TITLE: 155 Words 3; OR Wedding Bells and Slash (1/1) AUTHOR: Brandon D. Ray DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT: Anywhere and everywhere, so long as my name stays on it and no money changes hands. FEEDBACK: Oh, hell yes.... SPOILER WARNING: Fire RATING: PG CONTENT WARNING: Parody; Mulder and Scully married; slash CLASSIFICATION: SRA, MSR; Maggie/Skinner; Bill, jr./Phoebe Greene; Langly/Byers; Frohike/Mulder's videos SUMMARY: More cliches...but I can quit anytime I want to. Really. DISCLAIMER: Nope, I do not own these characters or situations. If I were THAT smart, I would be rich. 155 Words 3 OR Wedding Bells and Slash After they'd been having sex for a few days Mulder and Scully stopped long enough to decide to get married. They called Maggie and Skinner and the Lone Gunmen and everybody flew to Las Vegas. During the wedding Bill came and tried to stop them, but Scully beat him up. Then Phoebe came and tried to stop them, but Scully beat HER up. Then Mulder and Scully got married. Bill and Phoebe realized they had a lot in common and decided to get married. And they did. Then Skinner and Maggie realized THEY had a lot in common and decided to get married. And they did. Mulder and Scully had the bridal suite, and they let Phoebe and Bill use the extra bedroom. Skinner and Maggie got the couch, and Frohike got Mulder's videos, but he kept the volume turned down so he wouldn't disturb any of the newlyweds. Byers and Langly got each other. The End -- "It's not till you get back to nature that you realize EVERYTHING'S out to get you." --Special Agent Dana Scully, "Quagmire" =================