Title: Happiness: A Woman Scorned Author: shawntaw Category: MSR, Au Rating: PG Disclaimer: I don't own these characters. I am making no profit. Summary: She's baaaaccckkk....and she's looking for revenge on our happy couple. DEDICATED TO INYA, THE ONLY PERSON WHO EVER RECS MY STUFF AT HAVEN. I NOTICE AND I APPRECIATE IT.:) AND THANKS TO ALL MY REGULAR READERS WHO SEND FEEDBACK:) WHEN MY DAYS NEEDS A LIFT, I CHECK MY E-MAIL AND THE FEEDBACK MAKES ME SMILE!:) Feedback makes me very happy at shawntaw@hotmail.com :) TO DANIELA LABOD WHO HAS MADE A WEBSITE OF MY STORIES: www.geocities.com/corran_14776/shawntaw.html Thank you.:) Note: I have something to admit; after the atrocity that was "Provenence" I had a really hard time getting into the mood to write another "Happiness." As is evidenced by the angst-fest that is "The Sadness Of Her Might," a stand-alone inspired by "Isometry" by Syntax6 and a conversation I had with a friend about a movie concerning terminal illness. I feel like I am in mourning for the X- Files that was. I mean, ok, DD is gone and it HAS changed the whole show, but I am a rare bird - a Mulder/Scully shipper that LIKES Doggett too. I think he is a very interesting character. So, I don't blame the downfall of X-files ENTIRELY on DD's departure (although, let's face it, without Mulder there is no quest or MSR and, therefore, no direction for the show). I blame it on the writing and direction. WHY was everyone staring at each other inanely on the last episode? I felt like shouting, "Speak, for goodness' sake!!" And what have they DONE to Skinner's character?! And why wouldn't anybody with common sense step OUT of the way of a moving car?! And, there were so many logic mistakes and continuity errors that my mouth was hanging open. (There was a really good thread at Haven about this.) And, don't EVEN get me started about the way the Lone Gunmen came across or Scully as a mother (Oh, here's my baby. Bye now. Sure. Fine. Whatever!) Ok, I'm taking a deep breath and going to my 'happy place' now...*LOL* Anyway, as you can tell, I'm P.O'ed. I think I'll take it out on Diana....(evil grin) ********************************************************************** Diana felt like killing someone. She hobbled out of the elevator wearily carrying her briefcase and keys, the broken high heel on her left foot making her footfalls echo unevenly off the concrete pylons in the parking garage. Clunk, clack...clunk, clack...clunk,clack...pause... ..as she looked around wearily for her car. *Where did I park it again?* She heard a muffled huff of laughter and spun around, intending to spear the offending party with her eyes. She would not be the object of someone's amusement. Diana was surprised to see...nothing. *First the 'Day from Hell' and now I'm losing my mind. Great.* She started to walk away when she heard a jostling and then, to her shock, saw Mulder fall backwards on his rear from behind one of the pylons. He wasn't looking her direction, but instead in amused consternation at someone who was obviously still hidden. Realizing she had not yet been noticed, Diana slipped off her shoes and - holding them by the straps - snuck carefully closer, using cars for cover. "Not at work also means not in the parking garage, Mulder," Scully's voice was saying firmly. "Come on, what happened to Scully the risk-taker-," Mulder's voice cajoled. "She got her common sense back. What if someone saw us, Mulder? I don't want to lose our partnership over this. I'm not making out in the parking garage like a couple of teenagers sneaking behind their parents' backs. Now, get off your butt and let's go home." Diana squatted back down behind a SUV and listened to the sounds of Mulder and Scully getting into a vehicle and leaving for the day. She had been contemplating the best revenge for a while now. Biding her time, keeping her ears open. The original assignment that Spender, Sr. had given her had fallen through. Mulder and Scully and the X-Files were still intact as was the trust between the two partners. Her assignment had been to rip their relationship asunder, divert them from their course. All her interference had done was bring them closer and then, ultimately, give them the impetus that was needed to take their relationship to the next level. She sighed. And now, her career was dead in the water. Although, as a last favor to her, Spender did allow her to keep breathing. For that she was grateful. But, without the CSM's intervention or connections, she was afloat. Assigned wherever she was assigned without any say on the matter of her own. And everyone seemed to hate her. Most of the up-and-ups had known that she'd been in cahoots with Spender and so didn't trust her. She got all the crap assignments. Maybe if she could break up the 'happy couple' she could get back in with Spender again. A little power and then....a little revenge on those in the F.B.I. who'd messed with her. Diana smiled smugly. *It all starts with the destruction of Fox and that little tart.* ********************************************************************** It began very small. Diana picked the lock to Mulder's car and sat in the passenger seat. She spritzed a little perfume (not hers) on the headrest. She bought a pair of indescript fake diamond stud earrings, picked the lock to Mulder's apartment, and 'lost' one in Mulder's bed. Of course, there was always the chance that Mulder would discover these tricks first, but Diana knew that when it came to anything but work - and especially in relationships - Mulder could be absolutely clueless. Plus, Diana knew that Mulder never bothered to make his bed. *But I bet little Miss Neat Freak does it* She grinned to herself as she let herself out of Mulder's apartment. ********************************************************************** "Come on, shake a leg, Scully!" Mulder was leaning against his car, waiting for his partner patiently as she descended the stairs in front of her apartment building. "Calm down; we're not THAT late," she said in response and lightly jogged around to the other side of the car. The two of them got into the car and began buckling themselves in. "I was looking at this article in the paper about this man who saw..." Mulder began setting up their next case in his usual way, but Scully tuned him out as something at the edge of her senses called for her attention. She frowned and left Mulder's voice a familiar hum in the background as she tried to think what had given her this sudden of feeling of 'wrongness.' Scully turned her head toward Mulder to ask him if he sensed anything amiss when it hit her. The subtle feminine scent of rose petals. Beside her cheek on the headrest. In Mulder's car. "...and the shadows of the previous owners appear at random times when the lights are shut off. But ONLY when the neighbor visits. He thinks the woman next door may have been involved in the previous occupants' deaths. I know it would involve flying to Kentucky this weekend, but-" Mulder suddenly noticed his partner frowning and looking preoccupied. "Scully?" "Yeah?" she suddenly focused on him. "Everything o.k.?" "Everything's fine, Mulder. You were saying?" She tried to look interested. Mulder continued rambling and Scully tried to calm her inner green monster. She'd always had a possessive, jealous streak when it came to Mulder and it had only gotten worse now that they were actually involved in a non-platonic relationship. Scully knew Mulder would never do anything to hurt her. But obviously another woman had ridden in his car. Who was she? Where were they going? Out? On a date?! Scully took a deep breath and concentrated on silencing her insecurities. *It was nothing. A friend. He gave someone a ride. Big deal.* She berated herself for being silly and tuned back in to her partner's voice. "You with me, Scully?" He was wrapping up his narrative with a grin. She wasn't sure of all he said, but she knew the answer to that question anyway. "Always, Mulder," she smiled back. ********************************************************************** Oh, no! Diana's planting seeds of insecurity! Whatever will happen next?! Tune in next time...