughing, comfortable and intimate. Like lovers, I thought, and smiled happily into his eyes. “It’s time for dessert,” I said finally, and walked to the kitchen with a little swing in my step, giving him plenty of opportunities to admire my legs and my ass. I came back with one serving of white chocolate truffle mousse with raspberry sauce. I perched in Mulder’s lap and we fed each other with one spoon, not really speaking. Mulder nuzzled my cheek and kissed my ear. “I don’t know which is more delectable – you or this,” he said. “I’m leaning toward you.” “Why don’t you find out?” I invited, grinning. Mulder watched as I dipped my finger into the raspberry sauce in the serving dish, coating it thoroughly. I lifted my gleaming digit for his inspection and offered, “Taste.” Mulder drew my finger into his mouth, sucking and licking until long after the sauce was gone, then moving to my other fingers and finally my palm. His eyes never left mine through the whole process. When he finished, he said simply, “You,” and pulled my chin down to kiss me. We kissed long and deep with plenty of tongue. I could feel Mulder’s cock stirring beneath me, and a warm dampness had been pooling between my thighs since Mulder had begun to suck my finger, but it wasn’t time for that yet. I stood up, taking my partner by the hand. “Dance with me,” I commanded. Mulder and I danced and kissed in my living room through several songs. He dropped his head to suckle at my neck, and I knew I would have a good old-fashioned hickey there in the morning. I found the thought oddly thrilling. My fingernails scratched lightly across the back of Mulder’s crisp white dress shirt, then my hands moved lower to cup his ass. I sighed in pleasure. “I love your ass,” I admitted, squeezing firmly. “I’m kind of attached to it myself,” he teased, kissing the tip of my nose. One of his hands came up to toy with my earlobe, while the other remained curved around my waist. “You are so beautiful,” he said again, and kissed me hard, his tongue doing wonderful things with mine. His cock prodded insistently at my belly. I stepped back slightly and gazed at him. “I think it’s bedtime,” I announced. “Yeah? I think so too.” I stood on my tiptoes and kissed him quickly. “I’m going to tuck Matthew in,” I said. “Take off all your clothes, light the candle on the dresser, and get in bed. I’ll be there in five minutes – and then I’m going to blow your mind.” I sashayed into the other room, leaving a stunned Mulder in my wake. A few minutes later I entered my bedroom, closing the door behind me with a soft snick. As I’d asked, Mulder was completely naked and in my bed. The covers were thrown back, revealing his entire beautiful bronzed body. I couldn’t stop the huge predatory smile that spread over my face. “I want to eat you alive,” I murmured, and began to take off my clothes. Slowly I peeled the black from my body. Mulder gaped at me. I was wearing thigh-high fishnet stockings and the black garters, and my heels, and that was it. “Jesus,” he groaned, reaching for me, but I didn’t come to bed yet. “I have something else for you,” I said, walking to my bureau. I opened a drawer and removed the red teddy, holding it up for him to see. “Would you like for me to put it on?” Mulder’s eyes were wide and I saw his adam’s apple working furiously. He nodded mutely. “Okay,” I cooed, and slipped the garment on. It revealed more than it covered, the neckline plunging indecently between my breasts, my nipples covered by only the sheerest red lace, the strip of lace over my crotch even sheerer. The way the bodice was made boosted my breasts like a push-up bra, making them look fuller, larger. I spun around, modeling for my lover. He stared at me, his eyes glazed over. “Come here,” he finally ground out, his voice harsh with desire and demand. I went to the bed and he pulled me down on top of him, kissing me fiercely while he stroked my legs, my ass, my arms, my breasts, whatever he could reach. When we broke apart he showered kisses all over my throat and shoulders, whispering words of love and admiration. My back arched with pleasure as his mouth fastened on my nipple through the material, and I reached down to stroke his cock. Feeling him so hot and hard, seeing what I did to him, had already made me unimaginably wet, a fact of which I knew he was aware. “You want to fuck me?” I demanded in a low voice, tossing my head. “You wanna fuck me hard, make me come? I want to come, Mulder. I want to come and come and come like I never have before.” He growled savagely and tried to pull my hips to his, but I wriggled away. “No,” I panted, getting on my knees. I balanced the rest of my weight on my hands, sticking my ass in the air, and looked at him over my shoulder, my eyes smoldering. “Like this. I want you to fuck me like this,” I enunciated clearly. Mulder rose up on his knees behind me and pressed his palm to my right ass cheek, rubbing in a circle. I looked back to watch his face and saw pure wonder. “You want it like this?” he demanded, and in the next instant he was sliding into me, huge and hard, not stopping until he was embedded to the hilt. The sudden, complete penetration made me cry out, and Mulder’s hand covered my mouth. “Shh. Don’t want to wake Matthew.” I nodded and his hand dropped away, finding my breasts and caressing them, pinching the nipples hard. He withdrew and plunged into me again, faster this time. I bit my lip as the sensations raced through me on a wave of wildfire. One hand on my breasts, the other pulling me back against him, Mulder began to fuck me in earnest. He slammed in and out of me, making my teeth rattle, and I couldn’t stop the little whimpers of pleasure that erupted from my throat. With each thrust his balls slapped against my ass. “Yeah, baby, fuck me,” I moaned. Mulder’s hand dropped from my breasts to my clit and he began to rub it firmly, almost savagely. It was so stiff and engorged that every touch sent a jolt of electricity up my spine. “Ohh, Scully,” he groaned. “So sexy – so hot – fuck – come on, sweetheart, come for me. Come for me,” he coaxed. “Yeah,” I hissed, feeling my muscles tighten. I was so close. “Oh, Mulder – I’m gonna come so hard –“ Mulder thrust into me again, his cock seemingly penetrating my womb, his balls slapping my ass, his fingers grinding into my clit, and I was gone. I called his name desperately, my arms giving way, and fell face forward into my pillow, my whole body spasming. I felt my orgasm everywhere – in my clit, up my spine, in my stomach, my arms and legs, my fingers, my toes. Mulder thrust raggedly two, three more times and spilled into me, biting my shoulder to stifle his shout. Mulder collapsed on top of me, and I let out an “oof” at his weight. Mumbling an apology, he rolled both of us onto our sides, facing each other. He pressed a gentle kiss to my lips, then, looking directly into my eyes, said, “God, Scully, I’m so completely gone.” I laughed. “What do you mean?” “I mean,” he answered quietly, “that I am completely, wonderfully, hopelessly, irrevocably in love with you, Dana Katherine Scully.” Tears pricked at my eyes and I smiled my biggest Miss America smile. What’s a girl supposed to say to that? “I love you too,” I managed, and we both fell asleep a few minutes later, grinning like idiots. During the night I got up, checked on Matthew, scrubbed my face free of makeup, and finished undressing. I crawled back into bed with Mulder and was blissfully unaware until my senses were assailed all at once – the smell of bacon frying, the feel of the bed dipping as Mulder sat beside me, rubbing my back, and an insistent pounding coming from – somewhere – nearby… “Scully, honey, there’s somebody at the door,” he said. “I thought you might want to get it.” I sat up and yawned. “Who is it?” “I don’t know. I’m going to get Matthew up. Breakfast is almost ready.” I couldn’t imagine who would be knocking on my door at – I glanced at the clock – 8:15 on a Saturday morning. Normally I would assume it was Mulder, but that wasn’t an option. I got out of bed, picked up Mulder’s slightly rumpled white dress shirt from the floor, and put it on. It hung nearly to my knees, so I decided I was decent enough for whomever might be knocking at my door at this early hour. If it was the Gunmen, they were dead. If it was Skinner, what I did in my off time was none of his damn business. If it was my mother, she was about to get an eyeful. I opened the door. Fuck. I was wrong again. I found myself facing Bill and Tara. I blinked. “You’re… really early,” I said lamely. Bill beamed. He actually beamed. “We got everything wrapped up. My transfer should be going through in a couple of months. Isn’t that fantastic?” “Fantastic,” I echoed blankly, wondering if there was anyway I could get my brother, sister-in-law, and nephew out of my apartment without Bill or Tara knowing Fox Mulder was here, or noticing the big, purple, obviously human-inflicted bruise on my neck. Somehow I doubted it. I sighed. Tara, being a woman and thus, you know, genetically more observant, was eying me strangely, and I knew she was wondering why I was answering the door in a man’s dress shirt, and who was frying bacon and scrambling eggs in my kitchen. Mattie came running out of the kitchen. “Daddy!” he cried delightedly, running to my brother. He shouted over his shoulder, “Muller! My mommy and daddy awe hewe!” Bill looked from me to Matthew to Tara and back to me. “Dana,” he said, his voice calm but his face getting very red, “did my son just say-“ Mulder walked out of the kitchen, and even at this inopportune moment I couldn’t help but think how wonderful he looked in his navy and green plaid pajama bottoms, his beautiful chest bare. “Hello, Bill,” he said calmly, “Tara.” He came to my side and wrapped his arm around me. “Scully, is everything okay, baby?” There, Bill. That ought to make it clear enough, I thought, gratefully leaning into Mulder’s side. Do you need a paint-by-number? “Everything is fine,” I replied. “Bill finished his business in New York and he and Tara came to get Mattie. We were just about to have breakfast. You guys are welcome to stay, although I’m not sure Mulder made enough for five.” “Matthew,” Bill said hoarsely, “get your things, son.” I was really glad Mattie was present, because that meant Bill had to keep his mouth shut, and by the next time I saw him he would’ve calmed down at least somewhat. Bill didn’t say a word, just looked at me and Mulder, the vein in his forehead throbbing. I slipped my arm around Mulder’s waist and waited. I risked a glance at Tara – I swear she was trying not to smile. I always knew I liked my sister-in-law. Matthew came trotting back with his bag. He was still wearing his pajamas. “Bye, Aunt Day,” he said, and I knelt down to hug him. In turn I received a sloppy kiss on the cheek. “Bye, Mulder.” “See you around, man,” Mulder replied. Bill lifted Matthew into his arms and strode out the door without a word. Tara followed, looking over her shoulder with a little smile to say, “Bye, Dana. Bye, Mulder.” In the hall, Mattie was jabbering happily. “…And den Muller came ovew, an' he an' Aunt Dana had a sweepovew, but she said I’m too littwe to go too, an'-“ I pushed the door closed and turned to look at Mulder. We both burst out laughing. As Mulder wrapped his arms around me, I said, “Well, that was successful.” Laughing, Mulder kissed me. Against his lips I whispered, “Love you.” When we broke apart I said, “Breakfast smells wonderful, but are you thinking what I’m thinking?” He followed me toward the kitchen. “I don’t know, Scully. What are you thinking?” I grinned. “Coffee. Strong coffee. And my coffeemaker works.” ………….